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9 Part Tale : part five

*Thippit* (WRONG)

Heaven, Hell and Arielle stayed with them for an entire week before Heaven spoke. Dani had handed her a carrot, and Heaven said, "Thank you," very softly. Her voice sounded like music, soft and melodious. Dani looked surprised.

"You're welcome," she said.

Heaven didn't speak again, but her small lips turned up into a smile that made her eyes light up and gave her an angelic quality. She walked away with her carrot.

It was approximated that Hell was seven and Heaven was four. The next time Heaven spoke, Arielle was putting her to bed. "Heaven," she said. "Do you remember when you and Hell came to me on the street?"

Heaven nodded.

"How did you know to lead me to this house?"

"I just knew," Heaven said in her amazing voice again.

"How did you just know?" Arielle inquired furthur.

"Momma told me," Heaven said, rolling over in bed and closing her eyes.

Arielle chewed on her lower lip and went into the twins bedroom.

Maggie was sitting on her bed couting the number of times she ran the brush through her hair. Sarah was standing before the CD rack, trying to find one to put in.

"Heaven talked again," Arielle said.

Sarah looked at her. "She did?"

"She said that her mother told her to bring me here."

Maggie frowned. "I don't think she means her real mother."

"Who the hell knows what anything means?" Arielle asked.

"Thippet," Sarah said.

"Thippit," Dani said, entering.

"Thippet!" Maggie cried, standing up.

Arielle watched with a frown as Sarah walked right up to Dani and narrowed her dark eyes. "ThippEt," she said cooly.

"ThippIt," Dani said.

Within a second, two pillows were snatched off of Maggie's bed and Sarah and Dani were at each other with them like rabid animals, screaming over whether it was thippit or thippet. And of course, everyone reading this KNOWS that it's certainly not thippit, but thippet. I mean, isn't it obvious? Say it to yourselfŠthipp-et. Thipp-et. It makes sense. Any who think otherwise, beware. I'm reading your mind right at this very secondŠand I'm thippeting you right now. This means you, DANI. UmmŠoops, I'm supposed to be telling the storyŠbloody.

Sarah (of course) was triumphant in the end. Arielle simply shook her head, utterly confused. "What's a thippet?"

"=P," Dani replied.

"Whatever," Arielle said, tossing her hair, in a valley girl voice.

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