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Hammer's First Day

Actually, this should be called "Hammer, Al, Nikki, Larry, Rella, Cassie and Tiz's First Day At The SGC (with a cameo from Dan)" - but I couldn't be bothered being pedantic about it.

"Hurry up Hammer, we're gonna be late!" Al called up the stairs.

"Yeah, come on Hammer, we haven't got all day!" Nikki agreed.

Upstairs, Hammer rolled her eyes and rolled out of bed. "Alright, already!" she called, then muttered, "Geez you people are pushy."

"I heard that!" Al called again.

Hammer rolled her eyes again.

An hour later, Nikki drove the trio up the mountain (seeing as though she was the only one out of the three who knew how to drive on the right-hand side of the road). Al sat in the front, re-reading the papers nervously. "I still don't know why they called us," she muttered.

Nikki grinned. "Well, we do know a lot about...stuff. Right Hammer?"

Hammer grunted a reply and munched on her breakfast of the most sugar-coated item she could find. "I just don't understand why it has to be so damn cold," she complained.

"Quit whining - you're always complaining about the cold," Al shook her head.

"Al's right, Hammer," Nikki agreed.

"I'm supposed to whine and complain - it's my job!" Hammer explained. "Ya see, Nikki does the whole 'mothering' thing, Al gets nervous, I complain. It's a unique balance guys."

"Sure Hammey, you just keep telling yourself that," Nikki grinned and pulled up to the security gate.

After handing over the required paperwork, the trio entered and parked the car. As they approached the entrance, Hammer grunted again and pulled her coat around her tightly. "It's still cold."

"Hammer!" Al scolded and went inside. Nikki just rolled her eyes.

"What?? What I do this time?" Hammer sighed and followed the two.

Once inside, a young Airman approached the trio. "Ma'ams," he nodded. "I'm Airman Winters, welcome to the SGC. If you'll follow me, I'll show you to General Hammond's office."

"Lead on, Airman," Hammer waved for him to walk. She grinned as she and her friends followed him happily.

As they stepped out of the second elevator, Winters stopped. "If you'll follow Corporal Riley, he'll take you to the briefing room."

"I thought we were going to see the General?" Nikki asked.

"Yes ma'am, you are. The General will meet you and the others there," he smiled, nodded and winked at Al. "Welcome to the SGC."

Hammer rolled her eyes and dragged Al down the corridor, away from the Airman.

"So...Riley, is it?" Nikki asked as they strolled down the corridor.

"Yes ma'am," Riley nodded and smiled, "Corporal Brendan Riley at your service ma'am."

Nikki turned and grinned at the other two.

Hammer rolled her eyes.

"'ams?" Riley asked. "Are you three involved with the group who are already waiting in the briefing room?"

"There's others there?" Al asked.

Riley nodded. "Yes ma'am. There are two Australians..."

Hammer looked up quickly. Two more Aussies?

"And a dark-haired man...I think he said he was from Alaska."

Al looked up quickly. "From Alaska?"

"Yes ma'am," Riley affirmed. "I assume you do know them then?"

"Well, if we don't Riley," Hammer grinned, "We soon will!"

They picked up the pace and hurried down the hall.

The trio hurriedly turned the corner. "'ams?" Riley called, "The briefing room is right here!"

They stopped.


"Well then..."

"Why did ya say so?" Hammer quipped, grinned and stepped into the room where Riley had opened the door. The others followed her, but no sooner had they stepped into the room and saw who was there, that they stopped dead.

"Hammer?" "Nikki?" "Alexandra?" The room's three occupants asked the new arrivals.

"Tiz?" "Rella?"

"LARRY!" Al ran forward and got swept up in the Alaskan's arms.

Hammer rolled her eyes and grinned. "Ah...young love."

Nikki thwapped Hammer across the back of the head.

"Ow! Hey!" the Australian rubbed her head and walked further into the room (and away from Nikki). "So...the whole gang's here, hmm?"

"No Hammer, it's just your imagination," Rella sarcastically quipped.

"Oh ha, ha, ha, Theron." Hammer rolled her eyes again.

"Oh no," Nikki stopped everyone.


"What is it Nik?"

Nikki looked around nervously. "These three Aussies in the SAME ROOM?"

Hammer, Rella and Tiz grinned and yelled at Nik simultaneously, "It's pronounced 'Ozzie', not 'ossy'!"

