Missy's Life
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my life in pensacola

Ok..lemme see....i had to erase everything that i had written here and start all over because it has all changed. I don't really feel like writing anything right now because this in such a non-part of my life anymore....
This is a pic of me that a friend of mine took while i was in scotland...not exactly flattering i must say..i guess i didn't want my picture taken?!?!

ok guys...here it is..for your downloading pleasure...my PICTURE GALLERY...i hope it works..enjoy!

My sweet sixteen party..
ok, this pic needs a lil explaining...it was my sweet sixteen party and reason for the 'get up' (as Nad says) is b/c my mom decided it would be a strange hat party...definately a mom idea! So...then we gave away prizes but Nad and Julie were both denied much to Nad's dismay! She did get honorable mention though. I woulda won but it was my party and I didn't wanna seem unfair! *g*

This is me and Kristen...one of my bestest friends...

Crystal and Kristen...my p'cola gurls...

The better than pop picture at the beach...

Chicas are forever...my buds from oxford...

Tara...my crazy half japanese friend.

This is a picture of me in mexico..and yes, i won!

another mexico pic..this was so much fun!

I saw this on Purity's Page and thought it was pretty funny so I thought I'd share the laugh.... There was this woman who always attended church, she never missed a sermon. But one Sunday, she didn't go, and the Pastor was worried about her, because it wasn't like her at all to miss church on a Sunday. So he went to her house. He knocked on the door. He could hear noises coming from inside, but no one came to answer the door. So he knocked again, and once again, no one came. So he left his card on her door which read: "Revelation 3:20" (Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens, the door, I will come in and eat with him, and him with me). So next Sunday comes around and the Pastor sees that the woman is there. So he goes up to her and she hands him the card that says: ;Genesis 3:10" (I heard you in the garden, and I was afriad because I was naked; so I hid).

ok..something like 1250 people have visited this page and only 76 have signed the guestbook..sheesh guys!

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some faves

  • Jesus of course.
  • Twix..mmmm..yummy
  • Goldfish...I luv the fishes cuz they're so delicious!
  • rain drops on roses and whiskers on kitten...ha, kidding.
  • Pop Tarts....yummy much..i am so serious..have you guys seen those ones you can write on...they come with a marker..it is so fun!
  • oh, and my new fish Jackson...who tried to commit suicide...it was so scary...but he's ok now

Some Kickin' Links

Nadia's Page
Jessica's Page
Jason's Page
China Doll's Page
Hippy Heather's Page
Purity's Page
My Bubby's Page
Kristen's Page
Nicole's Page
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Email: misshoar@hotmail.com