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Hello, I see that you have made it. What took ya so long? Well since you're here.. I suggest that you could take a look around and see what I got to offer...  Okay I guess that we could start here.. by me telling you who I am.. My name is Cassie Fenush. I'm a 18 year old female with green eyes and don't know what color hair (it was colored too many times, but oh well) any how.. what else do you want to know? I'm taken' by a wonderful man... His name is Todd Srock... and I love him so much!! anyhow.. What I like to do in my spare time is: Hang out with my friends, cruise around Clearfield, and stuff like that, and I like to ride 4-wheelers and chat on the puter and fone.. and just things that a NORMAL person would like to do but sometimes I like to do some crazzzy shit.. but I won't go there.. heheheh.. Okay that's enough about me.. so lets get to know you by signing these 2 books.. if you would please...

~*View My SlamBook! | Sign My SlamBook!~*

      *~!Sign My Guestbook  View My Guestbook!~

Okay now since that we have that over with, I suppose that you would like to see some pics.. what would you like to see first? Some of me or some of my friends and I? Well it don't matta to me.. so I guess that I will put my pics on here first.. so...if you would like to some pics of me then I think that it would be a wise choice to click the pic.. These are some of my senior pics.. So I hope you like them.. if not tough shit!! hehehe

Okay now  that you have seen me, I guess you would like to see some pics of me goofing off.. like I normally so.. some of these pics are cool and some of them aren't.. but I think most of them are but any how here they are...

casssteph.JPG (4268 bytes)

These are Prom pics from this year... I went to 2 different proms.. with the same guy of course, I went to theWest Branch Prom, and the Mo-Valley Prom... I went to the West Branch Prom in a Rig... yup, a 18 wheeler.. u might thinkit's weird.. but it was cool... there are some pics on here so if u would like to look at them...

*~!PrOm PicS!~*

This is what I have to say about my friends... My friends are very important to me.. but anyhow.. enough with the talk now click here and read what I have to say.. if you want to be on here and your my friend.. then email me...


Now these pics are just some left overs that I didn't have room for so I had to make a separate page for them.. but since you are already down here look at the damn things okay? hehehe me is funny!! :)

*~! MoRe PiCs!~*

This here link is dedicated to my boyfriend Todd.. I know he will kill me for putting these on here but oh well.. what he gonna do? Take my birthday away? yeah I can see that almost happening!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE     I LOVE YOU TODD!!!

!~*pIcS oF tOdD*~!

This page is for all my friends.. who have a webpage.. if you would like to check their pages out.. you have to sign the guest book.. but if not oh.. well who cares?? well here it is....


Well this is all I have for now.. so if you would like to see an update.. I think that you should stop back in a few days.. see ya around!!  bye bye bye for now!!! :)

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