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A Story About Dinner Time

"Maggie...Sarah..." Dana Scully called uneasily. "Do you girls want dinner?"

In an instant, the older twins came running out into the living room where their mother stood, breathless.

"Huh?" Sarah asked.

"Do you want to eat? Your father and I are going out on a case, and the babies already ate, what about you two?"

Maggie batted her eyelashes. "I'm sure we'll manage, Momma," she said sweetly.

"That's what scares me," she said, smiling slightly before turning to leave.

The moment the door closed, the girls exchaged joyous looks. "Shall we cook?" Sarah asked, nodding towards the kitchen.

"We shall," Maggie said, her eyes gleaming.

Ten Minutes Later:

"I think we made a mistake," Maggie said.

"I think I agree," Sarah said, wrinkling her nose at the orange slime in the bowl. It was moving from side to side, making disgusting slurping noises as it did so. A bubble formed in the middle and popped loudly, spraying the orange goo all over everything.

They had mixed orange jello mix, potato chunks, lemon skins, cheerios and some rancid salsa in a bowl. It smelled disgusting.

"I think we made a fatal mistake," Maggie then decided, opening the kitchen window and chuking the bowl to the street below. As she closed the window, she heard a loud crash and people screaming, but was too preoccupied to notice.

"Now what?"

Sarah frowned and glared at Maggie as she tapped her fingernails against her teeth. "Would you stop that?" she asked, quite annoyed.

Maggie shrugged and stopped. "Maybe we should order out."

"Good idea, genius, got any money?" Sarah asked, exasperated.

"There's always Monopoly Money," she said with an uncertain shrug.

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Maggs," she began, then paused. A smile spread over her face. "That's not such a bad idea..."

Ten Minutes Later:

Maggie opened the pizza box and made a face. "Why did you order pizza?"

"I didn't!" Sarah cried, angry. "I ordered chinese food!"

"Then why did you pay for the pizza, Narkington?" Maggie asked impatiently, the smell of the cheese making her nauseas.

"I thought you ordered pizza!" "Quiet!" the TOASTER yelled from the kitchen. "Some people are trying to sleep you know...ow!" it yelled.

Afraid that their toaster was being harmed, they raced into the kitchen to see their baby sisters, Missy and Samantha, pounding their small palms on top of it and smiling.

"Stop!" Maggie shrieked, yanking Samantha away as Sarah wrestled the toaster out of Missy's grip. Quickly, the babies were deposited in their crib, and their older sisters went back to stare with a frown at the pizza.

"Well, I am starved," Sarah said hesitantly. "And we could pick all the cheese off."

"All hail the cheese," Maggie grumbled, pulling the cheese off and putting it in the sink. She went back and hesitantly took a piece. Both girls closed their eyes, took a deep breath and ate their slice.

As soon as they finished, the chinese food came.

"What the BIC?" Sarah screamed.

"Don't swear!" Maggie yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Quiet!" Samantha yelled from her crib.

"You be quiet!" Sarah yelled back.

"No, you!"




"Sarah!" Maggie cried. "Calm down, she's just a baby."

"And this is just a conspiracy!" Sarah cried, about to burst into tears. "We've just eaten some deadly food and will probably wake up dead tomorrow morning!"

"Sarah, if we're dead, we won't wake up," Maggie pointed out.

Terrified, they chucked the pizza out the window, and after grabbing some Sweet and Sour Chicken and General Gau's Chicken, they went to bed.

Their mother woke them up the next morning to find them covered in a bright red rash. "What did the pizza box say?" she demanded.

Maggie rasped, "It said Morley's Pizza."

Their mother groaned. "You know, for high GPA kids, you sure are ditzy," she said, stalking out. Then she stuck her head back in and shouted:

"And what the hell is all that orange stuff in my kitchen??"

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