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My Pals

My Favorite Web Sites

Forty Day Fast
Beatles Music
Audio Galaxy
The Spark - Tests

Hi!! My name is Cori Walters, and I live in Mississippi. My favorite group is the Beatles. They are the coolest!!! Well, God is the coolest, but you know what I mean. I'm a 18/f. I'm in the band at my Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, and I play percussion, and I'm majoring in Education of the Deaf because I want to teach Sign Language in a public high school. I have a 24 year old sister named Brittney, and a 9 year old brother named Nic. Boy aren't they annoying!! I still love them though. I'm dating a guy named Keegan, and we've been dating for a year and a half now. I'm glad we found each other because most of the time he is really good to me. I have ICQ, and my number is 26370688. I also have Yahoo Pager, and my I.D. is cori_caroline if you want to look me up on that. I now have AIM, and my ID is doublecw9. Btw, the pals above are my ICQ pals and are in no particular order, and if you aren't on there it's probably because I ran out of blanks. Below are some of the awards I got from The Spark. Sorry. Well, that's all I can think of to say right now. If you have any ideas and can tell me how to do it, let me know. Oh, don't forget to sign the guest book and to vote on "Who's a Jerk!" Thanks for visting and remember God loves you! :o)

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