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Live Feeds

If you are sitting there asking yourself this question, then you let me help you out. A live feed is just that--a live feed via satellite of RAW (or whatever show it may be) from that night. It could have dark matches, other show tapings, as well as the live show we all saw on TV. These are usually very interesting-many have shoot comments from the announcers (if the match is being taped for another show.) Live feeds are very interesting and defintely worth trying out...Go ahead, try 'em :)

Live feeds available for trade:

WWF Raw/Shotgun Live Feed 2/16/98 (One of the greatest live feeds ever. The feed that started most people to collecting them. Starts off with the taping of the pryo explosion and JR, Cole, and Kelly introducing the show. LOD then faces the Quebecers. During the break, it shows JR, Cole, and Kelly rehearsing a promo. They mess up twice and JR curses. Pretty funny. Ken Shamrock faces Sniper. Next, Jerry Lawler is in the ring preparing for an interview. Lawler insults the crowd during a commercial. Lawler then interviews Sable and Marc Mero. The Headbangers then face the Rock and Roll Express. JR pokes fun at Cornette on some shoot commentary. Jerry Lawler then takes the place of Kelly and Cole at commentary and starting now, throughout the rest of the show, Lawler and Ross do some hilarious shoot commentary. Starting out imitating Lance Russell and it's HILARIOUS. Rock and the Nation of Domination do an interview in the ring. Faarooq faces Steve Blackman. JR interviews Stone Cold Steve Austin in the ring. Next, Owen Hart battles Jeff Jarrett. Kane chokeslams Michael Hayes. Next, Brian Christopher and Super Crazy face Aguila and Taka Michinoku. Sunny was the guest ring announcer for the previous tag match. On the way to the back she stops and halfway moons the crowd! In the main event, Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie take on Goldust (w/Luna) and Marc Mero. Sable comes out and at the end of the match, Sable and Luna get into it. Sable's boob pops out of her top! (VG 1hr 50mins.)

WWF RAW/Shotgun Live Feed 6/15/98 (Features Shotgun tapings, including Kama Mustafa vs Faarooq, Kaienti vs Los Boriquas, New Age Outlaws vs Headbangers, and Golga/Kurgan vs two jobbers. JR, Jim Cornette, Vince Russo and Kevin Kelly are at the commentating table and do shoot commentary during the Shotgun tapings! JR helps The Jackyl cut a promo and comments about how dead the crowd is a few times. Then, there is the regular RAW broadcast that was shown LIVE on the USA network.)-G/VG 2hrs 10mins

WWF Raw/Shotgun/Super Astros Live Feed 8/24/98 (Features some shoot comments from JR and Cornette during the Shotgun tapings. Plus, the RAW showing is included as well as matches taped for Super Astros!)--G/VG

WWF RAW/Shotgun/Super Astros Live Feed 9/10/98-Dallas, TX

WWF RAW/Shotgun/Super Astros Live Feed 12/4/98-Tacoma, WA

WWF Raw/Shotgun/Super Astros Live Feed 2/15/99

WWF Raw/Shotgun/Super Astros Live Feed 5/10/99 (Features Shotgun/Super Astros Tapings-Terry Taylor marks out for Too Much vs Brood!.... Plus over half of the regular RAW show)-EX-2hrs

WWF RAW Live Feed 5/24/99 (RAW IS OWEN)

WWF Raw/Shotgun/Super Astros Live Feed 6/28/99

WWF Raw/Shotgun/Super Astros Live Feed 8/9/99 (RAW IS JERICHO!)

WWF Raw/Jakked Live Feed 4/10/00 (Features a skit between the mayor and Pete Gas to open the show. There are some tracking problems during this skit but it's still very, very watchable. The skit only lasts about 3 minutes anyway and it's nothing special. The tracking problems end as then there is a dark match featuring The Dupps. Next there is another dark match, with Scott Vick taking on Rodney from the Mean Street Posse. Rodney splits his pants open! Too funny! Then the metal tapings start. First there's a match with Essa Rios, accompanied by Lita. Next up D'Lo Brown takes on Joey Abs. Next, The Headbangers face Head Cheese. Also a match with Stevie Richards. Then Jim Ross is introduced to a nice pop followed by Jerry "The King" Lawler to another nice pop. Lilian Garcia comes out and sings the National Anthem. JR and The King talk during all this as they wait to go live on the air. This feed ends right before RAW goes on the air. Basically, the rest of the show would have been the basic RAW show we see on TV anyway-and, it's available in the WWF TV section of this page.)--VG/EX 1hr 20 mins

