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Memphis Wrestling: The Home of Rhythm & Bruise
FULL match listings coming soon...

Tape 1:
Memphis Wrestling: 5/17/03 (Debut Show)
Time: 50mins VQ: VG
Corey Maclin & Burt Prentice open; Brian Christopher vs Rex Sexton; Carlos Colon segment; Lance Russell joins to cohost; Bill Dundee int; Shock & Awe 2 on 3 Squash match; Jimmy Hart/Lawyer/Corey int; Chris Harris video; Kevin White & Chris Harris vs Chase Stevens & B.A.D; Hart/Lawyer int; Hart/Lawyer/Shock/Awe segment; Jerry Lawler int; 2 out of 3 Falls: Jerry Lawler vs Kamala-Hart/Shock/Awe out

Memphis Wrestling: 5/24/03
Time: 45mins VQ: VG
Corey/Burt/Lance segment; Hart/Shock/Awe int; Shock & Awe (w/Hart) vs Jerry Lawler & Kamala; Dundee/Chris Harris int; Corey/Hart/Lawlers int; Chase Stevens & B.A.D vs Bill Dundee & Chris Harris; Lawler int; Flex vs Kodiak-Hart/Shock/Awe out; Hart/Shock/Awe/Doug Gilbert/Lawler/Dundee/Harris int; 2 out of 3 Falls: Doug Gilbert & Shock & Awe (w/Hart) vs Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee & Chris Harris

Memphis Wrestling: 5/31/03
Time: 46mins VQ: VG/EX
Corey/Mr. Coffey segment; Jimmy Hart joins as cohost & introduces David Penzer as XWF Ring Announcer; XWF Tag Titles: Shock & Awe (w/Hart) vs Flex & Kodiak; Brian Christopher vs B.A.D; Christopher/Hart int; Lawler int; Reggie B. Fine int-becomes Reggie Walker; Reginald Walker vs Rex Sexton; The Naturals (Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas) vs Kevin White & Bill Dundee; Gilbert/Hart int-Lawler out; 2 out of 3 Falls: Doug Gilbert (w/Hart) vs Jerry Lawler-Moondogs out.

Memphis Wrestling: 6/7/03
Time: 46mins VQ: VG/EX
Doug Gilbert int; Gilbert vs Kevin White; Hart/Fan int; Hart/Moondogs int; Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas vs Flex & Kodiak; Reginald Walker/Jimmy Hart int; Reginald Walker vs B.A.D; Hart/Shock/Awe int; Lawler/Dundee int; XWF Tag Titles: Shock & Awe (w/Hart) vs Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee-Moondogs out; Lawler/Dundee int.

Memphis Wrestling: 6/14/03
Time: 49mins VQ: VG/EX
Chase Stevens/Andy Douglas/Lollipop int; Stevens & Douglas (w/Lollipop) vs Sir Timothy & Rex Sexton (w/April); Bert Prentice/Jimmy Hart int; Flex vs B.A.D; Brian Christopher/Kevin White int; Lawler/Dundee int; Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee vs The Moondogs (w/Hart); Hart/Shock/Awe int; XWF Tag Titles-2 out of 3 Falls: Shock & Awe (w/Hart) vs Brian Christopher & Kevin White-Doug Gilbert out.

Memphis Wrestling: 6/21/03
Time: 45mins VQ: VG/EX
Hart/Shock/Awe/Gilbert/Moondogs Party interview; Hart/Shock/Awe int; Shock (w/Hart & Awe) vs Kevin White; Flex vs Bill Dundee; Brian Christopher int-Gilbert out; 2 out of 3 Falls: Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas & Lollipop vs Rex Sexton & Sir Timothy & April; Lawler/B.A.D. int; Jerry Lawler vs B.A.D; Doug Gilbert (w/Hart) vs Brian Christopher.

Memphis Wrestling: 6/28/03
Time: 47mins VQ: VG/EX
Hart/Penzer segment; Doug Gilbert vs King Cobra; Chris Harris int; Chris Harris vs Rex Sexton; Hart/Konnan int; Shock & Awe music video; Brian Teigland joins as new cohost; Justice vs Flex; Dundee/White int; Lawler int; Reed Richardson vs Bill Dundee; Hart/Buff Bagwell int; Mr. Compulsive vs Brian Christopher.

Missed 7/5/03 Show!

