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Susanne's First Day

Dedicated to Ange who added approximately 300 punctuations - BIG THANKS

The pouring rain had been falling on the Cheyenne Mountain complex for hours.

The guards waiting at the entrance weren't happy at all when another car arrived. It was a very old small Polo that seemed to have more rust than colour on it. A young woman came out of it followed by a huge, blonde dog.

She asked for the parking lot and where to go to meet the chief of personnel. But first, she decided to take the dog for a short walk around the mountain - it had already been four hours in the back of the car.

Not expecting anyone to be out in that weather she allowed the dog to run free. She had plenty enough time, so she decided to take a tour around the whole mountain. When she was nearly back, nightfall was beginning. She heard a sound behind some trees.

Somebody was there, but before she could shout for the dog it reached the man who was just coming on the path. The dog was jumping up at the man - it was too late...

The man fell backwards in some gorsebushes. Damn, my first day with the SGC, and this monster has to attack the first person we meet!

But the man jumped to his feet and ran away without saying a word. Shaking her head, Susanne went back to her car and let the dog jump in. Heading towards the entrance, she continued wondering who that stranger had been.

The guards had already been informed, and allowed her to pass by without any problems.

"Hey Daniel what did you do to yourself? You've been out for ten minutes and now you're looking as if you've been hugging a cactus!" Jack asked with a wide grin.

"I feel like that as well. I met someone outside when I was wandering around in the rain and this miserable dog made me fall in the gorse," Daniel mumbled. "What were you doing out in the rain before Janet gave you a final health check? Hm?"

"Just trying to wash the heat and the dust off after those three weeks on PX-562. I still felt hot and dusty after the shower, and I wasn't sure that it would continue raining until I was finished with the check," he tried to explain.

"This is our new xenobotanic specialist from Germany, Susanne Grund. She arrived this morning," Janet interrupted, pointing at Susanne.

"Pleased to meet you Dr Jackson," she said, and added, "You can call me Susanne."

"Dr Jackson was so kind to bring us some samples of the plants they found on PX-562, some of them in his skin..." Janet grinned towards Susanne and handed her the samples.

"Looks like common gorse to me," Susanne said, more to herself - when she realized whom her dog had attacked. Blushing to nearly purple, she searched for an excuse. Three languages fluently and now no word in any of them!

But Daniel was just shaking his head whispering, "Don't tell her, please!!!"

"... But it might be a kind of broom, too. I've got to check some books first," she said rushing out quickly.

Later, General Hammond introduced her officially to SG-1.

"I think well work fine together." Daniel smiled at Susanne.

She smiled as well. "And I surely won't bring my dog again if you're allergic to dogs Daniel," she added quickly....

The End

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