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Sarah's First Day

Crowded hallways. Alarms sounding. Yep. A normal base. Armed guards rushing around, armed to their teeth. Nothing unusual. What? No coffee? Someone call in Mulder and Scully! Another guard rushes by, and knocks my folders out of my hands. A tall, dark man picks them up for me, and hands them back. I have to stare up at him. He’s huge!

"Are you all right?" He asks.

"Err...I’m a bit lost actually. It’s my first day, I’m..." I don’t get chance to finish my sentence because another man comes over. He’s tall. Brown hair. With glasses. What a geek he looks. "I’m new here." I finish. "I’m looking for General Hammond or Colonel O’Neill."

"Then you are Sarah Eyton I presume?" The tall one asks.

"Yep. That’s me." I say. Well that was dumb.

"Hi, I’m Daniel, this is Teal’c. I’ll tell you about his name later. T, you’re wanted in the gate room. Something about a beam that’s fallen on top of Samantha. I think you’re the only one strong enough, or something..." It didn’t concern me so I didn’t listen. I think she may be bleeding to death...or something..." Obviously Samantha’s Teal’c’s girlfriend. Maybe? He shot off. Okay. First impressions. Daniel’s strange, but I need to make a good impression.

"So, you’re the new member of SG-1 aren’t you?" Daniel asks.

"Yeah. Do you know any of those guys? I heard Doctor Carter and Colonel O’Neill are on that team. I hope the rest aren’t losers. Carter and O’Neill are legendary. They’re amazing!" I reply coolly, as we walk down the halls. I think I lost the coolness at the end.

"Well, Teal’c and I are the other two members. I think you’ll like it. What rank are you? You seem a little young. You only look about fifteen," he asks. Boy I get that a lot.

"Thanks. No, I’m nineteen." He looks shocked. I just smile. "I get it a lot. I’m Lieutenant. I got the promotions for my scientific stuff this last year. I solved a few little problems." I didn’t want to brag. We stopped outside what looked like an office. We were there. "Thanks, doctor."

"Danny. It’s okay lieutenant." He smiles.

"Sarah," I correct him.

"Sarah." He knocks on the door, and sticks his head in. "Jack, Lieutenant Eyton’s here."

"Thanks Danny. Bring her in." I hear him say. I walk in, after checking that my hair is up tidy, and I’m looking 100%. He smiles. That’s good.

"Hi. I’m Colonel Jack O’Neill, your new commanding officer." He’s smiling now he’s seen me.

I salute. He salutes back. "Lieutenant Doctor Sarah Eyton reporting sir!" I say automatically. Is it a little hot in here? No, it’s him!

"Well, do you prefer lieutenant or doctor?" He asks. I just stand there, staring in to his beautiful chocolate coloured eyes. He says something. I don’t hear. "Lieutenant or doctor?"

"Huh?" Oh way to go Sarah! Damn!

"Doctor sir." I reply, still caught in his eyes.

"Okay. Well then doctor, I’ll give you a tour of our base." He says. I just follow him. I’d follow him to hell (something that some people have done I hear.) "This is the commissary. It’s open twenty four hours. It does the best coffee on the base."

"Right sir. Got it. Good coffee." I remember every word that comes out of his mouth. From the ‘here we are’ to the ‘Oh for crying out loud!’ when we reach the infirmary and he sees a woman lying on a bed. She’s badly hurt.

"What happened? Is she okay doc?"

"A beam from the gate room fell on her. Metal may I add. Thanks to Jolinar the second, she’ll be up in a few hours," a small brown haired woman replies.

"Jolinar the second?" Boy I’m confused.

"The daughter of Jolinar, her original Tok’ra," the woman says.

"Thanks doc. So the stuff from PL0987?" he asks, taking the injured woman’s hand.

"Yes sir," she replies.

"Good good. Doctor, this is our new SG-1 member," he informs her. I smile. We shake hands.

"Hi. I’m Doctor Janet Fraiser," she introduces herself.

"Lieutenant Sarah Eyton." I say. A man comes in, he’s fallen off a ladder or something, he’s broken his arm I suspect. "May I?" I ask. Janet nods. I go over, and tell a nurse to do this that and the other. O’Neill and Major Doctor Fraiser look impressed.

"She’s mine." O’Neill tells her, seeing the look in Fraiser’s eye. I think the look was ‘I want her in here!’

"Well done lieutenant." She congratulates me. "How did you know it was infected straight away?" She asks, knowing that there wasn’t much sign apart from what he told me.

