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The Noir Grooves Collection

Have you ever ?


are you listening to me?

i am the raging voice inside your head i am you

i wonder,

whatever happened to the stars that glowed now blackened against the night

i wonder,

whatever happened to the moon its radiance, now stained by darkness

did you ever give some thought as to why i left when you were strong and free?

i slipped away and left behind my anger and bitterness so that you may learn of my pain

for you to honor me as one of you, one with you

i wonder,

whatever happened to the sweet dawn of early morning now stale with what could have been, should have been, would have been…

i wonder,

whatever happened to the promise of the day now a dead echo of yesterday

have you ever shared in my sorrows that you cried deep down inside? have you ever ever walked with me without blame, guilt or shame?

i am of you, but you brush me aside in your triumph i am of you, but you pass judgement on all that i do

i wonder,

i wonder what happened? have you ever wondered? i wonder did you ever, ever truly love me?


Have you ever?@Copyright 3/22/2000 Edt. 9/12/01 All rights reserved

Image by Black Mirages(Picture Gallery credit)