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Another departure from the norm... But we love them don't we?

What shall I tell you about me before my story starts? I am Déjà Vu; you may have heard tell of me in stories, that feeling you get sometimes that you’ve seen something before. Well, to you humans I am just a feeling; to us - Déjàs - we are of course a reality. I'll let you in on a little secret, we are special agents from the future - and when you get that feeling of déjà vu, it is a subliminal memory from when we entered your lives for a brief interlude. Your psyche isn't designed to remember, so you only feel stuff, but never remember the true thing.

The bad thing about being a Déjà Vu is that we have only a very short memory span. This is inbuilt into our species so we cannot remember our missions into the past - therefore we cannot transpose one mission to another, thus affecting the future of mankind or the timeline in any adverse way we wouldn’t want.

On to the story :-

I have been sent on a mission to the past. I have no idea what year I am in - I only know my mission objective: to stop a Daniel Jackson from quitting the Stargate Project. I have the ability to morph into and shape as I need, so I guess I’d better get to it.

I appear from a haze and I hear people talking. A man is lying in a bed, he is looking at a pen and he has tears in his eyes - I can feel his pain and it hurts terribly. This man is Daniel Jackson. I stand here and just watch and gauge his feelings and thoughts for a while (I am able to see into the mind - a perk of the job).

She - Samantha says to Daniel; "Let me know if there is anything I can do.”

He says “Okay,” but I know he is not thinking of asking her.

He closes his eyes for a moment and is lost in thought. I set to work - I morph into the mind.

"Hear me Daniel," I say in Share's voice. He sees flashes of what came before my arrival and I put thoughts into his mind, to try to make him view the past in a different fashion. I am Sha're in his reverie. To implant false memories into a human is not something we take lightly – only if the case warrants, will we choose to do so. But time for me here is limited and I have a lot to achieve. I try to tell him, as Sha're, about the harsesis child, but my thought patterns are lost and he is brought back to the now.

He questions Dr Frasier - now he is beginning to doubt himself.

I am thrown to a point future in time. Jackson is in General Hammond’s office giving his resignation - exactly what I was sent here to stop. I am shocked at the time jump, this happens rarely - must be a flux in my time generator or something.

I jump once again - this is disconcerting.

Daniel is packing boxes, to leave. Jack O'Neill is talking to him; telling him that he cannot quit the SGC. Daniel refuses to listen and says he is still leaving. He admits he will miss certain things, but he still is adamant to leave. I have to avoid this – the poor future I see will be an inevitability if I cannot change this man’s thought processes. He must be made to remain in the SGC. The future for this one human man holds a lot, and we of the future have a lot to thank him for. But, of course, you don't know about that as you are living in the now.

Daniel leaves the SGC and I follow behind him invisibly, cloaked from the present.

We go to Daniel’s apartment. His friends are there, but Daniel has blocked himself off from their caring, he wants to seclude himself and mourn alone. His friends appease his wishes and leave him alone. He tries to sleep. I have to do something before it's to late! I morph to his bed - as Sha're.

His dreams are of Amaunet, and the death of Sha're.

He wakes and I am here. "Are you ill, my husband?" I ask.

"Apparently," he replies.

I try to talk him into returning to the Stargate so he can continue, to find the harsesis child who is the saviour of humanity in time to come. Ah, but I tell you too much of your future now - I must watch myself.

He sleeps again, and I watch him as he rests. Man, I wish I had been Sha're - this dude is sexy!! I mentally slap myself and return to the mission.

I jump yet again - not a nice feeling I can tell you.

I am standing here looking at the people before me. Jackson views his beloved's grave as he speaks, the words of ancient tongue flow from his lips. I can feel his every thought, every emotion - and I feel his pain. Tears come to my eyes as I feel the pain as my own. I have to achieve my objective and time is running short. I do not want to intrude on the ceremonies, but I know the time line must be set to rights and I have very little time to change his thought processes. He must not quit the SGC - the future of mankind is at stake. Yes, the life of one mortal can change many things - the tree of time has many branches, every action gives a reaction within the timeline.

If I had memory access to my previous missions over these past few thousand years there is much I could tell you; but of course that is why we Déjà'Vus have very limited memories.

Daniel performs the ancient ceremony - speaking for Sha're. Cleansing her soul for the afterlife.

I wait until the time is right - I try to judge my moments, but time is running out at the speed of light.