"He told me which parts hurt, and what it felt like ma’am. It sounded like it was infected as well as broken." I explained. Of course she could have done that, she was just surprised I could.

"Well are you a doctor?"

"Studying. I’m almost there. I just have to finish tomorrow and then I’m done."


"I’ve been transferred here to join SG-1 though. I believe it’s because of my astrophysics work and the fact that General Hammond is fond of me. I met him a few months ago, when he took E.M.C. of my old work because our CO was in hospital," I said.

"Ooh! I remember that! I got command of the entire base! We had a huge party!" O’Neill said. Janet shook her head and smiled.

"Fruit loop, why don’t you finish that tour and let me attend to Sam."

"Okie dokie. Right this way Doctor." Jack...I mean O’Neill lead me out of the infirmary.

"Colonel. Miss..." The man greets us, staring in to my eyes. He’s cute. I like O’Neill better.

"Eyton. Lieutenant Doctor Sarah Eyton." I introduce myself. I’m going to like it here.

"I’m Lieutenant too. No doctor I’m afraid. Nice to meet you." He hurried off somewhere.

"He’s off to his Carter shrine. He likes her a lot. I bet he’s going to the infirmary to sing..." I finished his sentence.

"Her a stupid soppy love song? Sir?" I said.

"Yeah! I like you Eyton. You’re my kind’a woman!"

"Oh for crying out loud! What is with this base? There’s an alarm going off every twenty seconds!" I exclaimed. He grinned. We reached another room. The tour goes on for another hour and forty minutes before we reach anything exciting.

"And here we are at Major Carter’s lab." We step in.

"Wow! Doctor Samantha Carter? I have to meet her! She’s like my role model! She’s the most brilliant scientist and amazing soldier! I’ve heard so much about her!" I get really excited, just thinking about some of her less classified work.

"Yeah. Carter? She’s great. She’s one of your new bosses. Third in command of this base. Second in command of SG-1." He tells me. I jump up and down.

"HOLY HANNAH YES! OH MY FREAKING LORD!" I exclaim, earning another smile.

"And Doctor Jackson’s lab." We don’t go in there. He’s at work with a boy. Probably a little younger than me. There’s a man too. Brown hair. Daniel calls him Nyan.

We move on, and eventually reach what they call the Gateroom. Wow! That is amazing! I never imagined it being like that! "What a huge honkin’ piece of metal! Holy Hannah!" I shout, covering my mouth when I see people step out of what I assume is the event horizon of the wormhole.

"Hi Dad!" Jack greets the oldest man. They are all dressed in very strange clothes.

"Jack! Where’s my baby? This weekend it’s just me and her!" ‘Dad’ asks.

"She’s in the infirmary. She got crushed by a metal beam. Her Tok’ra’s healing it though." Jack explains. Boy I’d love to jump his bones! Snap out of it Sarah! Bad Sarah!

"Oh right. She’ll be okay then. Thanks son." Dad doesn’t seem worried.

"General Carter, I’d like you to meet Lieutenant Doctor Sarah Eyton, the newest member of SG-1. She’s subbing for Danny at the moment, and then if we like her, which I bet we will, she’ll be here permanently." Jack says. I salute General Carter. Wait, shouldn’t that be General O’Neill? O’Neill calls him Dad.

"Sirs, I don’t understand. Shouldn’t you be General O’Neill if Colonel O’Neill is your son? Sir?" I add the sir.

"No Eyton. He’s Carter’s dad, but he likes me!" Jack puts his arm around General Carter like they are father and son.

"Oh. Sorry sirs," I apologise.

"Nice to meet you Lieutenant, I’d love to get to know you, but I must find my daughter," he says.

"What’s a Tok’ra?" I ask O’Neill.

"Snake. It’s a symbiote that takes a human as a host. Nasty things, they’re our enemies. But the ones Carter and Jake have in them are okay. Time for you to meet General Hammond, again." He takes me up a spiral staircase, and into an office. General H is sitting at his desk. He smiles.

"Lieutenant. Nice to see you again." He says. He signals for me and the Colonel to sit. He starts telling me about everything they do here. Later, the injured woman pops her head around the door. She’s better again! How? The ‘snake’ must have healing powers.

"Sorry I’m late. I’m sure you heard about the little accident sir," she apologises.

"Are you okay major?" He asks, looking quite concerned.

"Yes sir. My father is going to my house. He’s going to play some space invaders with Cassandra, after he’s picked her up, and then I’m going to meet him for dinner." She explains. I realise this is Carter, and I stand and salute. She comes in further, and returns it. "Our new member of SG-1, I presume?"