"Stupid American," Hammer grinned.

Everyone looked over to where the door from the General's office opened and quietened down. "People," Hammond nodded as he closed the door behind him. "Welcome to the SGC. Take a seat, please." The gang sat down around the briefing room table. Hammond sat at the head of the table. To his left sat (in order) Hammer, Nikki and Tiz. To his right sat Rella, Al and Larry.

"You're probably wondering what you're doing here," Hammond started.

"Ya think?" Rella quipped, evoking a raised eyebrow from the General.

"We've got a problem," he started. Rella looked like she was going to comment, but Hammer shot her a look that kept her quiet. She just grinned instead. Hammond continued. "You see, as of 0800 hours Wednesday, SG-1 has been declared MIA."

"Why didn't you send out a search party?" Larry asked.

"We would have," Hammond replied, "But SG teams 2, 5 and 7 were with them. They've also been declared MIA. SG-6 Search and Rescue has been sent off-world to try and find SG-8 and 9 who were supposed to report in three days ago."

Tiz leaned forward. "What about SG-3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15? As well as all those back-ups you guys should have?"

"SG-4 has been declared psychologically unfit for duty, SG-13 is on an undercover mission and can't be contacted for at least a week. As for the others, an epidemic has swept the SGC. All the other SG teams are either in the infirmary or off-base. We're running on a skeleton crew and all the back-up teams are incapacitated too."

Tiz asked, "Who have you got trying to find a cure? Surely Janet can't be doing it all on her own."

The General shook his head as the door creaked open. "Ah..." he said, "Here she is now. May I present, Doctor Rhea O'Shea. She's been working on the cure to the epidemic." Dan stuck her head into the room and gave a quick wave before leaving again.

"Was that...?" Nikki whispered to Hammer who just nodded.

Al raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think we can help with a rescue?"

Hammond looked around. "We've read the records of your previous exploits through the Stargate."

"Woah, woah, waaaaaaaaaaait a second," Rella jumped into the conversation. "Records of previous exploits?"

"I think he's talking about the RPG logs," Nikki realised.

Hammer gagged. "Uh...General?" she leaned over quietly. "You do realise that's all fiction, right? That every single mission log you've read is just a 'what-if', in theory type scenario?"

"I'm well aware of that," he looked at the Aussie. "But in theory or not, you're the only people who we can rely on."

Tiz laughed. "Rely on? Three Aussies, a Kiwi-Brit hybrid and two civilian Americans? You've gotta be kidding me."

"You six have shown that you have the ingenuity to make the correct decisions when faced with an off-world situation," Hammond explained.

"We're...we're just...ACTORS for cryin out loud!" Nikki stood up.

"The Yank has a point, ya know," Rella pointed out.

"You can't seriously be thinking of sending us out THERE," Larry said and pointed to the Stargate, "on our own???"

Hammond shook his head. "Of course not. I may be getting old, but I didn't get these stars by being stupid."

"Then who's going with us?"

There was a knock at the door. Everyone looked as it was opened and Cassie walked in. "Uh...hi guys! I got lost along the way."

"Cassie!" Nikki cried and ran over to hug her 'sister'.

Rella looked back at the General as they both took a seat. "Who ELSE is going with us?"

There was another knock at the door. Hammond smiled and beckoned for the tall man who had stuck his head into the room to enter. "Come on in, Colonel."

Hammer fell out of her chair - literally - causing a large thud to resound throughout the room.


Most of them crowded around her, concerned. Rella and Tiz just laughed from their seats. The sandy haired man had rushed around to see if she was alright. Kneeling down, he offered his hand. "Are you alright?" he asked in a concerned tone. Carefully accepting his hand (still not believing he was real), she nodded. The others had stopped laughing or looking at her and were now looking at the Lieutenant Colonel who had helped their friend up.

Once standing, Hammer backed away from the Colonel.

"Is there a problem?" Hammond asked, standing behind the man.

"That's...that's..." Hammer stuttered.

"May I present, Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Mackenzie," Hammond gestured to the tall man with tanned skin and shortly cropped hair.

"I KNOW who it is...but...but...he's not real! He's a of MY characters!" Hammer exclaimed and steadied herself before she fell over again. She didn't want to look like an Ally McBeal impersonator.

