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Cosmos' First Day

As Dr Robinson was given a tour of the 'SGC she couldn't help but wonder how she would ever find her way around this rabbit warren. Stargate Command. A short time a go she had been happily ignorant of wormholes between planets, aliens who lived inside people....well....she'd seen that in the movies....but then the aliens popped out of peoples stomachs and - wha? Dr Fraiser's grin meant that she'd probably said the last bit out loud.

"Oops," Dr Robinson said, then turned a deep shade of crimson.

Letting out a small chuckle Dr Fraiser brought them to the last place on the tour. "Here it is."

The door opened to reveal a giant grey ring with lots of funny little pictures on it.

"Hard to believe that that can send people half-way across the galaxy isn't it?"

Letting out a sceptical breath Dr Robinson shared her thoughts on the subject "I'll believe it when I see it."

'Maybe That's why I'm here - somebody wants to know why this entire base believes they have a short-cut to the Klingon homeworld, or wherever it is they think they go.'

The room was suddenly filled the sound of the middle bit of the metal ring thing moving - the very loud sound of the metal ring thing moving.

"Looks like you're in luck."

Dr Robinson watched with mild interest, and more than a little doubt that she was about to see a wormhole across the galaxy. That was until she heard the 'whoosh' and what looked like a giant wave come from the middle of the ring. She could have done without the blaring alarms and soldiers barging past her to line up along-side the ramp, though they didn't manage to make her gaze waver from the water-like surface. When two people walked out she let out the breath she didn't realise she had been holding.

"OK. So it's a Stargate."

When the next two people walked through she started holding her breath again. 'Even a short-cut to the Klingon homeworld can't make me not notice those two!' "Welcome back SG-1".

"It's good to be back sir. Come on Danny boy - lets get the debrief over with quickly so we can to my place before the game starts."

Rolling his eyes at his friend 'Danny boy' came over to talk to the ladies.

"Dr Jackson this is Dr Robinson."

Treating her to an absolutely gorgeous smile Dr Jackson held out his hand, "Daniel."

'Well, at least I'll remember one name today.'

Extending her hand in return Dr Robinson said "Michelle", but couldn't resist adding, "I thought it was 'Danny boy'."

His friend tried to unsuccessfully smother his laugh, which caused Daniel to stop looking embaressed and start giving him a dirty look. 'Guess not.'

"I think it's catching on Danny boy."


That caused Jack to start laughing hard, much to Daniel's annoyance. Before he could retort Dr. Fraiser intervened by trying practically dragging them though the door that led to the infirmary. When they reached the door Jack pulled himself free of her grip and turned to Dr Robinson.

"You coming Michelle? You are going to be working there."

'Go down to the infirmary and chat with two really cute guys, go back to my office and read personnel reports. Tough choice.'

"Sure I'll come. But I'm not that sort of doctor."

"You're not?"

"Nope. I'm a shrink."


'OK. So Jack has a problem with shrinks. I think. Hard to tell - he's so very subtle in his opinions.' "Come on Jack. She can't be as bad as Dr Mackenzie." Daniel gave a decidedly distasteful look before giving Dr. Robinson an apologetic look on his friend's behalf. Evidently she wasn't the only one who saw it since Jack seemed to pick up the hint.

"S'ry." He mumbled it so quietly that she could barely hear it. "I just have a problem with shrinks"

"And scientists." A meaningful look passed between the two and suddenly Jack was all smiles again.

Grinning Jack put his arm around Daniel's shoulders, "Them too."

The four of them finally made it to the infirmary and chatted throughout Jack and Daniel's physicals until Jack realised that he would have to hurry to the debriefing if he was going to catch the start of his game. As Daniel and Jack left the infirmary Dr Robinson couldn't help but admire the view.

'Maybe I'll talk to Dr. Mackenzie about exactly who my patients are. After all....a doctor can't date her patients....'

The End

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