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My Home Page On Wicca

Thirteen Goals of a Witch

1) Know yourself

2) Know your craft(Wicca)


4)Apply knowledge with wisdom

5)Achieve balance

6)Keep your words in good order

7)Keep your thoughts in good order

8)Celebrate life

9)Attune with the cycles of the Earth

10)Breathe and eat correctly

11)Exercise the body


13)Honor the Goddess and God

Merry Meet All

My name is Tashina, I am 14 yrs. of age. I practice Wicca alone.

I am very intrested and will continue learning as much as possible.

I have spent alotta time on my website and I hope u enjoy it. I would be glad if u gave me ur comments on how I'm doing. and if you see anything wrong please do tell me.

Look around see what all u can find. If u have anymore questions please feel free too email me or whatever.

May u be blessed with wisdom and power.

Love ya,


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Info on Wicca

My homepage with info about me and my pics
A website on Wicca
Mirror Book
energy play
Spells and rituals
Food recipes
Crystal Magick!
