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9 Part Tale : part four

"The penguin went to Hell, but the giraffe went to Heaven."

~Maggie Mulder

The two little ones were now bathed and in two of Sarah's tee shirts. One said "I'm Only Wearing Black Because All My Pink Clothes Are In The Wash". That was on the boy. The one of the girl said "Don't Piss Me Off. I'm Running Out Of Places To Hide The Bodies".

"How did you get here?" Scully asked, noting how much different they looked cleaned off. Almost glowing.

"We fell," the boy said.

"From where?"

"The sky."

A pause.

"What's your name?" Scully asked quietly.

"Hell," the boy replied.


"My name is Hell. This is my sister Heaven."

"Heaven and Hell. What odd names," was all Scully could say.

The young boy shrugged. "My Momma told us those were our names."

Mulder turned to the little girl. "Heaven?" he asked.

The girl turned her eyes on him.

"Heaven, what do you remember about falling?"

"She can't talk," Hell replied. "She's not allowed no more."

"Why not?" Scully asked.

"The man stole her voice away. She's not allowed to talk no more."

Mulder turned to Arielle who had appeared in the doorway. "Who are they?"

Arielle shrugged. "On my way over here, I found them crying on the side of the road. They told me the same story."

"Hell," Scully said. "Where's your Momma?"

"Momma went to the clouds."

Scully was confused. "How did she get there?"

"The weasels."



Scully frowned again. "Okay, well, where did you used to live?"

"I forget," was all Hell said.

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