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The Noir Grooves Collection


What do you want to hear from me?

  (Blinding Light)


  You walk in a direction, strong fierce, breaking into the wind with single- minded purpose, seeking satisfaction poised on the edge of uncertainty flying spread eagle faced down, waging a bitter war with a tight fit façade, an iron mask, wooing your soul into insanity, heady from the smell of the pale green success, a birth, millions of tiny deaths, rebirth, unsure, stubborn, expressing the need for love, yet defiant against commitment faced again with the repetitive monochromatic scene, a stage filled with bad lines expecting the strings to play the familiar song, rush accusations, recriminations, solace in your pains and demands for reparations, echoing screams up into the burning sun, hiding in denial from the moon`s orange glow finding a void overflowing with the sweet syrupy tastelessness of what you define a relationship.

  Why would you ever want to hear me?




Echoes@Copyright 8/12/2000 Edt. 10/3/00, Edt. 10/31/00 All rights reserved

Image by Black Mirages(Picture Gallery credit)