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ShE's CrAfTy!!!

SoMe ThInGs AbOuT MoI

LiNkS fOr YoUr ShEeR eNjOyMeNt!!!

MeOw MeOw MeOw!!!
FoR mY fRiEnDs!!!
PiCs Of My FrIeNdS aNd I!!!
MoRe VaCaTiOn PiX!!!
gReEtInGs FrOm EgYpT!!!
sAy ChEeSe!!!
gIrLs NiGhT oUt!!!
U cAn NeVeR hAvE eNoUgH pIx
MiS cHiCa sTeFeNi PaGiNa!!!
mEeT mY bReNnY :)~

ok r ya ready???? name's Tiffany,*but please call me Tiff ;)~* (also known as CraftyVixen and Eva_Adore on the 'net) I mostly chat in talkcity (usually collegetalk) occasionally yahoo..but that has a tendency to suck after awhile. One thing that's a big part of my life is traveling. I've been to many different countries thus far such as England, France, Germany, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. So if u wanna find out more then check out the other links.

My ultimate music preferences are well...kinda a variety. Some of my fave bands include The Doors (jim morrison is god!!!) HOLE (Courtney Love just totally kicks ass!!! she's my heroine *no pun intended*) Depeche Mode, Zebrahead, gOdSMacK, kItTiE, SEVENDUST, and ok don't laugh...but I LOVE ABBA!!!! come on...admit it...u know agnetha and frida were total babes back

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