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(= Welcome to Suzanne's Place on the Web! =)


WOW! About time I updated this page, huh? I just decided I'd start all over again with writing all this because things have changed so much in my life since I first created this page. =) Let me start by telling you all about myself.....

My name is Suzanne Selman and I am 18 years old (will be 19 on Sept 14!!!). I graduated from CSHS on May 19 where I was valedictorian of my class. This is something that has been my lifelong goal and dream. It is a major accomplishment for me. Couldn't have done it, first and formost, without the Almighty God above because through Him ALL things are possible! Secondly, I owe a huge thanks to my awesome family. I have two of the best parents ever who have always been there for me and encouraged me to always go the extra mile and strive for the best. Oh, and I can't forget my awesome little sister, Ashley, who is 10. Gosh, she is growing up too fast! I love yall so much!

In my spare time, which isn't much between working part time at a local hospital and school (I'll be attending CO-LIN in the fall majoring in Pharmacy), I LOVE to hang out with my awesome friends.....

Hey CHAS! I'll miss you so much next year. Don't forget all of your friends in MS cuz we'll always be be here for you if you need us!

Howdy JESS! Girl, we've been through a lot together and I KNOW our friendship will survive through good times and bad. No matter what, Jessica, know that you will always be my best friend. Okay? We've had a lot of great times together and have been though a lot. Gotta stick together throughout college too!

And how in the world can I forget JACKIE!?!?! =) Girl, you are so awesome! You have always been there to make me smile and laugh when times got stressful or hard for me. Our friendship means so much to me and I KNOW it will last forever.....already has lasted over 12 years! WOW!

NOW on to someone VERY special to me, my sweet boyfriend, Tim! So hard to believe that God has allowed me to meet someone as great as he is. Believe it or not, but we met on the world wide web on Feb 5, 1999. Became instant friends and emailed each other everyday for close to a year before meeting in Dec. THAT was the beginning of a great relationship. We add special meaning to Savage Garden's song "I Knew I Loved You BEFORE I Met You." We've been going out for 5 months now......made it official on Valentine's Day! Our parents have been so supportive of our relationship. I thank God for allowing me to meet Tim. No way we would have ever met without HIS help! Anyway, Tim, always know how special you are to me.....I love ya!

Hmmm....what else? I live in a small town in Central Mississippi. I guess you could say I am a "country gal!" LOVE to ride 4wheelers, listen to music (SHANIA RULES!), write short stories and Christian poetry, shop, and just HAVE FUN! I am a member of a small country Baptist church. God has blessed my life in SO many ways. I couldn't have achieved all that I have without HIM! "OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!"

Thanks for visiting my page and remember that "Through God all things are possible!" Sign my guestbook on your way out and let me know what you think! GOD BLESS! Suzanne <><

Okay want to SEE these special people in my life? I am in the process of UPDATING my pics so please be patient with me, but you are welcome to look at my favorite pics....just click the link below.....

(= Suzanne's Pics Page =)

Hugs and Love in Christ!

My Favorite Web Sites

My Net Bro's Page (I MISS YA!)
Awesome teen chat room! Look for me online
Awesome site to find Christian pen pals!
Free Angelfire Homepages

(= Fav Things On The Net =)
What's your favorite thing to do on the net??

Current Results

This page was created on March 3, 1999....


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