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Cheat's Warehouse - the easy way to complete computer game success

Cheat's Warehouse - the easy way to complete computer success

SafeSurf Rated All Ages

Do you beileve that a Computer Game is only useful if you can get to the end as quickly as possible ?

- Well so do we!

As well as suppling tips and cheats we also tell you what the game is how much it costs who produces it and what the aim of the game is. The cheats and tips for games that we have currently and have had assesed are :

International Cricket Captain

TOCA Touring Cars

If you have played a computer game recently and would like to offer cheats to us we will gladly accept. But we will do more than that, if you can supply the majority of cheats for a game we will have a page dedicated to your cheats and best of all you get credit for your work.

To send your tips and cheats read our page on sending tips and cheats to us follow the simplechecklist on our Sending in Page

Email: Cheat's Warehouse Click here!

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