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9 Part Tale : part seven

"Seven is unlucky."
"Seventh day is Sunday. X-Files is Sunday."
"Seven is lucky."

~Maggie Mulder and KayVee

Scully walked into the Thippet Parlour to find Mulder chomping away on sunflower seeds with Maggie and Dani as they tried to solve the mystery of the kids. "I did it," she said. "I got Heaven and Hell's real names."

They looked up.

"Heaven's real name is Maureen. Hell's name is Roger."

"Last names?" Dani asked.

She sighed heavily. "Krycek. It looks as if Arielle is either their sister or Krycek wasn't her real dad."

"Krycek?" Mulder asked, then made a face. "Gag me with a spoon."

"There ya go," Maggie said, proudly slapping him five. "You're learning my lines."


Scully was standing by the front door with Heaven and Hell. Hell had claimed the doorbell rang. "There's no one there."

Suddenly, Heaven started to speak. Her voice entranced Scully, and she stood and listened to what Heaven told her about everyone in her household. Heaven finished speaking, and within seconds, Heaven and Hell were gone, leaving a bottle of wine and a bottle of beer on the floor. Standing near her were her seven children as she had come to learn, and Mulder. "Wine and Beer!" cried Sarah.

"Roger and Maureen are gone," Scully said, looking upset. "And I know what's going on, what has been going on. Everyone in the living room."

Everyone went in and sat down, ready to listen.

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