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The Gloucestershire Regiment

22373578 Private S.A.W. Allum - killed in action - 23rd April 1951. Aged 20.
22346555 Private A.L. Bailey - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 19.
Private C.E. Bailey - killed -16th February 1951. Aged 32. "C" Coy. Killed in the attack on Hill 327.
22530093 Lance Corporal K. W. Baldwin - killed in action - 25th April 1951
MID (posthumous). Aged 24.
22341326 Private R.T. Ballard - killed in action - 23rd April 1951. Aged 19.
22530139 Lance Corporal D. Balls - killed in action - 23rd April 1951. Aged 23.
14405268 Private D.N. Barber - killed in action - 23rd April 1951
MID (posthumous). Aged 27.
13021614 Private F.T. Barclay - killed in action - 24th April 1951
MID (posthumous). Aged 36.
21015246 Corporal L.J. Bishop - killed in action - 23rd April 1951. Aged 23.
14453219 Private V.T. Bowl - died as P.O.W. - 3rd July 1951. Aged 25.
Private F.S. Brailsford - killed - 19th March 1951. Aged 20.
19030887 Corporal G.B. Burchill - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 22.
Private M.R.E. Burton - killed -16th February 1951. Aged 22. Killed in the attack on Hill 327.
22373549 Private R.J. Burton - killed in action - 23rd April 1951. Aged 19.
5182258 Colour Sergeant H.E. Buxcey - killed in action - 25th April 1951
MID (posthumous). Aged 39.
5049612 Private J. Cain - killed in action - 24th April 1951
MID (posthumous). Aged 30.
Private D. Cason - killed - 15th February 1951. Aged 30.
1470486 Private R.H. Cham - died as P.O.W. - 22nd September 1951.
22348452 Private G. Chapman - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 19.
71440 Private N.F. Chitty - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 35.
4041595 Private G. Clarke - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 30.
22332701 Private F.M. Clutterbuck - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 19.
K225530176 Private R.B. Cook - killed in action - 23rd April 1951. Aged 24.
22348485 Private D.A. Cornish - killed in action - 24th April 1951. Aged 19.
14218391 Private J.J. Cragg - died as P.O.W. - 22nd June 1952.
K22530041 Private R.E. Crews - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 21.
Private E. Crowson - killed - 13th February 1951. Aged 29.
Private G. Davies - killed - 16th February 1951. Aged 28.
6290154 Private W.E. Dix - killed in action - 24th April 1951
MID (posthumous). Aged 31.
4468299 Private D. Donaldson - died as P.O.W. - 9th June 1951. Aged 29.
Private R. Dwyer - killed in action - 25th November 1950. Aged 32. "C" Coy. killed at
Sibyon'ni. Buried at Kaesong.
14070869 Sergeant K.D. Eames, MM - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 23.
5049608 Private P.J. Etherington - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 30.
22346580 Private D.G. Fluck - died as P.O.W. - 13th June 1951. Aged 19.
22289532 Private B.G. Gallop - died as P.O.W. - 1st August 1951. Aged 19.
22096764 Private R.A. Gilding - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 20.
19035231 Private C.G. W. Gray - died as P.O.W. - 23rd June 1951. Aged 22.
22348472 Lance Corporal R.J. Gray - died as P.O.W. - 29th June 1951. Aged 19.
22530290 Private H. Green - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 24.
22287002 Private K.D. Gudge - killed in action - 24th April 1951. Aged 22.
22332720 Private D.R.K. Hamson - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 19.
22523209 Private G.R. Harris - died as P.O.W. - 5th June 1951. Aged 19.
22273326 Private E.E. Harrison - died as P.O.W. - 1st May 1951. Aged 19.
19034201 Private W.J. Hawkes - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 22.
Corporal A. Herrall - killed - 16th February 1951. Aged 31. "C" Coy. Killed in the attack on Hill 327.
Private J.D. Heward - died of wounds - 19th February 1951. Aged 21.
5989281 Private V.H. Hill - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 35.
25530111 Private F.B. Hilton - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 22.
22341335 Private P.D. Hone - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 19.
5570070 Private R.W. Hughes - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 30.
5110484 Private G.N. Hunter - died as P.O.W. - 5th November 1951
22288866 Acting Corporal R.L.V. Hurst- died as P.O.W. - 16th November 1951
MID (posthumous).
