Thanx 4 droppin by!! This iz my 1st attempt of creatin a web page so itz a bit shite but y'know... itz still under MaJoR CoNsTrUcTiOn so when I finally hav da time 2 finish it off, it'll b betta!!

Anywayz take a look around, hope u enjoy ur stay.. Don't 4get 2 sign da bookie! thxxx

Thingz that will appear on my web page in da future (i.e when I hav time!)... photo gallery of me & me m8s, & more info & pics up-loaded!! Maybe da next time u visit, there'll b more of it complete!! =)

song playin: Faye Wong - Eyes on me

NAME: Anna


STARSIGN: $corpio

HANG-OUT PLACE: u'll find me all around Lon xcept da west part!! Perhaps u've seen me around... (in da typical chinky hang out areas?) afterall da world iz small!!

INTERESTS: erm... there r loads... I luv goin out wiv my friendz, eatin out a lot & generally havin fun & catchin j/k... laffin iz da best remedy!! Howeva I'm really lazy so b warned!! (da ppl who know me in person will know wot I'm really like... don't even comment, know wot u all thinkin!! da ppl who don't know me, I guess this iz da opportunity 4 u 2 do so...)

Rite if u don't like mah website then u can do xactly wot dis jap adverb tells u 2 do...

4 those who do lyk it... plz sign mah bookie... thx!!

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$weet dream$

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JoKeZ - Gr8 if ur BoReD!

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Email: kitkat_orange@hotmail.com