"Um...Hammey?" Nikki asked.

Hammer looked at her friend.

"We could say the same about everyone else around here."

Hammer blinked. "Good point. But...he's MY character. I made him up, remember?"

"May I interrupt?" Mac asked politely.

"No, you're not real, so you can't least, I don't think you can and...ohhhhh boy, I think I've gone cross-eyed." Hammer gulped for air and Larry walked over to help her to a chair. Larry then stood up and turned to face the Lieutenant Colonel, standing in front of Hammer protectively.

"She has a point, you know," he looked sternly at Mac.

Mac pushed past Larry. "We have met, you know. That may be where you got the idea for the character from."

Hammer blinked. "We have?"

Mac nodded. "Remember that time when you visited the Bahamas and..."

Hammer stopped him mid-speech. "I remember, I remember!" she leaned in and muttered, "No need to go into details."

She saw the raised eyebrows of her friends and shook her head, brushing off the unspoken questions. ", right. You're real. This is...surreal."

Nikki tapped Hammer on the shoulder. "You didn't tell me he was real!" she whispered.

"I didn't exactly know at the time, Nik!" Hammer whispered back.

Al leaned across the table. "Bahamas?" she raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

She looked smiled sweetly at the others and insisted, "I'll explain later, Al."

Hammond continued. "Lieutenant Colonel Mackenzie will be leading the team. You'll be accompanying him, if you agree to help us out."

"You're not ordering us or anything?" Cassie asked.

"You're all civilians...some of you," he gestured to half of them, "aren't even United States citizens. I can't order you to do anything. All I can do is ask for your help and hope, for the sake of those out there, that you'll agree to assist us in this matter."

"What's in it for us?" Rella chipped in quickly.

"You mean apart from being the ones to single-handedly save three hot guys..." Tiz started.

"And one hot woman," Larry added, eliciting a dirty look from Al.

"As well as who knows how many other hot guys..." Tiz continued.

"Or hot women..." Larry interrupted again, gaining another dirty look.

"On the other teams?" the Melbournite Aussie finished.

Rella paused. "Good point. I get Teal'c," she grinned.

Hammer rolled her eyes.

" all sounds good, in theory," Hammer admitted, looking at the General, but keeping an eye on Mac. "Do we have positions or anything? You know, specialities?"

Hammond nodded. "We thought it might be necessary to set up a chain of command within the team. You'll each be given honourary ranks for this mission and be expected to follow the chain of command, as well as being assigned a speciality to cover...just for the sake of order."

"Great," Tiz shrugged and looked around. "So what position do I get? 'Just along for the ride'? That sounds good to me."

The General smiled at the sarcastic comment. "Actually, Doctor," he said, gesturing to Tiz, "You're the team astrophysicist."

"Doctor?" Tiz grinned. "Sweet."

"Captain Theron here will be the team medic, as she has the most medical experience," Hammond gestured to the Aussie who nodded in approval.

"Sergeant Edwards," he nodded at Larry, "Is the Weapons Specialist."

Hammer leaned over to Mac and whispered in his ear. "Just a warning - don't give him grenades."

Mac nodded.

"First Lieutenant Dawson," he looked at Cassie, "Will act as base communications."

"Why don't I get to go?" Cassie asked.

"Because," Hammond replied, "After that whole 'Goa'uld' thing, we'd rather you'd stay here and coordinate. Besides, we need someone to stay behind just in case."

Mac took over from Hammond. "Captain Stewart," he looked at Nikki, "Will act as technician, assisting me."

"Technician? Me? I don't know anything about all that technical stuff!" Nikki exclaimed.

Hammer elbowed Nikki in the ribs after she returned to her original seat. "You get to assist Mac," she whispered.

Nikki grinned. "Sounds good!"

"Doctor Dickson," he nodded at Al, "Will be the resident anthropologist."

Al nodded, but grimaced at the same time. "Doctor Dickson?" she mouthed and scrunched up her nose.

Hammer stifled a giggle at the alliteration. "What about me?" she grinned. "Team psychologist? You'll need one with these nutcases."

"You'll be 2IC with the rank of Major," Hammond corrected her.

Hammer gagged, along with the others.

"You're kidding me, right?" Rella exclaimed.

"How come she gets all the power?" Al asked.

"Because," Mac smiled, "You're the idiots who keep putting her in charge of things."

