Living Lent at Home

Year A, First Week


The slogan reads: "Not to decide is to decide." Each day each one of us makes innumerable decisions. We choose what time to get up, what clothes to wear, what TV programs to watch. Sometimes the choice requires little thought; it is an automatic part of living.

Other choices call for considerable reflection, discussion, debate. Shall I marry him or her now? Should I change my job? What will be the effects in our lives if we move to a different city? These kinds of choices affect the basic fabric of our lives. Making such decisions involves looking at our values, and determining which among them takes priority at this time. Values are the realities that ultimately determine what we choose to do.

Living as a Christian is a response to a deliberate choice. It calls for a decision to place our faith in Christ. Faith is not inherited. It is a gift offered to us, but accepting the gift is a personal decision. Lent is a special time when Christians and the Christian community renew their faith-choice. It is a season when we reflect on the meaning and consequences of our Baptism. We consider what baptismal commitment calls for in the decisions of daily life.


A lump of clay does not shape itself. It depends completely on the will of the artist to mold it and create its form. As clay is kneaded, it responds and its shape is changed. A new and different form comes into being. The clay does not shape itself, but is always dependent on another's creativity.

In one sense, our lives are like clay. We mold and shape them. We knead form into our lives. Like clay, we are also shaped by others. Those with whom we live, work, pray, and play knead us into new form. Our lives are redesigned and reshaped, always being made new by our interaction with others. As we interact with these others, their lives also are re-formed.

During Lent the whole church is re-forming. We reconsider our present design and recall in our minds the vision of what we as church are meant to be. We choose to reshape ourselves. Recognizing we cannot do this by ourselves. Recognizing we cannot do this by ourselves, we call on each other and the Holy Spirit to help us.


Buy a large lump of natural clay. Have two or three persons in the family make something together. Consider how each one helps shape the finished product.

Get clay pots ready for spring planting.

Parents: Reflect with your children on some events and people that shaped your lives.

Children: Consider some events or people who are presently shaping your lives.

Blessing before meals

Blessed are you, O God, source of our life! For you have given us breath and life and the chance to choose our way.


Pray for people making difficult making difficult decisions.

Father, we thank you and we bless you for all your gifts. Help us through our lenten prayer and works to understand the meaning of Jesus' death and resurrection. Let this Lent bring about in us a change fo heart. We pray always through Jesus, your Son and through the Spirit.

Second Week, click here
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