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Trading Information!

Trading Rules:
1. Please use brand new tapes, not used ones
2. I know stuff comes up when a deal is going on. We get busy, get behind, thus making it hard to get tapes out in a timely manner. All I ask is that when you are running behind let me know. I will do the same. I am not one to be psychotic about the whole 'sending on the same day' thing, especially if we have traded a bunch in the past. Stuff happens and I understand.
3. Please try not to label the spine of the tape if possible..include the labels but just put a note in the box or a post-it on the box saying what's on the tape. Or, just label the tape on the top. I do the same so that you can label the tapes as you like
4. Please be truthful about tape qualities. I will do the same.
5. Have fun! That's the most important thing here is having fun.

VQ Rating Scale:
Excellent (EX)--Pretty much perfect; No flaws; The best!
EX/VG--Between Excellent and Very Good. So good that it's better than just "Very Good" but it's not exactly excellent. I use this rating a lot on my really good quality tapes to be safe, because each trader usually varies with VQ ratings. This rating is also very helpful when doing VQ ratings for compliations or best of tapes when the footage varies in quality.
Very Good (VG)--This tape is still very very enjoyable. Nothing that would really bother anyone while watching it, just a step down from excellent. Perhaps a little miscoloration or maybe some slight fuzz in the picture or something like that.
G/VG--A itty bitty step down from VG but not down to just Good. In the middle. Still enjoyable. This rating is also very helpful when doing VQ ratings for compliations or best of tapes when the footage varies in quality.
Good (G)--Tape is still watchable, but there may be some fault with the tracking, such as a tracking line or a slight jump. The picture will also not be perfect.
Fair (F)-Tape is still watchable, but there are faults with it, such as a constant jump or tracking problems. Watchable, but there are problems. If you really wanted to see the footage I'd say get it. A jumping screen is my total PET PEEVE about tape trading, so if a tape is here it is pretty much guaranteed to have a jumping screen.
Poor (P)--Not recommended. Tape is pretty much unwatchable because of severe problems such as a messed up picture or a severe jump. You probably won't see these tapes on my page, because I don't keep horrible quality tapes.

Hopefully this can answer some questions. Of course, if not you can email me at and I'll be glad to answer them!