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Holy Joyful News according to Mark


Introductory Note

Mark's account is divided into sixteen chapters. The whole can be read aloud in about one hour and a quarter. If read silently it takes less than an hour.

In view of this it is surprising that few people read it through at one sitting, though these same people may be perfectly capable of reading a secular book or even a newspaper for a similar or even greater period of time.

Verse numbers are not in the original text and we have thought it easier to read without them. Nor of course does the original give chapter headings or paragraph headings or descriptions as many editions do. It is all too easy to include an editorial 'gloss' in such cases, so the only description of the contents of each chapter is to be found on this contents page.

Clicking on the Chapter link will take you simply to the beginning of the translation of that chapter.

If you wish to see the whole of Mark's book on one page (easier to download or printout) click here

The translation has been made from the Greek text used for the Authorized or King James Version.

Chapter 1 - John the Baptist and his message; the baptism, tempting, and first preaching of Jesus Christ; the calling of the first disciples; our Lord heals a demon-possessed man at Capernaum, Simon-Peter's mother-in-law, and many others; He withdraws to pray, then leaves Capernaum preaching throughout Galilee and casting out demons; the healing of a leper.

Chapter 2 - The healing of a paralytic; the calling of Levi; about fasting; about keeping the Sabbath.

Chapter 3 - The healing of a man with a withered hand; other healings; Jesus Christ calls twelve disciples to be with him and to preach, and to have authority to heal diseases and cast out demons; he answers the scribes from Jerusalem who accuse him of casting out demons by the power of Satan; our Lord shows who his true relatives are.

Chapter 4 - The parable of the sower; teaching about the lamp, and about the parable of the sower; Jesus Christ stills the storm.

Chapter 5 - The healing of a demon-possessed man in the country of the Gadarenes; the raising of the daughter of Jairus and the healing of a woman on the way.

Chapter 6 - Unbelief in Nazareth; the sending out of the twelve, two by two; the death of John the Baptist; return of the twelve and their report; feeding of the five thousand; Jesus Christ walks on the sea; healings in the land of Gennesaret.

Chapter 7 - Our Lord replies to the fault-finding scribes and Pharisees; he heals the daughter of a Greek Syrophoenician woman; he heals a deaf man who has a speech impediment.

Chapter 8 - Feeding of the four thousand. Jesus Christ teaches his disciples; he heals a blind man at Bethsaida; Peter bears witness that Jesus is the Christ; Jesus prophesies about his death and resurrection, and rebukes Peter for thinking of the things of men rather than the things of God; Jesus instructs those who would follow him.

Chapter 9 - The Transfiguration of our Lord; he heals a man's son who is demon-possessed; Jesus passes through Galilee, and again prophesies of his death and resurrection; he reaches Capernaum, and continues teaching his disciples.

Chapter 10 - Jesus teaches about divorce, and explains his teaching to his disciples. Jesus takes the little children in his arms, and teaches about the kingdom of God; a rich man comes to him, and our Lord teaches his disciples; on the way to Jerusalem he once again tells them about his imminent arrest, death and resurrection; the request of James and John; true greatness; the healing of blind Bartimaeus.

Chapter 11 - Jesus Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem; his judgement against the fruitless fig tree; he cleanses the temple; the power of faith; the chief priests, scribes and elders challenge his authority.

Chapter 12 - The parable of the vineyard and the rebellious servants; is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not? The Sadducees challenge Jesus about the resurrection; Jesus teaches which are the greatest commandments; he warns his hearers to beware of the scribes; and commends the widow's contribution to the temple treasury.

Chapter 13 - Jesus Christ foretells the destruction of the temple, and describes the end of the age, and his return, warning everyone to 'Stay awake!!'

Chapter 14 - The chief priests and scribes plot to kill Jesus; a woman with an alabaster jar of ointment anoints the body of our Lord for burial; Jesus prophesies that wherever the Joyful News is proclaimed this deed of hers will be spoken of as a memorial of her; Judas Iscariot goes to the chief priests and agrees to deliver Jesus into their hands in return for their promise of money; Jesus eats the Passover with his disciples; he prophesies Peter's forthcoming denial of him; they go out to the garden of Gethsemane; Jesus prays while his disciples fall asleep; Judas Iscariot betrays him with a kiss; Jesus is arrested and taken before the Sanhedrin; he admits to being the Christ, the Son of the Blessed, and the chief priests judge him to be worthy of death; fulfilling our Lord's prophecy Peter denies him three times before the cockerel crows twice.

Chapter 15 - Christ is brought before Pilate, who finds no wrong in him, but wanting to appease the crowd Pilate releases Barabbas to them, and having scourged Jesus, hands him over to be crucified; Pilate's soldiers mock our Lord, striking him and spitting on him before he is led out to Golgotha, and crucified between two thieves; Pilate orders his accusation 'King of the Jews' to be written above Jesus who is mocked by the chief priests and scribes; Jesus expires and the veil of the temple is torn in two from top to bottom; the centurion standing opposite him declares 'Truly this man was the Son of God!' Joseph of Arimathea goes to Pilate and begs for the body of our Lord; he is granted his request and lays the body in a tomb hewn out of rock; a stone is rolled across the doorway of the tomb and Mary Magdalene and Joses' Mary see where he is laid.

Chapter 16 The Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and his instructions to his disciples to go into all the world and preach the Joyful News to all creation - 'He who believes and is baptised will be saved, and he who disbelieves will be condemned.'


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