Lance Corporal G. Innes - killed - 24th April 1951. Aged 32. (attached Middlesex Regiment).
14054860 Private B.L. Jackson - died as P.O.W. - 4th July 1951. Aged 24.
6400278 Private H. Jones - killed in action - 23rd April 1951. Aged 31.
Corporal R.E. Jones - killed -16th February 1951. Aged 21. Killed in the attack on Hill 327.
6202999 Private A.G. Judge - killed in action - 23rd April 1951. Aged 30. (attached from Middlesex Regiment).
Private T.J. Kelly - killed - 13th February 1951. Aged 29.
14456265 Private D.W. King - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 23.
Private S.H. Law - killed in action - 11th December 1950. Aged 28. "C" Coy. Killed during the move from Chansokturi and Changdong. Buried at Ichon.
Lance Corporal G.H. Lawrence - killed in action - 25th November 1950. Aged 31. "C" Coy. killed at
Sibyon'ni. Buried at Kaesong.
22189576 Lance Corporal G. L. S. Lee - died as P.O.W. - 25th September 1951
22249497 Private E.C. Madgwick - died as P.O.W. - 1st May 1951
MID (posthumous). Aged 29.
2066112 Corporal P. J. Maycock - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 30.
22530279 Private T. Meads - killed in action - 24th April 1951. Aged 24.
14467055 Lance Corporal D.D. Mew - died as P.O.W. - 21st September 1951
1609997 Private J. Morley - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 29.
22315901 Private D.G. Morris - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 19.
22184326 Private E.C. Morriss - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 19.
3654440 Private J. Moyes - died as P.O.W. - 17th October 1951
144625 Sergeant D. Northey - killed in action - 24th April 1951
MID (posthumous). Aged 23.
22373545 Private R.T. Othen - died as P.O.W. - 11th August 1951. Aged 21.
Private K.J. Partis - killed - 24th December 1950. Aged 29.
5619449 Private E.W. Partridge - died as P.O.W. - 4th October 1951
22192181 Private L.C. Payne - died as P.O.W. - 5th September 1951. Aged 20.
22530239 Private A.K. Pearce - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 24.
14459082 Private M.C.W.J. Penrose - died - 1st June 1951. Aged 24.
5110764 Corporal W.D. Possee - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 30.
19024202 Corporal A.J. Powell - died as P.O.W. - 25th October 1951
5186750 Private W. Roberts - killed in action - 25th April 1951
MID (posthumous). Aged 33.
22341296 Private B.N. Robbins - killed in action - 24th April 1951. Aged 21.
5885232 Private F.W. Shelton - died as P.O.W. - August 1951
22198032 Private A.J. Sheppard - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 19.
14421345 Corporal J.E. Short - killed in action - 24th April 1951. Aged 26.
22341319 Private J.B. Skoines - killed in action - 24th April 1951. Aged 19.
Lance Corporal G. Spuffard - killed - 13th February 1951. Aged 29.
1469820 Private WF. Synott - killed in action - 24th April 1951. Aged 33.
22244986 Lance Corporal D.M. Taylor - killed in action - 25th April 1951. Aged 24.
5569912 Lance Corporal I.J. Taylor - killed in action - 24th April 1951. Aged 30.
22530194 Private H.F.E. Tucker - killed in action - 23rd April 1951. Aged 24.
Private W.G. Tyler - killed -16th February 1951. Aged 29. "C" Coy. Killed in the attack on Hill 327.
3662604 Private H. Uttley - killed in action - 23rd April 1951. Aged 33.
14189010 Private R. Vosper - killed in action - 24th April 1951. Aged 22.
14456816 Corporal R.W. Wellington - died as P.O.W. - 24th October 1951.
Lance-Corporal Wiglley - December 1950. "C" Coy. Killed during the move from Chansokturi and Changdong. Buried at Ichon.
Private K.F. Williams - killed - 16th February 1951. Aged 29. "C" Coy. Killed in the attack on Hill 327.
22329595 Private D.W. Winter - killed in action - 24th April 1951. Aged 19.
Private J.R. Wylie - died of wounds - 12th December 1950. Aged 30.