Chapter Twelve

Telepathic Battle

Ally woke up with sunshine on her face. She was tired. The quick attack and a long night with Logan left her drained. She raised her head to look for him. She could hear the water in bathroom sink and sank back down into the comfortable bed. She felt a thump from her belly and smiled, then she rubbed it gently.

Logan came out of the bathroom. He was wet and naked, with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. He smiled as the toothbrush turned upwards with his grin.
“The window’s open.” She scolded.
She looked at him hard look. The sound of people outside poured in. He sighed and walked back to the bathroom and wrapped a towel around his waist.
He came out and looked at her curiously, “You hungry?”
“A little,” she started out of the bed looking for something to wear.
He cut her a warning look, “I thought you would be starved.” He looked at her belly. “How about them?”
“No complaints yet,” she grinned as she started towards the shower with clean clothes in hand.
Logan dropped his towel and followed her with a mischievous grin.

Hayley and Storm sat in the kitchen with coffee cups in hand. Hayley filled Storm in on all the missing blanks.
Storm was astonished. “How could they have Logan’s skeletal frame,” she wondered aloud.
“Maybe he had it before the project, so it was in his genes.” She turned to get some more coffee. “Or how it mixed with Ally’s genes.”
“Are these Hank’s theories?” Storm asked her titling her head slightly.
“I heard somebody mention it.” Hayley took a drink of her coffee.
Storm wasn’t sure what to make of her. She may have gotten these thought from someone’s mind and got the information without permission. She was pretty wild. Was she trustworthy?
Jean came in with the infant Tyler. “Look who I have,” she smiled at the pudgy infant.
“Awwww.” Hayley put her cup down and went to tickle the little face. He smiled appreciatively at the attention. “Hey little guy, what do you do?” then she laughed. “You don’t do nothing you don’t.” He laughed at her, his little face squished into a bigger smile. She turned to Jean. “Is he yours?”
“No.” Jean jumped, surprised by the question.
Storm laughed, “He is our resident infant, Tyler.” Then she produced a baby bottle for him. Jean finished locking him in his high chair. Storm handed him the bottle and he gave them a loud squeal of thanks.
They all laughed. “What is it about babies, they just make people happy?” Hayley grinned, “I can’t wait for Ally to pop my nieces out.”
“I heard Justice say he thought they were nephews.” Jean teased.
“Yeah, he would.” She covered and uncovered her eyes at the baby. He tried laughing at her with a mouth full of baby formula.
Jean looked at Storm as her expression changed. There was sad expression that passed over her face.
“Where’s Scott?” Storm asked trying to change the subject.

