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9 Part Tale : part six

"He who hesitates is probably smart...or else stapled to the floor."

~Sarah Mulder

Heaven and Hell were left with Mulder while Scully took everyone else to work with her, attempting to find information on Heaven and Hell. During the long car ride, repeated attempts on the lives of passer-bys were commited, until Scully threatened to feed them cheese.

They finally arrived at the FBI HQ and casually went down to the basement office. "Stay in here, stay still, don't make noise, don't break anything, NO THIPPETING," Scully said, raising an eyebrow at the twins.

"Can we thippit?"

"No," Scully said cooly. "I'm going to look for anything on fallen angels, I'll be back soon."

She left.

Arielle, Dani, Maggie, Sarah, Missy and Samantha struggled to sit still, but found they couldn't. In an instant, they were all up poking around the office.

Arielle read through a case file. Dani searched through the desk drawers of her father, while Maggie and Sarah dug into the file cabinet. Missy chewed on a pencil and Samantha dialed random phone numbers.

"Where's Mom?" whined Sarah. "She said she'd be back in a minute!"

"You know the rules of a horror movie," Maggie said wisely. "Never say 'I'll be back'. Because you won't be. Didn't you see Scream?"

"I saw it," Dani said.

"No you didn't," Maggie shouted.

"DID TOO!" Dani screamed.

"Sure, fine, whatever," Maggie mumbled, pulling out a case file on two girls with some crazy powers.

Arielle brightened. "Hey!" she yelled. "My father lost his arm!"

"Krycek?" Dani asked.

"Yeah! Some Russians cut it off! I guess his arm really was made of plastic!" she cried.

"Swell," Dani remarked. She pulled a stapler out of the drawer. She frowned, reading what was etched into it. "This stapler belongs to Marita Covarrubias," she read.

"Stapler?" Sarah asked, tackling Dani to the ground and trying to get it away.

"MINE!" Sarah yelled.

"Mine!" Dani screamed back. "It belongs to my mother!"

Meanwhile, Samantha was cooing to a confused man in Hong Kong over the phone.

Sarah pulled so hard, the stapler flew back, smacked Maggie on the head, opened up and fell to the ground. Maggie yelped in pain and fell to the ground as Dani snatched up the piece of paper which had fallen from the stapler.

Dani gasped. "It's my birth certificate!"

The girls crowded around her while she read outloud. "Danielle Lucetta Covarrubias," she read, then frowned. "LucettaŠnasty. I like Sergei even better than that."

Dani read the name of her father.

Her jaw dropped.

"What?" Sarah asked, hopping around like an impatient penguin.

"M-m-my f-father isŠisŠisŠ"

"Spit it out!" Maggie moaned, unable to contain her curiosity.

Dani frowned. "Who is Clyde Bruckman?"

Maggie, Sarah and Arielle began to scream loudly and uncontrollably. "What?" Dani asked.

"A boo ga," Samantha told the man from Hong Kong.

Missy laughed and covered her ears.

"WHAT?" Dani yelled.

Scully came in. "Quiet!" she yelled.

The girls stopped screaming and broke into laughter. Dani was near tears. "MOM!" she wailed.

"What?" Scully whined back.

"They're laughing about who my father is and they won't tell me why!" she moaned.

"Who is it?" Scully asked, her eyes huge.

"His name is Clyde Bruckman."

Sarah shrieked loudly with laughter, and Scully started to laugh too.

"Don't laugh!"

They laughed anyways, until Dani threw the stapler at Arielle. It missed by an inch, but they all silenced.

Scully said, "Miss Bruckman, there are hits and there are misses and then there are misses."

Arielle, Sarah and Maggie were suddenly back in hysterics. Scully joined, and the man from Hong Kong got pissed and hung up.

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