WWF RAW/Jakked Live Feed 5/1/00 (Features Howard Finkel hyping up the crowd to start off and telling everyone the rules. The first match is a dark match between Scott Vick and JR Ryder. Then there is another dark match featuring The Dupps taking on Christian York and Joey Matthews, and it's a good match full of high flying moves. Then, the Jakked/Metal tapings begin. The first match for these is Dean Malenko facing Stevie Richards. Next, Val Venis takes on Julio Fantastico. Then, Bull Buchanan faces Headbanger Mosh. Finally, Perry Saturn meets Joey Abs. Jim Ross is then introduced followed by Jerry "The King" Lawler to a nice pop as they prepare to go live for RAW. After The Fink shills some merchandise, Lilian Garcia comes out and sings the National Anthem after hyping up the crowd a little. The feed ends as RAW goes live. But, if you'd like to see the RAW show from this night, simply check out the WWF TV section!)--VG/EX 1hr 10mins

WWF RAW/Jakked Live Feed 7/17/00

WWF RAW/Jakked Live Feed 9/18/00--Chicago, IL
Time: 3hrs 15mins VQ: EX/VG

WWF RAW/Jakked Live Feed 12/11/00--Memphis, TN--(Features a dark match with Spanky vs American Dragon. Feed actually starts during the Dupps vs Shooter Schultz/Steve Bradley dark match, but it is very static filled so you can't really see the match. But, the static clears up a lot for the Dragon/Spanky match, which is very good! For Jakked, Slash & Seven vs Too Cool as well as Tazz vs Derrick King and Essa Rios vs Chris Michaels. JR and Lawler prepare for the RAW broadcast and rehearse an advertisement. Then, Lo Down faces Kaientai. JR comes out for the RAW braodcast followed by Jerry Lawler, who gets a great reaction as they are in Memphis. JR and Lawler joke about Lawler's ex-wives. Lilian Garcia comes out to hype the crowd. The RAW show then starts and goes on as was shown on TNN..)--G/VG (Be aware this feed has static!) 3hrs 12mins

WWF 3/01--4/01 Live Feed Compilation 8hrs VG

WWF RAW/Jakked Live Feed 5/7/01--(Features end of Dave Taylor vs Scott Vick dark match as well as complete Tajiri vs Funaki dark match. Jakked tapings, complete RAW show)--VG/EX 3:05

WWF RAW/Jakked Live Feed 5/14/01--(Features dark matches with Randy Orton vs Rico Constantino and Steve Bradley vs Scott Vick. Jakked tapings, complete RAW show)--VG/EX 3:42

WWF RAW/Jakked Live Feed 10/29/01 VG/EX 3:18

WWF RAW/Jakked Live Feed 11/5/01 VG/EX 2:28

WWF RAW Live Feed 4/1/02 VG/EX 3:17

Smackdown/Heat Tapings Live Feeds:

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings--Live Feed 2/8/00 (Features a couple of Tazz vignettes, Heat Tapings and Smackdown Tapings as well as footage of after Smackdown went off the air with Kane in the ring and DX retreating with Tori-no commentary)-G/VG-2hrs 48mins

