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Dani, Call Me Dani!

"I don't think it's an alien," Scully said.

"It's always an alien," Mulder replied.

"No, it's always the one you least expect," Scully said. "Like the cheese."

"Sure, fine, what..." Mulder began. A girl ran out into the middle of the street. Mulder swerved hard and almost missed her. The car slammed into a tree with a serious attitude problem. "Watch where you're going, asshole!" the tree screamed.

Scully appologized, and the pair ran to the girl who was now sitting in the middle of the street, sobbing uncontrollably. "What's wrong?" Scully asked.

The girl tried to speak. " mother...Krycek..oh Toaster, help me!"

"Toaster?" Scully cried.

"What about your mother?" Mulder coaxed.

The girl finally spoke audibly. "My mother and Alex Krycek are off uncovering a conspiracy in mother said I can't live with her anymore because of a threat to our lives!"

"Who's your mother?" Mulder asked.

"Her...her...her name is Marita Covarrubias," the girl sobbed.

Mulder screamed the girly scream he screamed in "Jose Chung's From Outer Space". Scully rolled her eyes. "Come on, we're taking you home and figuring out what's going on."

One Hour Later:

Maggie, Sarah, Missy and Samantha were on a wild goose chase. Literally. Sarah had gone to market to market to by a fat hog....but instead she bought a goose. Actually, she was supposed to pick up some potatoes, but she decided to buy a goose for dinner instead. But in the time that her parents had been gone, the babies had fallen in love with the goose, and they decided to keep it as a pet. They named it Stinky. But Stinky had gotten loose, and now all four sisters were chasing it around their apartment.

"'Tinky!" Missy called out, toddling after the goose.

"Stinky! Bloody hell!" Maggie wailed.

Sarah grinned. "We did it again."

Maggie selims-ed (smiled) and they continued to chase the goose.

"Got him!" Sarah cried, grabbing Stinky and putting her back in her cage. Then their parents came home, a girl with them.

Maggie looked over. "Hey! It's Dani, call me Dani!"

"You know this abductee?" their father asked.

"She's no abductee, she's Wally's twin," Sarah said.

"We found her in the road. She needs a new family," Scully said, picking up the phone. "So I'm calling her mother to see if we can adopt her. If so, she can move into your room."

"Nifty!" Maggie shrieked.

"Groovy!" Sarah echoed.

"Coolarific," Dani said, getting into the spirit of things.

"'Tinky!" Samantha screamed, pointing to the goose.

Mulder and Scully looked at the caged goose on the coffee table. "What?" Scully cried.

"I went to buy potatoes, but I got a wild goose instead. His name is Stinky, Mommy. Welcome him with open arms," Sarah said sweetly.

Maggie jumped onto the coffee table and began to sing loudly, "So now I come to you, with open arms! Nothing to hide, BELIEVE what I say! So here I am! With open arms! Hoping you'll see, what this goose means to me! Open arms!"

Dani and Sarah applauded her wildly.

Scully began to speak into the phone. "Miss Covarrubias? I have your daughter Dani here....yes, would it be a terrible burden if I were to adopt her?...oh really? Thanks...not a problem!"

Scully hung up. "Well, your name is now Dani Carter-Mulder...welcome to your home."

"Carter? Ew! He's gay!" Sarah screamed.

"Is he your dad?" Maggie asked.

"Not my real dad," Dani said. "He's just a poser, posing as my dad. I don't know who the real one is yet."

"Probably the smoking man," Mulder said.

"She's not ugly, padre," Sarah reminded him.

And THAT was how Danielle Carter-Mulder came to live with Maggie and Sarah.

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