"Yes ma’am!" I reply, excitedly. Uncle Roy would have called it ‘peppily.’

"I’m Major Doctor Samantha Carter." She tells me. She doesn’t need to.

"I know ma’am! It’s so great to meet you! I’ve been waiting for this day for ever!" I exclaim.

"Well wait no more." O’Neill smiles, obviously happy that Carter’s okay.

"Thanks." Carter smiles back at him. "I bet you got lost today didn’t you? Everyone does. I was late on my first day here because I got lost! It’s a tradition."

"Lieutenant Doctor Sarah Anya Eyton!" I tell her, almost forgetting, I’m so excited.

"Nice to meet you. Doctor of what?" She seems just as I imagined her.

"The same as you ma’am! I admire you so much! You’re like role model ma’am! I’m training to be a med too. If I complete tomorrow, then I’m officially a doctor of medicine too," I say.

"Wow!" She must think I’m a real smart ass. Well so is she! Oh for crying out loud! I bet she likes O’Neill. I bet Simmons likes her. I bet every man on this base, except Danny loves her. Maybe not Hammond either.

"Unauthorised Gate Activation! Iris failing! Major Carter to control room! Hammond to control room!" A voice announces over the PA system. I follow the others to the control room. Carter sits in front of a computer and starts giving it commands. She can type fast!

"Iris is closing!" she tells us. I can almost hear sighs of relief from all over the base.

"Receiving GDO signal. It’s...The Sevabglans!" Simmons reads the screen well. Is that all you can think? Come on, you can do better than that. Okay, he’s a real looker. Not as nice as the man of my dreams, Jack. Ugh! Stop it! Snap out of it! Which part don’t you understand? Oh for crying out loud! I’m arguing with myself!

"The whatties?" I am so confused.

"Alien species. Open the iris." O’Neill commands. A tall woman steps through. Boy is she ugly.

"Help us! We are under attack! The Goa’uld have come!" She yells. My team rush down to the gear-up room, me behind them.

"You up for a fight Eyton?" O’Neill asks, as he puts on his pack.

"Yeahsureyoubetcha!" Teal’c smiles at me!


Later, we arrive on the planet. About three minutes later actually. We’re all carrying guns and ‘zats.’ Teal’c’s got a staff weapon. There are ships up in the sky, Carter called them something weird, O’Neill simply calls them D.G’s. We take cover and start shooting at them.

I see a small girl. She’s scared. There’s a snake butt by her. I have to help her. I run over, shoot the man, and take her to the Gate. I keep her by me, as I re-join the others, and start firing. We we eventually get all of them. They’re approaching us by foot now! Lots of them. Carter steps forward, O’Neill tells me to stay back. The little girl is crying.

Carter just stands there. She raises her hand, and touches a ring. There’s a storm coming from nowhere. The ring. It causes it. She takes the gold device on her hand, raises it up so that it faces the enemy, and closes her eyes. A gold beam of light knocks everyone down, except for one Jaffa, who comes for me. I struggle, but he’s covered my mouth so they can’t hear me. Suddenly, Carter turns around, and runs over. It’s like she...sensed the thing. He’s stabbing me with something. Not a knife. It’s weird. Aaahhh! Aaahhhh! What a crazy first day. I let darkness engulf me, and I drift...


"Good morning lieutenant!" Doctor Fraiser greets me cheerily, as I open my eyes. The colonel and his team walk in, and come over to my side.

"Hey Sarah. How are you feeling?" Carter asks me.

"Well, not too good. What the hell happened back there? That man, he was a snake wasn’t he? And what did you use to stop all of his people? And...the girl!"

"The little girl’s fine. Six years old. Her name is Kelly, and she’s very grateful. She’d like to see you, before she goes home to her mom." Janet sits too. Teal’c remains standing.

"Oh," is all I can manage.

"In answer to your questions, a Jaffa grabbed you, stabbed you with some kind of new technology, yes, my Goa’uld weapons. Unfortunately, I can’t use the healing device, it got broken, else you’d be up and about really quickly." Carter tells me. I just say ‘oh’ again. O’Neill takes my hand! Whoa! Did I mention how I’d love to jump his bones?

"Janet says you’ll be out in a week or so. I hope you liked your first day, because it’s now officially your second." O’Neill says. What? Who cares.

"Okay guys, it’s time to get out there and p-a-r-t-y like it’s 1999!" It’s 2001!


Feedback to Summer [Sarah]