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 2/15/00 (Features 10 minutes of the Thunder feed from the same night, with the Demon finally getting out of his coffin after getting stuck and Mike Tenay talking. Also has Dave Penzer stalling for time as this was the night that Scott Hall got into it with WCW management and refused to perform just MINUTES before he was scheduled to go out! The Smackdown/Heat Tapings part of the feed features Heat Tapings as well as the regular Smackdown show. During Heat it's Essa Rios vs Funaki and Y2J vs Jeff Hardy, as well as other matches. Tony Chimmel shills merchandise as the attendants assemble the Smackdown ring ropes, banners, and apron. Then the Smackdown tapings happen. It's interesting because, especially during Heat, you see some more of what happens while they cut to commercial, such as the wrestlers leaving the ring and celebrating or posing. This is the show where the Rock hit the Big Show with the 2 x 4 after the DX Express left. *BONUS FOOTAGE* After the tapings, The Rock comes back to the ring to pose, but the Big Show runs out and attacks him. They brawl around, and the Rock gives the Big Show the Rock Bottom and the People's Elbow! After this, The Rock goes to leave but the fans DEMAND he stays. He gets back in the ring and does the "Finally, the Rock has come back to Fresno! " line. He has all the fans eating out of the palm of his hand, as usual!! This was NOT shown on television!-No Commentary)-VG/EX 2hrs 45mins

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 2/22/00 (Features footage before the tapings begin, of The Rock/Big Show finish from the Royal Rumble 2000, as well as clips from RAW. Also included is a DARK MATCH, not shown on television, featuring THE DUPPS from ECW facing Tracy Smothers and partner. Tony Chimmel shills merchandise. While the Heat tapings are getting ready to start, and during other times throughout this feed, the fans continuously chant ROCKY!! ROCKY!! ROCKY!!! Featured on this feed is a match that was never shown on television as Hardcore Holly faces Bradshaw from the Acolytes. It's really interesting to watch this feed and see how they tape Heat out of order and stuff, such as doing the fireworks intro in the middle of the show! Also, you get to see more of what happens when the show WE ALL SEE ON TV cuts to commercial, just little bits with the wrestlers leaving the ring and celebrating and stuff. Before the Smackdown tapings begin, LILIAN GARCIA comes out and sings the NATIONAL ANTHEM. This was NOT shown on TV! Michael Cole comes out to KID ROCK music, and Jerry Lawler gets a good pop from the Nashville crowd when they come out to commentate for Smackdown. Then, the Smackdown tapings begin. Featured during the Smackdown tapings is a commercial for the Acolytes Protection Agency, as well as the scene where X-Pac tried to shoot Kane with the flame thrower, but the flame thrower malfunctioned! They later had to reshoot this angle on the same night, so this feed has both the messup and the reshoot. It's HILARIOUS to see X-Pac pointing the gun at Kane and motioning for it to shoot a flame...but nothing happens! Just hilarious! ALSO featured on this feed, during the Smackdown tapings is ANOTHER match that DIDN'T make it to television as MARK HENRY faces VISCERA. THE ACOLYTES come out and attack Mark Henry for Viscera. The Acolytes double suplex Mark Henry and during this you can hear Bradshaw scream "1..2..3, GO!" Viscera then does a little mic work to Henry, but pisses off the Acolytes at the same time! The Acolytes then take Viscera out after Faarooq does some mic work! ALL this never made it to TV! Then, they reshoot the angle with Kane and X-Pac where X-Pac shoots Kane with the flame thrower, and this time it works. It's neat to see how they work all this together and get all the same guys in the same places as before. Also, after the Rock/Jericho vs Big Show/Angle tag match, there is footage not shown on TV of Jericho posing in the ring. Jericho gets each side of the crowd to cheer by themselves then gets everyone to cheer together, it's funny. After the tapings conclude, they tape a short clip of The Rock talking on his cell phone and a live shot of the dark arena as everyone is leaving-No Commentary)-VG/EX 3hrs 28mins.

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 2/29/00 (Before the tapings begin, there is some hilarious "clown" music playing. Then, the new DX Music Video featuring the new version of the theme is shown. This video DOES NOT feature Mr. Ass! It has Stephanie, HHH, Road Dogg, and X-Pac, so I assume this is the new DX Titan Tron video. Either way, it's a really cool video! ALSO, the unaired Acolytes Protection Agency commercial is shown, the one where they are talking like they are in Pulp Fiction about "a man's stash." Also clips of Sgt. Slaughter which later turn out to be his Titan Tron video are shown. The Heat tapings then start. The fans chant ROCKY! ROCKY! ROCKY! during the "commerical breaks" in the Heat tapings. The Smackdown tapings then start. During some of the commercial breaks, Caryn Mower comes out to that same "clown" like music that was on earlier in the feed. She is doing a "Bodydonna 2000" like gimmick. She tries to get the crowd to exercise and get off their "big butts." The crowd hates her! This did not get on TV as this was just like a dark tryout for her to get used to working in front of the crowd. Also not shown on TV, LILIAN GARCIA comes out and sings the national anthem! During a break in the Smackdown show, Caryn comes out again to get under the skin of the crowd! She's great! She insults the crowd very much about being lazy about exercising! At the end, there is exclusive footage of more of the argument/staredown between Stephanie/HHH and Big Show/Shane-No Commentary)-VG/EX 2hrs 51 mins.

