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Ange's First Day

Okieday, here goes, this is seriosly unedited, barely spellchecked and very self indulgent. hee hee.

I pulled up to the gate at the Cheyenne Mountain Complex and nervously smiled at the man with the gun slung over his shoulder. He checked my credentials and then waved me in with a friendly "Welcome to the SGC."

After parking my car, I went through the various levels of security until I ended up several levels down. Not one to feel claustrophobic, I was feeling a little ill at ease. I was walking down a corridor turning my head this way and that trying to figure out where the Research Department was located. I turned a corner and collided with a wall. Ok, it turned out to not be a wall, but that's what it felt like at the time. I looked up and up and up from where I was sprawled on the floor until I finally saw a face with a gold... I frowned trying to decide if it was a tattoo or something else. I heard a voice beside me asked, "Are you ok?"

I turned my head and looked into the bluest eyes I had ever seen. Another man with floppy hair and glasses was smiling at me and looking a little concerned. I blinked a little owlishly at him and tried to open my mouth to say something... anything, but nothing came out.

"Teal'c, I think she might need to go to the infirmary."

"No, I'm all right." I finally got my vocal cords working and started to get to my feet. The second man, put his hand on my elbow and helped me up. I smiled at him and felt my face heat up. "If you could point me in the direction of the Research Lab, I'd really appreciate it. I'm the new research assistant and I, well, I can't seem to find it."

The second man, smiled warmly then said, "Why don't we show you where it is. We were just heading there ourselves, right Teal'c?" The man looked over at his companion who raised an eyebrow in response. "By the way, my name is Daniel Jackson and this.." he pointed to the larger man, "is Teal'c."

"Hi." I returned Teal'c's nod and then quickly added, "My name's Ange... Ange Straatmeyer."

"So," Daniel Jackson continued once he realized I had nothing else to say, "what are you going to be researching?"

"Um, well, they weren't exactly sure who I'd be assigned to when they hired me, but my supervisor mentioned something about assisting in recording the histories of some ancient cultures."

Daniel grinned and then said, "Well it looks like we'll be working together on occasion then. Ah, here we are." He indicated a door on his right and opened it for me, saying as he did so, "Well this is where we part company. See you around."

"It was a pleasure to meet you AngeStraatmeyer." I smiled at Teal'c and thought to myself that I really needed to ask him to call me by my first name only. I closed the door behind me and sat down with my supervisor as she explained to me what I would be doing here.

The End

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