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9 Part Tale : part nine

"Give me liberty or give me death!"

"I'll give you death!"

"No sharp objects!"

~Maggie Mulder, Sarah Mulder, Dana Scully

"So, what have we been through in the past nine days, Sarah?" Maggie asked. The two of them were on the new porch swing, slowly swinging back and forth and sipping their iced tea.

"We gained a sister, gained a new cat, been kindapped and experimented on again, had a thippEt war, heard lethal fartsŠpretty much, Maggs, we've experienced it all.

Maggie smiled as they slowly went back and forth. Putting aside the hecticity of the week, it had been a pretty good one. Then she heard the yowls and shrieks of Miss Havisham, and her smile faded. "Damn that cat," she groaned, hearing Stinky honk loudly. "Kill 'er, Stinky!"

Then there was silence, and Maggie and Sarah were rocking still, the plastic knife suddenly in Sarah's pocket. She realized it was there, pulled it up and opened it up. "Wow," she said, sighing. "Damn the man Maggs."

"Give me that!" Maggie cried excitedly.

"I'll give you something else, not this," Sarah said gravely.

"Give me Liberty!" She paused, realized what she said, and grinned. "Or give me death!"

"I'll give you death," Sarah said simply, raising the knife.

"BLOODYYYY!!!" screamed Maggie as their mother walked onto the porch with Samantha.

"NO SHARP OBJECTS!" she yelled for the millionth time.

The End

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