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HI EVERYONE! Thanks for visit my webpage and if you are here for casuality, don't go!, stay here for a while and know quickly (1,2 x3 as we say in Tampico) what to know about Tampico, in mexican state of Tamaulipas.
Well, my webpage is going to be a little poor, because this is my first incursion in the internet world, in fact, I'm a civil engineer, but at this time I have some chance to search how to do a personal webpage and I will try my best, but stop bla, bla, bla and go to the point!

TAMPICO is a commercial port in the Gulf of Mexico, very important due to the big trade of merchantises and for its efficience and security. Tampico receives ships from whole world, that's why is considered an International Port. If you want additional information about operations and services of the port, see the links at the bottom of this page, the one that says API TAMPICO, this is the exact site, I think you will find there the information required or, if that is the case, information about Altamira, that is an industrial port. Oh! see the pictures of the city, they are very descriptives, and look for more information about the city. All others links at the bottom of the page show some information about the city, if I find more sites I will add them for your reference.
OK, but is my intention give you elements for your visit to Tampico, either if you come for short or longer time, in order to avoid you wasted time. I would like to describe it to you, in a general sight what is the metropolitan zone.
South zone of Tamaulipas, is integrated for Altamira, Madero and Tampico cities (or counties like in USA). Altamira is the industrial zone, has its own port and this is the way to Victoria and Monterrey to the north. This is a town in big evolution. Madero City has the Oil Refinery "Francisco I. Madero", here is where we find Miramar beach, with the famous Maeva Hotel Resort, later I will talk about how get to the beach. And finally, Tampico that is the commercial zone, here in tampico you can find the most important shopping centers, departamentals and autoservices stores, hospitals, schools, banks and hotels.
When you arrives to the zone, both airport and bus central, are in Tampico.

For your information, divisa exchanges is for sale about 1 dolar=10.80 pesos. (Nov-2007).

Main Streets and Avenues in Metropolitan Zone

In Tampico. See sketch of Tampico.


Mainly there are 4 ways for transportation in Tampico: taxis, blue buses, microbuses and predefinided routes cars.
Taxis cover is about 25 pesos in short trips, 35 pesos medium trips and 45+ if you need longer trips. There's not taximeter yet in Tampico taxcabs.
For Microbuses you have to pay about 4.50 pesos, same with the blue buses and for the cars with predefined routes, I guess at this time, all local public transportation are homologed. If you want to go to Altamira city, there are cars with a predefined route also, they cover 11 pesos aprox. from downtown of Tampico to downtown of Altamira, some point in the middle must be less than that. About taxis, honestly, I don´t know how is the exact way that they use to cover for the service, but in short traject is about 25 pesos (some like up to 15 minutes for traject), in medium trajects (15 to 25 minutes) usually is about 35 pesos, and for longer trajects (like go to Altamira, or north side of Veracruz) is about 50 to 70 pesos. In any case, please ask first for the cover (how much is for __--> "cuanto es para"), always before you open the door of the taxi cab. These are some useful translations:
How much is for going to (some place that you want to go)?
Cuanto es para ir a "(some place that you want to go)"?
or, Could you return in one hour for me please? --> Puede regresar en una hora por mí por favor?
Maybe you need to use a taxi in time mode, not for traject but time, I mean, you need a taxi for two hours, with driver included of course, this is possible, I guess they cover about 80 pesos by hour, think about it, maybe is better in this way with no limit in distance (of course only metropolitan zone), you can ask to the taxi driver--> "I need you for one hour, how much?" Cuanto es por una hora?
Note: If a microbus, or blue bus or car with predefined route read in the windshield "AGUILA" this means that run over the Hidalgo Avenue (AGUILA is a residential neighborhood), others read "CURVA TEXAS" this because these transportations run over Tampico-Mante road (In front of northside of airport), usually they go to north zone to Tampico or Altamira City.

Note: When I called for "blue buses" really the buses are not blue at all, this is because that is name of the union of workers for that company of public transports, buses are mostly white color.