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CoolBird's Suicune GBA!

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Whee! Not only did I manage to get my feathers on a Game Boy Advance over a month before the official release date of June 11th, But I also scored myself an exclusive-to-Japan special Edition Pokémon Game Boy Advance! You may have heard some or even seen some pictures of this never-to-be-released in America GBA, but I actually have one, which makes my GBA count 2! Here are some scans Ive made of my cool new "Suicune Blue" Game Boy Advance! I would have liked to have gotten a scan of the box it came in (which was very cool-looking) but my stupid scanner froze up when I was in mid-scan. I'll manage to get it up sooner of later, though.

Here's a front view of my Suicune GBA. The paint which was used for this GBA is very special, and changes color depending on how light is reflected upon it. One moment it's blue, another moment it's grey. It's similar to the special G/S edition Game Boy Color we have here which changes from gold to silver.

Here's a back view (which is rarely shown on other pokemon sites) of my Suicune GBA. I'm sorry about the fuzziness of the scan, but trust me, it looks even worse as a GIF. Anyway, as you may notice, there's a sticker on the back which says "Pokemon Center". This is the reason this little system is so rare! The Suicune GBA is Only available in Pokémon Center stores in Japan (which there are only two of over there, I believe) plus it's only one per household. How did I get mine? Connections.