Tape 2:
Memphis Wrestling: 7/12/03
Time: 50mins VQ: VG/EX
Jimmy Hart int; Christopher int; Hart segment at store; B.A.D & Mr. Compulsive vs Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas-Moondogs out; Hart/Shock segment at Bail Bond Company; Hart/King Mable int; King Mable vs Flex; Kevin White/Hart/Mr. White/Shock footage-last week; Corey/Kevin/Mr. White int; Hart segment; Hart/Mable int; XWF Title: King Mable (w/Hart) vs Lord Humongous; Dundee segment; Kevin White (w/Mr. White) vs Shock (w/Hart); Corey/Hart/Shock segment with limo containing new CEO-Hart faints.

Memphis Wrestling: 7/19/03
Time: 46mins VQ: VG/EX
Hart/Lawyer int-Handsome Jimmy Valiant debuts as new CEO-interview; Hart/El Poncho video in Mexico; Valiant int-Prince Valiant (Reggie B. Fine) out; Prince Valiant vs El Poncho; Hart tribute video to Lawler; Hart/Rick Steiner int; Hart/Mable int; King Mable vs Bruiser & Outlaw; B.A.D vs Kevin White-Shock/Dundee out; Dundee/White int; Cyborg promo video; Valiant/Stevens/Douglas int; Hardcore Match: Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas vs Moondogs-Hart/Shock/B.A.D out; From JAPW: Terry Funk vs Jerry Lawler (JIP); Hart/Moondogs out.

Memphis Wrestling: 7/26/03
Time: 50mins VQ: VG/EX
Preview of Rumble at the Roundhouse; Lawler int; Stevens/Douglas int-become Alternative Express; Valiant int; Hart/Shock int; White/Dundee/Shock/Hart feud video; White/Mr. White/Dundee int; King Mable video; Mable/Hart int; Lawler int; Prince Valiant int; Hart/Shock int-Hart pours flour on Corey; Christopher/Gilbert video; Christopher int; Prince Valiant/Hart/Shock/Moondogs int-brawl; Reggie B. Fine/Lawler int.

Memphis Wrestling: 7/31/03 (Thursday Night Special hyping Rumble at the Roundhouse)
Time: 46mins VQ: VG/EX-reception fuzzy at times
Mr. Compulsive vs Kevin White; White int; Dundee int; Hart/Shock int; Valiant int; Hart/Moondogs int; Moondogs vs jobbers; Lawler/Reggie int; Ricky Morton calls in; King Mable (w/Hart) vs Reed Richardson; Mable int; Lawler/Doug Gilbert int; Christopher/K.Krush int; Brian Christopher vs Flex.

Memphis Wrestling: 8/2/03
Time: 49mins VQ: VG/EX
Doug Gilbert vs Mr. Compulsive; Lawler/Reggie int; Lawler & Reggie B. Fine vs Moondogs (w/Hart)-Dundee/White out; Lawler int; Shock (w/Hart) vs Tim Warcloud-Dundee/White out; Valiant int-Hart/Moondogs/Dundee/White out; Reed Richardson & B.A.D vs Alternative Express; Rock n Roll Express int; Hart/Mable/Shock/Reggie/Moondogs int-Lawler/Krush out; Christopher/Gilbert int-Krush out; First Family int.

Memphis Wrestling: 8/9/03
Time: 50mins VQ: VG
JIP during 1st match-B.A.D vs Reed Richardson; Music video from Rumble at the Roundhouse; Lord Humongous vs Tim Warcloud; Roundhouse show clips; RnR Express int; Cyborg promo video; Athena/April/Lollipop int-catfight; Dundee video as new XWF CEO; Corey/Kevin White sitdown int; Jerry Lawler & K. Krush vs Alternative Express-Reggie out; Hart/Reggie segment.

Tape 3:
Memphis Wrestling: 8/16/03

Memphis Wrestling: 8/30/03

Memphis Wrestling: 9/6/03

Memphis Wrestling: 9/27/03 (VQ Issues...)

Tape 4:
Memphis Wrestling: 10/4/03
Time: 47mins VQ: VG/EX
Lance Russell segment; Mr. Compulsive vs Kevin White; Lance/Jimmy Hart int; Lance/Hart/Mable/Dundee int; El Poncho vs King Mable (w/Hart); MSC Video: Cyborg vs Lord Humongous; Lance/Koko Ware int; Lance/Hart/Kamala int; MSC Video: Kamala vs Koko B. Ware; Rock n Roll Express vs East Coast Bad Boys; Lance/RnR Express int; MSC Video-TLC Match: Moondogs vs Rock n Roll Express; Jerry Lawler & Flex vs Moondogs (w/April); MSC Video-Too Cool (Christopher & Scotty 2 Hotty) vs Shock & Doug Gilbert

Memphis Wrestling 10/11/03

Memphis Wrestling: 10/18/03 (VQ-reception is bad through most)

