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“At Callaway United Methodist Church….

Callaway United Methodist is a Christ-centered church, full of people with a dedication to meeting needs.  You can count on them being more interested people than programs, interested in sharing practical Biblical solutions for today’s problems.

Our ministry here is one of genuine concern.  We prayerfully plan services to promote worship that heals.

Just as every individual needs a home and family, we believe that everyone needs a church home.  Our church is to us spiritually what our families are to us naturally.  There is plenty of room in our family for you.  We have wonderful, warm and happy people that will meet your needs.  People here at Callaway United Methodist have great hearts.  WE CARE.


Recognizing the worth of the child, we provide loving care for newborns and special age-graded curriculums for age one through grade six.  Wednesday and Sunday night programs include emphasis on spiritual growth.


This ministry of Callaway United Methodist Church is designed to meet the challenges of our youth by teaching Biblical principles and balancing a program for spirit, soul and body.


Responding to today’s complex mental and spiritual pressures, Pastor and Associates minister to your critical and personal needs.  Your concerns are kept in professional confidence, whether it be premarital counseling, family relationship difficulties, or other emotional stresses.