"Great, wonderful, freaking fabulous!" Rella cried and leaned back in her chair.

"I knew we were going to regret that someday," Al shook her head.

"That vote was a bad idea," Tiz agreed.

"Vote? What vote? I didn't get to vote!" Larry insisted.

Hammer chuckled. "Me with power? You've gotta be kidding me...right?" She looked to both Mac and Hammond. They just looked at her with raised eyebrows.

Two hours later, SG-Rescue stood in the Gate Room waiting to be deployed.

"This stuff is heavy...did I mention that?" Tiz shifted uncomfortably for the millionth time.

"Yes, you mentioned it," Rella rolled her eyes. "But I agree. This wasn't in the contract."

"Unless there was some fine print somewhere," Tiz grinned.

"Remind me to get a magnifying glass next time. If I still can't read the fine print, maybe I can burn a hole in my head before I decide to do this again," Rella sat on the edge of the ramp. "And where the hell's Porky?"

Larry raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

Just then, Hammer and Mac walked in, Hammer minus the heavy pack and just with a small backpack.

"Hey!" Al called. "How come you don't have to wear the heavy backpack?"

"Because I didn't feel like it?" Hammer replied.

"That's a good reason," Al admitted and took off her large pack. The others followed suit.

"SG-Rescue?" Hammond's voice boomed through the sound system. "Your mission..."

"Should you choose to accept it," Larry breathed.

"Is to locate the whereabouts of SG-1, 2, 5 and 7 and, if possible, to rescue them and bring them back to Earth. Good luck, people."

"My, he's insipirational," Hammer quipped sarcastically and waited for the Stargate to engage the seventh chevron.

"Chevron seven is locked," the Technician reported as the big blue whoosh came out of the ring.

"Now THAT is cool," Nikki gaped at the active Stargate.

"Certainly beats the CGI effects," Al agreed.

Hammer nodded. "Sweet...let's go."

Mac shook his head at the Major. "How can you be so easy-going about all this?"

"If you've seen one huge, honkin' ring, you've seen em all...right?" she grinned and headed up the ramp. "Besides, it's a piece of cake." She breathed out and stepped through.

"She's crazy," Al shook her head. "She really is. Wait for me, Ham!" She stepped through.

"I don't like roller coasters - did I mention that?" Larry looked back, but was pushed through by Nikki, whom he grabbed and dragged through with him.

Tiz grinned, shrugged and jumped into the wormhole.

"I'm surrounded by imbeciles," Rella sighed and walked through.

Mac paused and turned back to Hammond. "Sir?" he called.

"Yes Colonel?" Hammond asked...he hoped there wasn't a problem.

"Are you SURE these people can do the job?" He wasn't so sure.

Hammond nodded. "Mac, don't worry," he called. "They're professionals."

Mac nodded resignedly and turned back around. "Professionals. Professional what?" he stepped through.

By the time Mac arrived on the other side, Al, Nikki, Tiz, Rella and Larry were already in position around the Gate. Al was busy trying to figure out that whole 'point of origin' thing on this Stargate. Tiz was looking around at the surroundings with Nikki. Rella and Larry had taken up defensive positions. Mac looked around. Trees. Fabulous. "What else is new?" he murmured to himself. The entire place was surrounded by trees. In the distance, a bellow of smoke could be seen emitting from...something. Probably some sort of establishment. That's where they should head towards. Mac paused. "Where's Hammer?"

A groan from behind the Gate answered his question. He smiled to himself and walked through the disengaged Stargate to the grass on the other side and the temporary Major who wasn't looking too great. Seeing him, she held up a hand to silence him. "Before you start, I'm sick, I'm cold and I..." she groaned again and laid back against the soft ground.

Mac grinned. "C'mon Aussie, move your butt or I'm gonna have to move it for you."

Hammer entertained that thought for a moment, but decided it might be best to move herself. Accepting his offered hand, she grunted and ignored her stomach (which had decided to play hockey with itself). Sighing tiredly, she walked with Mac, leaning on him slightly until she could get her balance back. "Where are we headed?"

Mac pointed to the smoke, through the trees. "That way."

"Did I mention I hate trees?" Hammer called to the Lieutenant Colonel who had already started walking.

Most of the team started snickering or giggling. Mac just called back, "No, you didn't...but it doesn't bother me, I won't be chasing you up any if you keep on my good side!"

