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A Boy and His Rat: Part EEW!

Sarah hopped back into the minivan with Dani after they went into Walgreens to fetch food and other supplies for the long trip ahead of them. They started to drive, as Dani passed out items.

"Sunflower seeds," she said.

"Mine," came the voices of Sarah, Dani, Maggie and Mulder. She passed out the four bags.

"Ten pound bag of Jelly-Beans," she said, pulling it out of the bigger bag.

"Mine!" Scully called. Dani passed it to Maggie, and Maggie brought it up to her mother, sweating from the weight.

"Discman with three sets of headphones to play Phantom, Rent, Les Mis and Everclear," Dani said, then said "Ours!" with the older twins.

"Two teething rings!"

"Missy and Sam's," Scully said, popping a red Jelly-Bean into Missy's mouth, a yellow one into Samantha's.

"Carnation baby formula!"

"Babies," Mulder said. "What'd you think, it was for me?"

"You never know with Mom," Dani said. "Okay, continuing. Diet Coke!"

"Me!" Sarah cried.

"Me too!" Maggie called.

"Iced tea?"

"ME!" Maggie and Mulder both shouted possessively.

"Maggie, got enough to drink?" Dani asked sarcastically.

"Nah, go get me a Mountain Dew," she said with an evil grin. "Two tubes of Chapstick."

"Ours," Maggie and Sarah chorused. "A book called What to Expect When You're Expecting!"

"Mine," Scully said. "Your father never let me get one while I was pregnant with Missy and Samantha, we were too busy running around the country on cases."

Mulder sighed. "Let's not get into this again," Mulder pleaded. "What else in the bag?"

"Fish food?" Dani asked, making a face. They all turned to look in the trunk. Mulder brought his fish. "For the Toasters sake, Dad!" Sarah cried.

"You can't complain, you brought the frigging toaster."

"It's not frigging!" Maggie cried. She, Sarah and Dani leaned down to lovingly stroke the toaster and coo words of love to it.

"That's it," Dani said.

"Swell," Mulder muttered, pulling onto the highway.

"So, where exactly is Ratboy Roberto?" asked Maggie, opening her bag of sunflower seeds.

"Alaska," Mulder said. "It'll take a few months to get there, so we're going to pick Arielle up in Florida on the way."

Maggie hesitated. "Dah-dee," she said quietly. "Florida is about four thousand miles and three months out of the way."

"Cool," Mulder said.

Scully suddenly got mad and threw a green Jelly-Bean at Mulder's head. "Excuse me, I'm not giving birth to our child in a minivan!"

"For Gods sake," Mulder said.

"Toasters," Sarah interjected.

"...We'll be home before then."

"Well, if it's going to take seven months to get there and seven to get back, the baby will be seven months old by the time we get back home."

Mulder sighed. "No. We're leaving this stupid car in Alaska once we get there and flying back. So chances are the baby could be born at home."

"I don't want it born at home, I want it born at the hospital!" cried Scully, her eyes welling up, about to have another emotional outburst.

"NO!" Mulder cried, not wanting to deal with one of those again. "Have some Jelly-Beans!"

Scully immediately smiled and began chomping away furiously at her Jelly-Beans.

In the back, Sarah finished hooking up the discman. They popped in Rent, disc one, song 23. Soon enough, they were singing, "To hand-crafted beers made in local breweries, to yoga to yogurt to rice and beans and cheese, to leather, to dildos, to curry..."

"What are you listening to?" cried Scully.

"RENT!" they yelled. "How we gonna pay, how we gonna pay, how we gonna pay last years RENT!?!?"

"Niiiice," Mulder commented.

Suddenly, Maggie started screaming, then burst into hysterical tears. "WHAT?" everyone shouted.

"WE LEFT STINKY AT HOME!!!!" she screamed.

"Honk honk!" Stinky yelled from the trunk, trying to fight off Miss Havisham.

Maggie gradually stopped crying. "I'm okay now," she said sadly.

Scully made a face. "I think I'm going to throw up," she moaned.

"Why?" Mulder asked.

"Hullo, haven't you ever heard of morning sickness?" Sarah asked. "Toaster, even I have!"

"Never mind, I'm not," Scully said, straightening up.

Missy and Samantha watched in awe, eating the Jelly-Beans their mother had given them. They wondered what was going on and what their sisters were singing. Hmmm.


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