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings--Live Feed 3/21/00--Milwaukee, WI Features a dark match that was NEVER shown on TV between Mideon and Scott Vick (Sickboy from WCW.) Another dark match features The Dupps taking on The Headbangers. Howard Finkel preps the crowd as the Heat tapings begin and they tape the pyro entrance. The Heat tapings then happen, featuring "Y2J" Chris Jericho, Tazz, Hardyz, Edge & Christian, Val Venis, Essa Rios, and others. After the Heat tapings, the ring crew assembles for Smackdown. "The King" comes down and Lilian Garcia sings the National Anthem-great job as always. Next up, the Smackdown tapings start. This was the Smackdown where Triple H called Linda McMahon a "B*TCH." And, since this is a LIVE FEED, this is UNCENSORED!! Made it a better moment if you ask me! Her reaction was hilarious!! During the "break" Caryn Mower (Muffy) comes out and harasses the crowd about their weight and tries to get them to exercise. The picture is black during this but you can hear it. Muffy comes out once again to pick on the crowd, but it can only be heard, not seen as the picture is black for the "commercial break." It's still pretty funny. Later, she comes out once again. In the last segment, since this IS a Live Feed, Stephanie McMahon Helmsley calling her mother a "B*TCH" is yet again UNCENSORED!! The chants of "She's a crack whore" are loud at Stephanie also! After the Smackdown show went off the air, some bonus stuff happened for those in the arena and those who got the feed! Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco came out to help the fallen Linda McMahon. Triple H ran to the ring and beat up Patterson and Brisco as Linda was walking away. Mick Foley then made the save, laying out Triple H in the ring after a short brawl. Then, Foley has Pat Patterson drop the People's Elbow on Triple H!! Hilarious! Foley then has Gerald Brisco do the same! Very funny spot seeing the Stooges drop the People's Elbow.. All 3 do crotch chops to HHH as the show closes--No Commentary)--VG/EX 3hrs 25 mins.

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 3/28/00-San Antonio, TX--(Features a dark match joined in progress featuring members of Shawn Michaels' TWA wrestling promotion: Spanky, American Dragon, and 2 others. They are solid workers. A bunch of innovative spots in this match. Next up, another dark match featuring The Dupps taking on Scott Vick and partner. The Heat tapings are up next. However, this was the Heat prior to Wrestlemania, so these matches did not air on Heat. I believe some of them aired on Jakked, but I'm not sure on that one. The matches are: Godfather & D'Lo Brown vs Mean Street Posse (The Ho's attack and dance with referee Tim White afterwards...), Al Snow vs Viscera, Bull Buchanan vs Bradshaw, and Val Venis vs Hardcore Holly. As the ring crew sets up for Smackdown, Muffy (Caryn Mower) comes out and tries to get the crowd to exercise. Lilian Garcia once again does a beautiful rendetion of the National Anthem. The Smackdown tapings then start. Nothing extra happens during the show really, but after the main event (Stephanie vs Jackie) some extras came on. As seen on Smackdown, a huge brawl erupted with just about the whole WWF roster involved. In the end, Rock and Mick Foley were in the ring and Foley had the barb wire baseball bat in his hand with HHH and Big Show on the ramp staring at them. At this point Smackdown went off. The Live Feed picks up footage afterwards, however. The Big Show charges the ring, and Rock and Foley lay him out with the baseball bat. Rock then goes for the People's elbow, but Foley asks to do it. Rock gives Foley permission, and Foley connects with the People's Elbow. They keep showing the skit where Head Cheese attacks T&A in the backstage area. On this clip, after the beatdown, Albert is laying on Test, and Tests says "Get off me, you fat bastard!" Hilarious. They play this like 5 times. Shane McMahon ends up in the ring, and Rock and Foley bully Shane around. Rock is really funny here, letting Shane think he's getting away then hitting him anyway. Rock does some mic work ("Finally...") and does the Poontang Pie routine with Shane. Really good stuff. Shane says he likes pie-Apple pie, then key lime pie. The Rock corrects Shane, as Shane ends up getting Socko and a Rock Bottom. Rock then gives Shane the People's Elbow with the barb wire bat in a neat spot. Rock leaves the ring, but gets to the top of the ramp and comes back to make up with Shane. Rock helps Shane up but gives him ANOTHER Rock Bottom to end the show! Good stuff, crowd loved it--No Commentary.)-VG/EX 3hrs 32 mins

