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Welcome to the place where the World of Darkenss collides with the realm of Virtual Reality. It is here, in New Sanctum, that we who love Vampire the Masquerade and the World of Darkness have given a new depth to the term Role Play. Journey with us into the night, and become what your darkest fantasies can dream up.

What is Virtual Places:

Virtual Places is an online chat program that allows Web Pages to be used for Chat Rooms. Any page online can become the backdrop for the Chat. Through the use of Avatars (pictures used to depict your person for online) and Gestures (animations and sounds used to express oneself) people from all parts of the world may meet and converse.

World of Darkness for VP:

New Sanctum is the combined effort of many people to bring the fun of VtM and WoD to the world of VP for us to enjoy. As many people are not able to find groups to TT or LARP play with, here, we can all play together and enjoy the game that holds our fascination. The game is played on Web Pages that represent the Locales of the City of New Sanctum (city, bars, havens, stores). With the use of Avatars to represent pictures of ourselves and Gestures to use for our Disciplines, Abilities, and other facets of the game, VtM and WoD has been adapted to the Virtual World.



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Journey to the Darkness of New Sanctum