Hammer glanced and the others before following their CO, muttering, "Smart ass."

"I heard that!" Mac called back.

Hammer rolled her eyes.

The team crouched behind the small hill near the encampment that allowed them some cover.

"Can you imagine having to have carried that huge pack all this way?" Nikki asked, trying to catch her breath.

"Getting old, are we Nikki?" Larry asked and grinned.

"Brat," she replied and took a swipe at him.

"Remind me again why we didn't send a UAV through first?" Tiz sighed and sat down.

"Lack of personnel and lack of time," Mac murmured. "That, and I...kinda crashed it down the side of the mountain on my last mission."

Larry chuckled. "How'd you manage that?"

"Well, the scientists were doing their thing and I had nothing to tinker with, so I decided to play with the remote control for the UAV. I think I need more practice."

Hammer grinned. "I think so too."

"So..." Rella started, "This means we have to do this the hard way, right?"

"Right," Mac replied.

"Always the hard way, isn't it?" Rella sighed.

"Where's the fun if there's no challenge?" Hammer smiled mischieviously and pulled out her binoculars. "So, how are we gonna do this?"

"How do we normally do this?" Al raised an eyebrow and grinned.

"The hard way, we've already established that," Nikki grinned.

Hammer looked at Al. She shook her head. "Let's NOT go with the regular plan, okay?"

Mac looked between the two. "Why? What's the regular plan?"

"No Al. No WAY," Hammer shook her head profusely.

Hammer strolled into the Jaffa encampment unarmed. The Jaffa guards on duty raised an eyebrow at her attire. She wasn't impressed about it either, but she smiled sweetly nonetheless. "Kree, boys," she grinned and distracted them. When one got closer, she flipped him, knocking him unconscious. Then, she made a run for it back to the trees. After making a run of about five metres, the other Jaffa loaded his zat'n'ktel and sent her falling to the ground in a crumpled, unconscious heap.

The rest of the team had sneaked closer on the opposite side of the small camp. "That's the normal way?" Mac raised an eyebrow.

Tiz laughed. "Yep, that's the way."

"Dress Hammer up in elaborate clothing, send her to distract the guards while we sneak in..." Al explained.

"And does she always get zatted?" Mac asked.

Al nodded. "Yep, every single time," she grinned.

"You'd think she'd be used to it by now," Rella smiled and prepped her own zat, just in case.

"But now we need someone to go and get her," Mac pulled out his pistol.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine for a while. We'll get her on the way out," Nikki pushed past Mac and around the corner.

The team surrounded the main compound where they assumed the captives were being held. Mac looked inside. Yep, there they all were. O'Neill didn't look to be in great shape - he had a gash across the side of his forehead and was propped up in the corner of the cell against Daniel. Sam looked as though she was fiddling with the lock, but it seemed to keep zapping her with an electrical shock. The others were scattered around the medium sized cell. However, in the room were also about six Jaffa.

This was not good.

Nikki frowned at the sight of Jack. They had to get them out of there. Rella was concerned about that gash on the side of Jack's head. He seemed pretty out of it, which would make things a little difficult. Al bit her lip. The people in the cell didn't look too great. She hoped this wouldn't turn into a fully-fledged conflict. Larry looked around.

Hmmmmm...where to place the charges? He grinned. Here we go. "Just follow the Yellow Brick Road, boys," he grinned again and set the Claymores.

Mac nodded to the others and they all set their zats. Six Jaffa...six zat blasts. That's what they needed. Signalling to fire, Mackenzie, Rella, Larry and Tiz fired. Four of the Jaffa fell to the ground in pain. The other two prepped their staff weapons and rushed out the door to take up defensive positions.

"We're off to see the Wizard," Larry murmured before setting off the charges, sending the Jaffa flying.

Rella grinned and walked inside. "Well, that was fun."

Nikki walked over and unlocked the cell.

"Thanks," Major Carter said, flexing her singed hand which was obviously hurting from all the zaps she'd recieved in trying to unlock the lock.

While Rella tended to O'Neill, Carter looked around at the rescue team and then to their CO. "Mac," she nodded and smiled at him. "You're a sight for sore eyes." She hugged the Lieutenant Colonel.

"Good to see you too, Sam," he hugged her back.