I morph to the mind of Sha're's father and I speak to Daniel - I tell him to go to Sha're. He doesn't want to hear me, but he tries to appease my wishes. I morphy behind him as Sha're, I tell him to forgive Teal'c, to find the boy - but I am pulled away once again. As I leave I send him these words: "Hear me Daniel."

I am pulled back to my own reality for a moment with a jolt.

I have to get this time… thing sorted out. I have only a few hours left before my mission is over - finished or no.

I jump back and he is at his home once again. I follow him to the SGC. I can see he is having thoughts – ‘YES’ I say to myself. Finally I feel like I am gaining some ground. I listen to the conversation between Jackson and Carter. He is questioning, but it seems he thinks he is going a bit mad - this is not what I was aiming for. But they are thoughts nonetheless, whether they be right or wrong. To think is a good thing - to question one's thoughts, one's reality.

I follow Jackson home - O'Neill and Share's father are there to meet him. I am making Sha're's father talk him into remaining at the SGC. Of course Daniel doesn't want to listen so I send him to the door and he opens it. I can feel his amazement as he opens this door to see the place where this all started there before his eyes. Now I have him in my alternate reality field - I can mould what I need to around him (I am very adept at alternate's – they’re my specialty).

He enters the tent and I am there as both Amaunet and Sha're. I try to sustain it, but we are jolted out back to the present. And Daniel wakes back in his own bed. I am starting to get angry at this time jumping now.

Daniel - with me following - returns to the SGC to speak to Teal'c. At least he seems willing to listen now I guess. He asks Teal'c questions about Goa'uld and children made from their mating. Finally Daniel believes in the Harsesis child. I look at my interspatial timepiece, my moments here run short.

We go to General Hammonds office and as Daniel enters he says; "Déjà vu," to O'Neill.

O'Neill repeats; "Déjà vu?"

Daniel repeats; "Déjà vu."

I cannot help but smile as they think it is just an earthly saying - not also an entire race from the future. So I grin at their saying my name… But the mission is not yet fully completed.

Jackson tells General Hammond and O'Neill that he has reconsidered leaving the SGC - I grin the biggest grin as I know my work here is done, finally. Big, huge sigh of relief here.

Daniel kits up and I follow him to the gateroom. O'Neill is his usual sarcastic self and as Daniel enters Samantha smiles - even Teal'c shows the teeniest bit of emotion. Jackson rejoins SG-1 and they leave through the gate. I follow to make sure all is now as it should be.

The team exit the even horizon and walk across a field, but Daniel suddenly wheels around and runs to the DHD and dials the gate - I am fast and I follow right behind him. I follow behind him through the event horizon as the others remain behind, open-mouthed in shock.

‘What is this guy up to?’ I ask myself.

Ah, he has gated back to where Sha're died. He is not in total belief of everything.

So I morph once more into Sha're. I explain to him about the Harsesis boy. But time is my enemy right now - I am being pulled back. Time is running out and my mission nears its end. I make him promise me that he will save the child - knowing he will always keep promises to his love - and we kiss.

(Blew my socks off that one - WOW!!)

His memories flood his mind - he sees the past for once as it truly was. He realises that Teal'c did the right thing. And he knows in his heart what he has to do. That is my mission's objective - not just to make him do what we need him to - for the future's sake - but for him to know this is what he has to do in his heart, in his soul. We are not here to change the thought patterns in any detrimental way and we don't always achieve our objectives. But when we achieve something small sometimes - the future of your race, and even our own future, can be changed for the better in a massive way.

As you said once in the very distant past of your people ‘One small step for man, one giant step for mankind.’ This thought runs on - to the future and beyond – and maybe you will see no change in your lifetime. But believe me, for the children of your race in the distant future - it is better.

As SG-1 returns through the Stargate I can feel myself fading. It's like waking up from a dream. One moment I am there, the next I am at the DVD (Déjàs Virtual Dimension) Headquarters, and I am off for debriefing.

One week from now and I shall have no memory of what has gone before me and I shall be sent on another alternate reality mission.

I am sad - I don't want to forget that kiss from Daniel.

Many things are different for us Déjàs. And kissing is something I would definitely miss - if - of course I could remember. Which, in seven days, I won't.

I disappear in a haze as I arrived.

Goodbye mankind for now - and good luck.

The End

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