(This website is still under construction).

Thousands of years ago, there was a galactic witch whom was defeated by a group of adolescents led by a man whose fate would latter be sealed during a final battle, and sealed inside a desolate, hyperlock chamber on the moon.

That chamber was accidentally broken open by two astronauts. Its contents captured both astronaut and changed their lives to the face of evil.

Now, Zordon, leader of the warriors who once banished this queen, teams back up with Alpha 5, a morphing pitbull - time is running out and they must have seven replacements to send the witch back. Unfortunately, the replacements have a lot of growing up to do...

Sup Niggaz and Nigga-ettes....what if the Power Rangers weren't the Power Rangers?? What if their zords was Drop-Tops, Jaguars, and Bentley's??? Well it happened nigga, so get over it.

Rita Republic, the evil bitch,I mean witch, has come to yo hood. When the 7 ghetto kids are found by Alpha 5, the pittbull, morphin monster, they are chased all the way to the 7-11 Liqour Sto(or the Command Center) and meet Zordon(Z-Man) who is a talkin face in and out of the toilet in the bathroom.

Now, with given powers and abilities, they are the only one's who can stop Rita Republic from taking over the earth once and for all. Can they do it? Bet you a dollar they won't.

Check out the rest of the Y.B.G.R. by clicking the LINX at the bottom of the page.

Let me tell you one thing right now, the Y.B.G.R. don't use the same thing the Power Rangers did. No way. Check it out.

Power Rangers use Morphers. Ghetto Rangers use Page-Morphers, which are pagers and a Morpher put together.

Power Rangers use a Communicator on their wrist so that they can stay in touch with one another. Ghetto Rangers use celluar phones as a Communicator. Power Rangers go to the Command Center. Ghetto Rangers go to the 7-11 Liqour Sto. Power Rangers had dinosaurs, animals, and made up cars for their zords. Ghetto Rangers have tha Bentley's, Jags, and more cars around them. Power Rangers have Alpha 5 as a robot. The Ghetto Rangers have Alpha 5 as a Pittbull dog that transforms into a seven foot monster.

I could go on and on, so decide on that if you like the Ghetto Rangers so far.

There will be more added to this site and the e-mail has changed. It's now tkao5@aol.com