"We've gotta get everyone out of here and back to the Gate. Colonel O'Neill and a few of the others aren't exactly in great shape after what the Goa'uld put them through."

Larry approached Carter. "Are you alright ma'am? Do you need any assistance?"

Sam smiled. " thanks, but if I need anything, you'll be the first person I call." She nodded and smiled at the strange man again and walked outside.

With most of the teams evacuated and on their way back to the Stargate, there were only a few people left in the camp area. Pausing, Mac listened. Something was approaching. Turning, the Colonel saw two death gliders coming in for a sweep. He yelled into his radio. "Two death gliders coming in fast!" He dived for cover as they fire upon the camp.

Nikki activated the Gate and sent the code from the GDO through, opening the iris. She, Rella, Tiz and Larry started helping the injured through the Gate. Tiz grinned at the big, bald Jaffa. "Hi," she said, sticking out her hand for him to shake. "I'm Tiz."

He bowed his head and smiled slightly. "I am known as Teal'c." They walked through the Gate, shaking hands.

"Hey! I said Teal'c was mine!" Rella called, but it was too late. She sighed.

Larry saw the death gliders swooping in. "Ohhhhhhh, this is not a good thing." He pulled out a staff weapon he'd gotten off the Jaffa and started firing at the gliders. "Where's a rocket launcher when you need one?"

Al pushed herself up from her position on the ground. Spitting grass out of her mouth, she looked around. "Mac?" she called. "MAAAAAAC?"

Mac groaned. "Did you get the license plate of that glider that hit me?"

Al grinned and helped him up. "Come on Mac, we've gotta get out of here."

He dusted himself off just in time to see the gliders coming back for more. Grabbing Al, they made a run for it towards the trees. "Wait!" Al cried.

"What?" he looked at her worriedly.

"We've got to get Hammer!"

Mac sighed. "Is this what you normally do too?"

Al nodded. "Yeah actually, it is."

"Man, you people are weird."

Al grinned. "Why thank you, we do try."

They made a detour and picked up Hammer, who was still dressed in that elaborate gold...thing. Mac raised an eyebrow. "Nice outfit, Princess Leia."

"One more comment and you're a dead man, Mackenzie," Hammer groaned and passed out.

Mac grinned and the two dragged the 'Major' to the trees. "Never thought I'd be so glad to see trees," Al admitted.

Everyone was through the Gate except for Larry, who was waiting for the others (others, pfffft yeah right...try one specific Kiwi other). As the three came running out of the trees towards the Gate, he took up a defensive position and started pelting the death gliders with shots from the staff weapon. One glider started strafing the open field they were running in. A shot hit a little too close to home and sent Al flying.

"Alexandra!" Larry cried and sent a final shot off at the glider before rushing to aid her. Scooping her unconscious form up into his arms, he made a mad dash for the Stargate, same as Mackenzie with Hammer in his arms. The two pairs dived through the Gate just as the second glider started to swoop.

On the other side, the Gate room was a crowded mess. Everywhere, there were auxillary medical staff tending to the wounded. It wasn't a pretty sight. Nikki, Tiz, Rella and Cassie were busy tending to the good-looking wounded guys. The two men tumbled out of the wormhole, just before it became unstable and disengaged. Larry winced momentarily, then quickly checked to see if Al was alright. Groggily, she opened her eyes.

"Larry?" she murmured.

"Yes Alexandra?" he asked, concerned.

"Remind me to thwap Hammer after this, okay?" she sighed and passed out again.

As General Hammond came up the ramp, Mac looked down at the unconscious Hammer, then up at Hammond. The General looked, intrigued by her attire. "Don't ask, sir," Mac advised, then relaxed his grip on her. "Hey Aussie, wake up."

Hammer groaned in pain. "Call me Aussie again and I'll beat the living daylights outta ya, Mackenzie."

Mac grinned. "She'll be fine, sir."

She opened her eyes slowly, wincing at the lingering pain. "Mac?"


"Remind me to thwap Al after this, okay?"

Mac grinned. "Sure thing."

"Lieutenant Colonel Mackenzie, Major Hammer, you and your team have done an excellent, successful job. Congratulations," Hammond smiled.

"Not bad for our first day on the job," Hammer smiled lopsidedly.

"Just wait until your second one, Major," Mac laughed.

"Oh for cryin' out loud..."

The End

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