My Name is Boy_Narf...

I dont know why but it was the first name I was to think up for Starcraft You have probley figured out that I like Pinky and the Brain, I think it is the best show next to DBZ. I am in my early teens and have liked Starcraft, Dungeons and Dragons, and Warhammer 40k since the day I saw them. Most of my friends think that Starcraft is really dumb but I really like it... I have got to say it is the best stragety I have ever Played (Blizzrd is the best computer game company) Two of my other friends think that Warhammer is even worse... For some Strange reason they like "Battle Tech" way better, if you have ever played it, you will see why I hate it so much. If you like Battle Tech at all, you had better leave this site immediatly. Look out for me on as Boy_Narf... but if you missed it on the other page my E-mail adress is

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