Memphis Wrestling: 10/25/03

Memphis Wrestling: 11/8/03

Memphis Wrestling: 11/15/03

Tape 5:
Memphis Wrestling: 11/22/03

Memphis Wrestling: 11/22/03 (Night Special-Jerry Lawler-This Is Your Life)

Memphis Wrestling: 11/29/03

Memphis Wrestling: 12/6/03

Memphis Wrestling: 12/13/03

Memphis Wrestling: 12/20/03

Memphis Wrestling: 12/27/03 (Year in Review)

Tape 6:
Memphis Wrestling: 1/3/04

Memphis Wrestling: 1/10/04

Memphis Wrestling: 1/17/04

Memphis Wrestling: 1/24/04

Memphis Wrestling: 1/31/04

Memphis Wrestling: 2/7/04

Tape 7:
Memphis Wrestling: 2/14/04
Time: 48mins VQ: VG/EX
Rocky Johnson int; East Coast Bad Boys vs Kevin White & Derrick King; Lawler arrives; Bart Sawyer vs Koonta; Lawler/Christopher int; Sexy Assassin #7 vs Tracey Smothers; 15 Man Battle Royal for Double Bye in Southern Title Tournament-Featuring: Mabel, White, King, Bad Boys, Mo, Sexy Assassin #7, El Poncho, Smothers, Sawyer, Koonta, Pokerface, Waylo, Lifeguards; TV Title vs Hummer: Brian Christopher vs Jerry Lawler-Jonathan Coachman/Assassin out; Lawler/Ref. Bill Rush int-Mable/Coachman/Christopher out.

Memphis Wrestling: 2/21/04
Time: 47mins VQ: VG/EX
Rocky int; Smothers int; DK int; Southern Title Tournament-1st Round: Derrick King vs Tracey Smothers; Southern Title Tournament-1st Round: Bart Sawyer vs Bad Boy #2 (w/#1); Christopher/Sexy Assassin int; Southern Title Tournament-1st Round: Dustin Starr vs Bad Boy #1 (w/#2); Lawler/Mable int; Southern Title Tournament-1st Round: Koonta vs Kevin White; Brian Christopher & Sexy Assassin vs Lawler & King Mable; Lawler/Mable int.

Memphis Wrestling: 2/28/04
Time: 48mins VQ: VG/EX
Hart/Dundee/Shock int; Southern Title Tournament-Bill Dundee (w/Hart) vs Dustin Starr; Reggie B. Fine int; Southern Title Tournament: Reggie B. Fine vs Koko B. Ware; Hart/Shock segment; Lawler/Jerry Calhoun int; Kevin White music video; Southern Title Tournament: Tracey Smothers vs Kevin White; Lawer int; Hollywood int; Southern Title Tournament: Jerry Lawler vs Shock (w/Hart)-Calhoun ref; Christopher/Lawler int-Christopher pours cheese in Lawler's crown.

Memphis Wrestling: 3/6/04 (Last Half of the Show only!)
Time: 28mins VQ: VG/EX
Christopher int; Lawler int; Dundee int; Southern Title Tournament: Jerry Lawler vs Bill Dundee (w/Hart)-BC/Assassins out; Derrick King & Bart Sawyer vs Shock & Koonta (w/Hart); Mable int; Southern Title Tournament-FINALS: King Mable vs Bill Dundee (w/Hart)-Lawler out; Mable/Rocky/Lawler int.

Memphis Wrestling: 3/13/04
Time: 47mins VQ: VG/EX
Corey & Lance Russell open; Dundee/Rocky int; Koko int; Koko B. Ware vs Derrick King; Johnny Dodson int; Koonta vs Dodson; Hart countdown to WMXX segment; Reggie int; Reggie B. Fine vs Tracey Smothers; Smothers int; Dustin Starr & Alan Steel vs Sexy Assassins; King Mable calls in; Mable music video; Lawler/Lance int; Lawler/Dundee music video; Hart countdown to WMXX seg; Kevin White vs Bill Dundee-Koko/Rocky out.

Memphis Wrestling: 3/20/04
Time: 50mins VQ: VG/EX
Corey/Brian/Lance open; Hart int; Flex vs Sexy Assassin; Koko/Dundee int; Reggie/Koonta int; Reggie B. Fine & Koonta vs Tracey Smothers & Derrick King; Hart segment; Corey sitdown int with King Mable; Rocky int; Lawler/Bischoff taped int segment; 2 out of 3 Falls: Bill Dundee & Koko B. Ware vs Kevin White & Rocky Johnson.