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 4/4/00-San Jose, CA

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 4/11/00

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 4/25/00

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 5/2/00 (Features: This feed kicks off with Heat tapings. First match is The Godfather (w/Ho's) taking on D'Lo Brown. Then, ring announcer Tony Chimmel shills some merchandise and they tape the Heat opening crowd shots. Next up is a special interview from Edge and Christian! Then, Val Venis goes one on one with Perry Saturn. Finally, Too Cool meet The Dudley Boyz. As the ring people change the ropes to tape Smackdown, Michael Cole comes out to Kid Rock music to the announce desk. Then, Jerry Lawler is introduced to a good pop. Lilian Garcia then comes out to sing the National Anthem. The Smackdown show is then taped, which aired nationally on 5/4/00. During one break late in the feed, the screen is dark but you can still hear the crowd noise. Jerry Lawler comes over the mic (presumably from in the ring) and addresses the crowd, asking them if they are for their hometown hero Earl Hebner. Lawler says Hebner won't be able to hold up his end of the bargain as Rock's partner in the main event. This was pretty much Lawler trying to get Earl Hebner over in his own town. It also could be a stall technique because of something going on in the back. King tries to lead an Earl chant followed by a Rock chant. After the main event and Earl Hebner is stretchered out, The Rock comes back to the ring and poses for the crowd. Shane McMahon comes out and harasses The Rock, so Rock throws him in the ring and they do their usual little talk with Rock talking about pie. Good stuff, as the sound cuts off on some parts as the techs were doing some stuff I guess. The picture stays though for a bit before cutting to pretapes from earlier in the evening--No Commentary.)--VG/EX 3hrs 15mins.

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 5/9/00

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 5/23/00--(Features: A dark match never shown on TV when The Dupps take on Pete Gas and Joey Abs from the Mean Street Posse! In another dark match, Todd Morton battles Bull Pain. The Heat tapings are then shown, followed by the Smackdown tapings. Nothing extra special during these Heat tapings except for the post match celebrations on the live feed are longer than what was shown on TV. After Heat, Jerry "The King" Lawler is introduced to do commentary and Lilian Garcia comes out and sings the National Anthem. Before the Smackdown tapings begin, the Mick Foley "I Will Remember You" tribute video is shown. The Smackdown show is then taped. Everything is as usual except for the Undertaker/Shane match is not shown. The feed cuts to the end of that match, with the Undertaker running off the Faction with his motorcycle. Rock celebrates with the fans in the ring and then goes to leave. The fans won't allow it! The Rock stays behind to do some mic work for the fans in the arena. Before he can start, however, The Undertaker's music comes back on and Undertaker comes back down for a staredown with The Rock! They shake hands and UT leaves. Crowd pops big for the handshake. This was the first Smackdown after UT's return as the "American Badass." After UT leaves, Rock does some mic work for the crowd. After the show, there is a section of the feed called "Vince Wildlines." Here, it's audio of Vince, Shane, and Gerald Brisco doing a backstage segment. The only problem is they have to do it like 20 times because they keep messing up. Vince curses, they all get frustrated, it's hilarious and really interesting!-No Commentary.) VG/EX 3hrs 30mins.

