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The Child

A solitary child sits in the dark.

Wondering, questioning, why,

Why am I here, what have I done,

Is there no peace?

No peace for this troubled little one.


His mind wanders from thought to thought

Trying to draw on his limited experiences

To conclude some answers why he is alone?

Why is he separated from the joys?

What happened to my family


The pain is deep, yet he grows

The years move on

The child becomes a young man,

He is faced with more questions

Yet these are harder than before

What is right? What is wrong?


What shall I do? How will I survive?

Is there no one to show me the way?

Does anyone even know I exist?

Does anyone care?


The child grows to be a man.

He sees the pains and joys of others.

He understands the ways of the world

He treasures the moments of happiness

Yet they are fleeting and rare


As he grows older

He sees his own children grow

He tries to shelter them

From the questions and pain

To shower them in the love he was denied

So they will never ever wonder

WHY? Why am I here?

Does anyone really care?


Yes my son I care!
