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PokéMon The Movie 2000

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You all should know that the second Pokémon movie was released on Friday, which was July 21st. Some of you may have not seen it (shame on you!) but the majority of you have. Any, I, of course, saw it opening night, and right now I am here to give my review of the movie and fill you in on some of the things I noticed, and you may not know.

((Rating Scale: 1 to 10, 10 being the best, 1 being the worst. I may also give things like 6.8 or 8.9 if i'm kind of iffy.))

I wasn't as excited to see the movie this year as I was last year. Maybe Pokémon is kind of rubbing off on me, since I've been a fan of it for two years already. But don't get me wrong, I'll never hate it. The theater I saw it in wasn't as big as last year's, either, (probably to make room for X-men or something. There was a humongous line leading into theater 16, whichw as one of the big ones). But I wasn't disappointed with the movie, either.

The animated short before the movie was entertaining, but I didn't exactly "get" some parts of it. I think I liked Pikachu's Vaction a little more than the rescue party. Not much else to say here. I give Pikachu's Rescue Party a 6.0 out of 10.

The actual movie itself was pretty good, although there was sure something different about it that I just couldn't put my feather on. Anyway, I sure liked the action of the ledgendary birds fighting, and I also enjoyed Lugia's song, and I'm wondering when her CD is coming out (j/k). The main thing that I hated was Lugia's voice (prounced Loo-gee-ah for those of you who haven't seen the movie) The main thing that ticked me off was Lugia's voice. I think nintendo was very retarted to make a Man do Lugia's voice. LUGIA IS A FEMENINE NAME, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! so, I will still forever call Lugia a "she" and don't you dare complain, because I beleive that Lugia is still a female. I did like slowking's voice tho, and he had a nice personality.

The prophecy had a nice touch to it, though. I like the last part, "and then the world will turn to Ash", Meaning Ash Ketchum, the moron PokéMon trainer who is always saving the world.I wish they had shown more of brock, though, than just showing a snippet of him running around behing professor Ivy. some of the things they said seemed to be geared a little toward an older crowd of children, when Jessie, James and Meowth were debating about getting involved with the opposite sex.

All in all, it was a longer movie, and I enjoyed it. I'm sure to go see it at least 2 more times to collect the ledgendary birds. I give The Power of One 7.7 out of 10.

Interesting Tidbits

The movie has come out, but I bet some of you don't know everything about it. Check out some of the information down below to learn some things.

The villan's name was never revealed in the movie. For those of you who are debating it, the OFFICIAL NAME IS LAWRENCE III (Lawrence the third). It was said in an issue of Nintendo Power, so count it official.

Now that the Ancient Mew card has been released in America, it's Japanese counterpart will surely lose it's value. Both cards are identical, except for one thing. To tell the difference, look at the bottom border of the card in the front. U.S. Mews will have a copyright date saying: (C)1995,96,98,99 Nintendo, Creatures, GAMEFREAK. (C)1999-2000 Wizards

That's all the interesting Info I have for now. Once I find more strange stuff about the movie, I'll post it up here. If you find anything cool, you can e-mail me and I'll post it up here and acknowledge you.

Images (do NOT Steal!)