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 8/1/00

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 8/15/00

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 10/24/00
Time: 3hrs 7mins VQ: EX/VG

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 11/21/00--(Features a dark match between Rodney and Chris Nelson. Heat Tapings include WWF Tag Titles: RTC vs Too Cool, Edge vs Al Snow, Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn vs Hardy Boyz. The techs change the ring ropes and apron over for the Smackdown tapings as Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler come out for the SD Tapings. Lilian Garcia sings the National Anthem and then the SD tapings take place. This was the Smackdown that aired on 11/23/00. The regular Smackdown show starts. This was the Thanksgiving edition of Smackdown featuring the WWF talent each bringing a dish for a dinner that turned into a food fight. During one break, the show the Mick Foley "I Will Remember You" music video. After the show, there is audio of everyone rehearsing the big food fight scene. You can hear Shane McMahon giving everyone instructions as well as Mick Foley, Debra, and Lo-Down rehearsing their scene. Then, we get to see them rehearsing instead of just the audio of it. Just a walk-through, as Shane says. Then they do the actual take we saw on Smackdown of the food fight. Afterwards, you can see Stacy Carter (The Kat) come out from hiding under the table. As you may have heard, she supposedly didn't want to get hit with any food but had been by Brian Christopher, who is also shown covered in food. Interesting part. Bubba Ray Dudley walks around with the Pilgrim hat on and does the "wazzzzup" to the camera. Great segment full of shoot stuff!--No Commentary during the arena tapings.)--VG/EX 3hrs 8mins.

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings-Live Feed 9/18/01 Memphis, TN--(Features these dark matches Island Boys vs Haas Brothers, Kid Kash vs Justin Credible, and Steve Bradley vs Scott Vick. The Sunday Night Heat tapings were up next, featuring Mike Awesome vs Crash Holly, Tommy Dreamer vs Billy Gunn, and Scotty 2 Hotty vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. Jim Ross then comes out and does his "Proud to be an American" speech as the crew changes over the ropes for Smackdown. The Smackdown tapings then take place. This is the Smackdown that aired on 9/20/01. The Kurt Angle stretcher inicdent is longer on the feed. This feed does have commentary and in some of the breaks you can hear Ross and Cole on headset. Also, after the main event there is some post-match stuff between Rock and Booker T, to entertain the live crowd as well as a segment betwen Rock and Jerry Lee Lewis, who was in attendance.)--VG/EX 3hrs 25mins.

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings Live Feed 10/30/01 VG/EX 3:18

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings Live Feed 11/13/01 VG/EX 3:00

WWF Smackdown/Heat Tapings Live Feed 3/12/02 (Steph Popout) VG/EX 3:19

WWF Smackdown Tapings Live Feed 4/2/02 VG/EX 3:02

WWF Smackdown Tapings Live Feed 4/9/02 VG/EX 2:56

WWE Smackdown/Velocity Tapings Live Feed 7/9/02 VG/EX 3:05
-Rock and Kurt Angle break kayfabe after the show!

WWE Smackdown/Velocity Tapings Live Feed 7/16/02 VG/EX 2:23


NWO Hotel Satellite Feed

WCW: Ric Flair in the Asylum Live Feed (Yes, this is THAT show. This feed is only the stuff with Flair in the hospital with his other "mental patients" There is no sound on parts of this feed, but it's still VERY interesting and funny to watch. Dusty Rhodes, Scott Hall, and Asya are also on this feed. Plus, some shoot commentary from Bobby Heenan and Tony Schiavone.) VG 1hr 10 mins.

WCW Feed Compliation (This is a compliation tape of a couple of WCW feeds. Features lots of Dave Penzer in the ring, as well as "Wildcat Willie" the WCW mascot. Before one Nitro goes on the air, Mike Tenay says "I didn't get a format!" Gotta love WCW and their top notch preparation! Tenay, Tony Schiavone, and Larry Zybysko joke around before another Nitro begins. They also joke around about Goldberg's win/loss record before another show. Also, there is a dark match featuring Erik Watts. This tape features a dark match between Public Enemy vs Reese & Horace, as well as the ending of Steve Blackman vs D'Lo from Shotgun tapings in the WWF. The Maestro also has a dark match against Evan Karegeous. The Nitro Girls dance a few times from different Nitro's before the show started. Hacksaw Jim Duggan is also featured in a dark match.--2hrs VG

WCW Reload Feed 7/18/00


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