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Anup's Cyber World




Thanks a lot for Clicking Into My Cyber Home. Here's' a warm Welcome to my CyberWorld.I am Anup;Anup Rout,a true INDIAN a Cool ODIYA.I am a Database Programmer by Profession,currently in Mumbai.I by Origin belong to Cuttack,the silver city of ORISSA.I hope you don't mind spending some of your valuable surfing minutes with me and with my world.

Explore ME:

Orissa;a place to ponder:

Here's' a Cyber Kid :

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What's' New In Database;an online Mag

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About My Research Paper DDSS

Tune to Latest Heart Throbs:image1.gif (3922 bytes)

*Atte He Kya Khandala.

* Balle Balle.                                        

*Chaina Chaina

*Huku Huku Hai(Orriya)

*Sindora O Sindora(Orriya)


Here I bid goodbye from my Cyber World.....I hope you find this Home informative ;I would  appriciate your comments and suggestions. Please sign My Guestbook.leave few lines for me ,so that I can remember you. always......Thanks.......Again.....Bye.......Anup..

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