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A Fuzcat's World

Warm and safe
Hunting the night
Guarding the house
Curled up tight

It has been some time since I have attempted to update this webpage. I decided months ago that it was time for a new look. I just could not decide what that look should be. I still haven’t decided so expect more changes to come… or not, objects in rest and all that.

One thing that I do plan on changing is content. I doubt that I will be taking much down, but I do plan on adding more. This web page is going to return to its original purpose of being a place for me to keep track of things that interest me. I want to start putting up more pictures and hopefully adding some new writing. In other words, I am getting on with my life and dragging my web page with me. Hope you find something you enjoy.


Photo Gallery

My Journal








Fun Links

Reference Links

Yep, Finally under construction!