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True Friendship!

I have a friend who does for me,
What no one else has done.
He talks to me, makes me see,
My life has just begun.

We started talking long ago,
Lost touch for some time.
Now he's back, low and behold,
Without reason nor ryme.

Now we're back like we should be,
Like a hand within a glove.
No one else on earth can see,
Our a special kind of love.

I can sit and talk to my friend,
He's always ready with an ear.
To hold my hand, until the end,
To get me past my fear.

He understands the things I feel,
Every promise made, He's kept.
I know in my heart that he's real,
Even though we've never met.

I thank you Greg, with all my heart,
You don't know how lost I'd be.
I hope our friendship never parts,
Without you, I'm not me!

© 1999 Lady Lothorien. Dedicated to Gregory E. Copeland ! May not be used without permission.