Ally and Logan came into the kitchen smiling. Ally’s mouthed dropped open at the sight of Tyler.
“Here we go,” Logan sighed as he smiled at her. He grabbed a coffee mug and began to fill it.
Hayley broke off her playing and gathered her dishes. She got to the sink and began to rinse off her dishes. She stifled a giggle and started to sing the Eensy Weensy Spider. She began to toss her hair back and forth with each word. Then she began tossing her hips to the children’s song suggestively. She kept flipping her hair and shaking her hips, finally Tyler began to laugh a huge belly laugh at her. Her raven hair stopped flying and she turned to laugh with him, as did everyone else.
Logan raised his eyebrow at her with a slight grin playing at his mouth. ‘Leave it to Hayley to turn a child’s song into a strip tease’
Hayley turned off the water and grabbed a paper towel after loading the dishwasher. Hayley pulled the hair off her neck; “It’s hot out. Does this house have a pool somewhere?”
“House?” Storm looked at her.
“Yes,” Jean said “Past the courts, Hayley.”
Hayley eyed the gray shorts and shirt they had given her and squished her nose. “We have to make a run home for some things,” she said to Ally. Then she smiled. “I want to go swimming”
Alex and Justice came in the room talking fast to one another; they were also clad in the school gray shorts and shirts. Alex stopped when she saw Hayley. Alex and Justice folded their arms and glared at her.
Ally sat up straighter, “What is this?” She knew they were at arms for a reason.
“Stay out of it, Al?” Hayley held their stare. Nobody said a thing but expressions changed.
“Stay out of this Ally” Hayley yelled again at Ally. Ally’s looked changed.
“What?” Logan asked Ally.
“Telepathic battle and for some reason I am not invited. Whatever it is it’s pretty serious.” She eyed her siblings and wondered what Hayley had done now.
“Telepaths,” he mumbled under his breath.
“What about them?” Jean and Ally asked defensively.
Storm laughed from the stove as she stacked the pancakes.
Hayley’s look changed and her eyes flashed a warning at Justice and Alex.
“He is a big boy!” Hayley yelled at them as she started towards Alex. “No, I won’t shut up!” She yelled at Justice.
“You should have never been in my head to begin with.” She pointed her finger at Alex and Justice. Hayley knew if she didn’t continue a telepathic battle with them, they would be forced to argue verbally, so she shut them out of her head. With Jean standing there they would have to choose their words carefully if they wanted to argue with Hayley now.
“You are going to start things, Hayl.” Justice looked at her hard. “Don’t open a bigger can of worms.”
“Maybe it’s not my can of worms but I opened it.” She smiled at them as she pushed past them to walk out, nearly knocking Rogue and Scott over on the way out.
Justice and Alex looked away from Scott and Rouge.
Jean and Storm exchanged a confused glance. Logan sighed and had decided to not get involved. He was sure he knew what that was all about. He took a drink of his coffee.
Ally jumped up and began to help Storm. Justice and Alex finally noticed Tyler and Alex began coo-ing at him. Justice walked over to the coffeepot as he rubbed the back of his neck thoughtfully. He started his coffee, then set it down to help Ally and Storm.
The help surprised Storm. Alex began to gather the plates. Storm could tell they were no strangers to the kitchen.
Logan and Jean watched them from the table. Each clad gray back worked quietly side by side. The schools gray on them made them look like they belonged to a poor Olympics team.
“So,” Jean started. “Are you going to stay for a while?” All three turned around at the same time. Three pairs of identical eyes exchanged glances.
“We are invited?” Justice asked.
“Scott said, that the Professor wanted to offer his welcome.” She said slowly, hoping Scott would pick up on her lead. He seemed oblivious to the words. He actually seemed to be keeping his distance from the guests.'Was he afraid of something?'
Storm caught on quickly. “Yes, he did want to offer for you to feel free to stay.”
Ally looked at Logan and Justice and Alex nodded to each other. Justice hoped Ally was in on this, while she had been with Logan she had become a little distant from them. Instead he just said “For a while, sure.”
Justice knocked over the coffee mug. Allyson tossed a quick mental tug at the mug before it could hit the ground. It found Ally’s hand easily still holding the coffee. Some of the coffee stained the rug beneath Justice.
He sighed as Alex reached for a towel to clean the spot.
Rogue and the others were impressed. Logan took the plates of pancakes offered by Justice.
“Nice catch.” Rogue was bewildered. She really seemed to think they were fascinating.
“Thanks.” Ally tossed her a bright smile.
“I really want to apologize about what happened.” Rogue looked at her hands. Justice handed her some juice and a plate of pancakes and sat down. He smiled at her. “It was a good work out.”
Ally brought the other plates and sat down next to Logan. Alex balanced several coffee mugs to the table. Then went back to the dishes at the sink. Storm shoo-ed her away. “I’ve already eaten.”
Alex shrugged and sat down.
Ally caught Rogue looking at her. “Rogue it’s okay” Ally told her quickly. Logan sat next to Ally, although he still wouldn’t look at Rogue, he stared at Ally though. “Next time you want a work out try the pool.” Logan looked to Justice, “Just, next time don’t try the danger room on the highest levels.”
“Danger room?” he shook his head as he took a bite of his pancakes. “Those simulations hurt.”
“It was amplified,” Jean explained. “Say you were fighting Sabertooth, on high he is stronger and faster than normal. To fight that many simulations on a high levels is impressive.”
Beast came in. “Good morning.” He smiled at everyone.
Alex had finished and went to get him a plate. He smiled as he took the offered pancakes and stood next to her as poured his coffee. She sighed as she spied the coffee stain that remained by his feet. She wet a white towel as she frowned to try to remove it again.
“Out damned spot, out.” She joked quietly as she tried to remove the stain.
Hank took a drink of his coffee. “You like Macbeth?” He asked a little surprised.
She stood up again and sighed at the stain. She wet the cloth again. “I like Shakespeare.” She replied as she jumped back down to her knees and continued at the stain again. Beast picked up his coffee cup and smiled to his friends.
Jean looked at him. His smile was slightly suggestive as Alex was rubbing at the stain on the rug from behind the Kitchen Island. They could see her legs and butt moving slightly as she rubbed at the stain.
Justice spit his coffee at the sight of Hank’s silly grin and Alex’s moving body from behind the counter. He busted out laughing at his sister. Logan began to chuckle too. Alex stood again to re-wet the towel at the sink. “What’s so funny?” she asked.
Logan and Scott started laughing at Hank as he began to blush a tinge of color shadowed his blue face. “It’s not that funny,” he said as he walked over to the table with his plate and coffee.
Justice started laughing harder. Ally kicked Logan under the table and scolded him mentally to stop his laughing. Jean also seemed to think enough was enough and cut Scott a look.
Justice kept laughing there was nobody to scold him and he thought it was hilarious that Alex didn’t understand how it looked. He almost fell out of his chair. It wasn’t painful to look at him laughing so hard.
“It’s not that funny,” Hank repeated as he started on his food.
Justice wiped a tear from his eye. He was really trying to calm down. He smiled at everyone else as he started to gather the dishes.
Rogue gathered a few dishes as she followed Justice to the sink. She blushed at the sight of Logan; she remembered the sight of him earlier. She had sat on the basketball courts, when she saw Logan’s form in his room. He had not been wearing clothing, and then he turned around to don a towel across his waist. Bobby had almost caught her staring at him. In the kitchen Rogue put her dishes in the sink and left quickly.
As Rogue left, the sounds of Sesame Street filled the room as she opened the door.
Logan glanced up as Ally took his dishes. Imp was listening to the TV really loud. He threw Ally a small grin.
“Come on,” He gestured to Ally as he stood up from the table. He guided her towards the door.
Hank picked up on what Logan was doing. “Have you had any chance to look around?” He asked Justice and Alex.
They looked at each other and shook their heads. 'Didn’t these guys ever talk to anyone except each other? Was their telepathic bond so strong that they needed each other constantly?' They were intriguing to say the least.
Justice had donned a pair of rubber gloves and was taking care of the dishes next to Alex, who was placing them in the dishwasher.
Hank brought his plates to them; “Would you both like to have a look around?” he smiled at them.
They both nodded and started towards him.
Beast gestured towards the rubber gloves. “You can leave your rubber,” he cleared his throat, “gloves here for Storm.”
Justice blushed and snapped them off quickly. It was Beast’s turn to laugh. Scott chuckled under his breath.

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