Memphis Wrestling: 3/27/04
Time: 50mins VQ: VG/EX
Hart/Mr. Coffey int; DK int; Christopher int; TV Title: Brian Christopher vs Derrick King; Christopher int; Rocky/Mr. White/Calhoun/Dundee/Hart/Shock/Lawler/Gilbert/Mable int; Lumberjack Match: Bill Dundee vs Rocky Johnson; Hart/Koonta/Shock int; Koonta & Shock vs Dustin Starr & Tracey Smothers; Lawler int; Lawler vs Sexy Assassin; Mable int; Hart/Gilbert int-Shock out; Southern Title: King Mable vs Doug Gilbert; Hart/Gilbert/Lawler segment.

Tape 8:
Memphis Wrestling: 4/3/04
Time: 1hr VQ: VG/EX
Hart/Shock/Gilbert/Security int; Lawler int; Hart/Dundee int; Dundee & Koonta (w/Hart) vs Derrick King & Rocky Johnson; Kevin White int & music video; Christopher/Sexy Assassins int; Brian Christopher (w/Assassins) vs Tracey Smothers; Lance Russell "Classic Memphis Moments" segment-Fabulous Ones music video; Lawler/Mable int-"Bad News" music video clip; Hart/Shock/Gilbert int; Shock & Gilbert (w/Hart) vs Alan Steel & Johnny Dodson; Lawler & King Mable vs Sexy Assassins-Shock/Gilbert/Hart out.

Memphis Wrestling: 4/10/04
Time: 1hr VQ: VG/EX
Hart/Gilbert int; Hart/Koko int; Sexy Assassin vs Kevin White; Tom Nunnery/Hart/Gilbert/Shock/Jim Dickinson int; Kid Kash/Hart/Christie Ricci int; Kid Kash vs Derrick King; DK/Kash/Har int; Lawler calls in-Hart out; Jimmy Hart's Money Inc attack Lifeguards; Dundee/Gilbert/Hart int-brawl; Brian Christopher int-Maven taped int; Lawler/HBK taped int; Downtown Bruno/Teddy Long taped int; Mable int; Lawler/HHH taped int; Hart/Money Inc attack & piledrive Corey Maclin.

Memphis Wrestling: 4/17/04
Time: 1hr VQ: VG/EX
Lawler calls in; Gilbert int; Doug Gilbert vs Jason Reed-Dundee out; Dundee int; Hart/Money Inc int; Koko int; Koko B. Ware vs Tracey Smothers-White out; Kevin White int; DK/Kash/Ricci int; Mable int-Rodney Mack taped int; Mable vs Sexy Assassins; Christopher int; Brian Christopher vs Johnny Dodson; Lawler/Sgt. Slaughter taped int; Road Warrior Animal calls in; Hollywood int-Hart/Money Inc/Shock out-big brawl-attack security/crew/fans-destroy the studio.

Memphis Wrestling: 4/22/04 (Slam Jam Thur. Night Special)
Time: 21mins VQ: VG/EX
Features videos, interviews, and hype for the Slam Jam show at the Mid South Coliseum.

Memphis Wrestling: 4/24/04
Time: 45mins VQ: VG/EX
Hart/Money Inc/Shock/Kid Kash/Ricci/Koko int; Shock (w/Hart) vs Jason Reed; Kash/Hart int; Kid Kash (w/Hart) vs Johnny Dodson; Sexy Assassins vs Lifeguards; Dundee int; Hart/Koko int-Kevin Whtie clips-injury at MSC; Bill Dundee vs Koonta (w/Hart); Mable int; Slam Jam Clips; Lawler int.

Memphis Wrestling: 5/1/04
Time: 50mins VQ: VG/EX
Hart int/ Hart/Shock/Koonta int; Shock & Koonta (w/Hart) vs Lifeguards; Kevin White sitdown int; Hart/Koko int; Money Inc. music video; Dundee int; Hollywood int; Mable int; Southern Title: King Mable vs Nicholas Doom; Hart/Kash int; Kid Kash (w/Hart) vs Flex; Tracey Smothers & Bill Dundee vs Alan Steel & Tony Gunn-Koko/Hart out-Smothers heel turn.

Memphis Wrestling: 5/8/04
Time: 47mins VQ: VG/EX
Lawler/Hart/Shock int; Hart/Koonta int; Koonta (w/Hart) vs Johnny Dodson; Hart/Smothers int; King Mable calls in; Lawler/Dundee/Elvis impersonator int; Kid Kash/Hart int; Kid Kash (w/Hart) vs Dustin Starr; Money Inc music video; Bill Dundee & Derrick King vs Sexy Assassins; Jerry Lawler vs Nicholas Doom-Hart out; Lawler/Hart int.

Tape 9
Memphis Wrestling: