Wolvie Femmes * Revelations





         Hayley woke feeling like she needed a drink, badly. She looked to see Ally staring at her.


        "Hey sleepyhead," Ally touched her head with a cloth lightly. "You almost seemed to be having a nightmare."


        "Can I have a drink?" Hayley asked dryly.


        Ally handed her ice chips with a rueful smile, "You can go back to your room, soon doctor permitting."


        Hayley smiled a little, 'Remy.' He was her escape and she wanted to be with him not be alone in an itchy bed. Ally narrowed her eyes at Hayley and Hayley braced herself for the lecture as Ally raised an eyebrow.


        "You weren't very kind to Remy earlier, Hayl," Ally exhaled hard. Hayley almost looked offended but kept her stare into Ally's eyes. "Why do you treat those you love so horribly?"


       "Horribly?" Hayley almost laughed, "I love him."


       "One of these days Hayley," Ally looked at the ceiling, "your mean words might be the last thing somebody's hears you say and do you want them to remember you like that?"


        Hayley laughed, "Ally, are you feeling okay?" Hayley didn't understand, she didn't do anything wrong.


       "He might have proposed to you Hayley," Ally crossed her arms, "but I doubt her would ever consider marrying you now."


       "Then why are we moving in together?" she scoffed.


       "Because he loves you dearly," Ally felt sad for the honest thief. "you hurt him by laughing at him." She stood abruptly. "If I were him, I would make you wait years to discuss the topic again much less ask you."


        "Ally, I am just not ready for marriage," Hayley poked around at her sheets. "I didn't mean to sound so mean."


        "Well you did," Ally set her jaw tightly, "Serve you right if he dumped you after the way you treated him."


        "Al, stop it," Hayley sighed. "I don't want to fight with you." She spied the metal contraption bound around her wrist and pulled it off slowly before Ally could stop her. The smile crept to Hayley's face. "I can hear you bitching me out in your mind!"


        Ally smiled despite herself but wasn't sure how to break it to Hayley that she would have to wear a suppressor until she gave birth.


        "Telepathy!" Hayley smiled and held her hand out watching it grow warm. "Yay." She said plainly trying to regain her composure.


        "Well," Ally sighed grabbing the metal bracelet. "You must wear this," she snapped it around Hayley's wrist again and watched her smile fade.


        "My telepathy is gone again," Hayley began to fumble with the contraption to take it off again but Ally grabbed her hand before she could. "What is this thing?"


        "A suppressor," Ally sighed. "Justice realigned it so that it would suppress the lightening too."


       "Oh great," Hayley sighed. "I can't even use my telepathy then huh?" She slumped in the bed. 'Mortal again,' she sighed to herself.


       "Just until the baby is born," Ally touched her sister's belly. "The baby is the one doing it."


        Hayley tossed her hands in the air, "how will I defend myself."


        "It's not sewn in, Hayl," Ally was losing her patience. "Take it off when you need but you need to be careful you don't fry anything or anybody."


        "Great, Phenomenal cosmic powers," She gestured widely with her arms. "In an itty, bitty, little, living space."


         Ally tossed her a worn grin, "Ok, Aladdin," Ally sighed. "Do you want to contact Remy and tell him you are awake or do you want me to?"


        Hayley thought a minute and shook her head, "He's probably sleeping or with Rayne. She didn't mention that she was really a little embarrassed after Ally's lecture. She thought maybe avoiding her lover for a day or two might allow her to be forgiven if he missed her enough. "He will be sick of me soon enough."


       "If he isn't already," Ally mumbled watching Hayley fumble with the bracelet.


       "What?" Hayley's interest was piqued.




         Jean had waited for Beast to check Hayley but he had not moved much from Alex's side and her heart went out to her blue friend. She made her way to the raven haired Adam as Hayley rolled her eyes with Jean's every step.


        "Good to see you awake too," She quipped.


       "You don't have to poke all over me," Hayley sighed. "I am just tired, ok?"


        Ally pushed Hayley's shoulder lightly, "stop it," she whispered letting her eyes glow blue threateningly.


       Hayley plopped against the bed feeling defeated and tired. "Fine." Letting Jean begin to examine her.





       Justice turned over in his bed feeling Ororo next to him. They had both dropped from sheer exhaustion and had barely spoke or saw their own pillows before sleep had found them. He side watching her still sleep peacefully and sighed touching her shoulder lightly. He loved her and that was all he needed to know anymore. He felt his passion growing hot and pushed himself away from her. How could he make love to her after what had happened with Chloe? He felt tainted and ashamed. He pushed his feet to the floor and glanced back at her sleeping quietly and sighed. He wanted her but would she want him and would his guilt double or simply wash away. As he stood, removing his weight completely from the bed he found that Storm moved at the different feeling in the bed.


      "Are you all right, Justice?" She watched him cautiously.


     He couldn't help but to smile, "Fine, 'Ro."


     "Why are you up then?" she looked at the clock noticing it was still very early. "I doubt Jordan will stir before noon." She reached his hand and pulled him back to the bed slowly.


       He smiled giving to her feminine charms as she pulled him to her lips but guilt washed over him answering a question quickly. He lost his balance falling on top of her and heard her giggle. That was what happened the first time they had coupled and it made him feel even worse. Storm didn't seem to notice as she ran her hands up and down his back slowly. Her hands seem to wash away the guilt as well as they kneaded out sore muscles carefully. Soon he felt her hands pulling her on top of him and reaching for his butt under his underwear. Justice pulled away as if he had been burnt and jumped to his feet.


       Storm sat up very confused. She missed him and wanted to be with him. Why had he run from her? "Did I do something wrong, Justice?" He looked guilty and his faced tinged red as she spoke.


       He looked away slightly and began to move to the bathroom without answering.


       Storm jumped from the bed and moved quickly after him, "Justice!"


        He looked over his shoulder, "Storm, I realize that I don't really deserve you."


        She grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. "Would this be about Chloe?"


        He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, "I don't know." He was finally able to say softly.


        Storm exhaled sharply, she had reached her patience. Chloe had got Justice drunk and attacked him, now she wouldn't let it end the intimate relationship between herself and Justice. "Justice, I am a patient woman but women can only be so patient." She sighed remembering how long it took the oldest Adams to even acknowledge his emotions for her. "I do not want you to seclude yourself from love because of her." She touched his face gently until he grasped it and kissed it. "Can we work past this?" She moved closer letting her breath fall on his neck.


        Justice felt his eyes roll in the back of his head. He loved her and she left him breathless. For her, he was willing to put his awkwardness aside as he let his hands fumble with the spaghetti straps on her nightgown, "Guys gotta do, what a guy's gotta do." He joked but he felt her move even closer and he found himself catching fire. They had not been together in such a long time, he felt he would go insane. He caught her face in his hands and stared into passion filled eyes and he hoped his eyes mirrored hers, "you mean the world to me."


         Storm was taken back lightly. She had thought it would always just be Justice and his sisters against the world. Was he letting her in? She felt him pick her up and deposit her gently on the bed as he covered her body with his hovering hers slightly. She found her way out of her night clothing as he pulled the sheet over them both, creating what seemed to be their own world. She began to tug at his under clothing. She wasn't sure why he was so hesitant but he seemed so shy about their closeness.


        She shivered with anticipation knowing neither would regret it but Justice fell next to her with a sigh and his eyes glowing blue. She rolled her eyes with controlled breath.


       He smiled as his eyes stopped glowing, "Hayl's awake." His smile grew. "Seems she has her abilities again." He watched her with a grin. "Want to see her." He really did want to see her and Alex.


       Storm pulled him back to her, "Not yet." She smiled to herself as she felt his erection and he fell onto her with a long kiss. She felt the his nakedness on top of her and his kiss made her heady as she fell into a lull of emotions, forgetting his family for the time being.







      Alex blinked awake slowly trying to remember what had happened. She had almost froze Beast at least she thought that was real. She sighed and felt a hand on hers.


      "Alex?" The soft voice spoke and she turned to see the kind eyes of Henry. Her heart jumped and he came closer.


      "Might I bring you anything?" Beast beamed. She had been the last to wake and he had been worried.


       Alex shook her head but he began to take her pulse and look her over. "No, but thank you." She said slowly. She noticed his unshed tears and opened her eyes wider. "Is everyone all right, Henry?" She felt as if she was kicked in the stomach. Was her family fine? What had she missed this time?


      He chuckled, "No catastrophy this time," he sighed. "I was worried of you and your condition."


       Alex smiled a little, "Why doctor, do you treat all your patients with such TLC?" She teased lightly.


       "Only those I am engaged to," he was all smiles and then he was back to the professional doctor. "Let's see if we were successful."


       Alex sat up slowly but her head pounding and she grabbed at the base of her neck. "Henry?" She looked at him worried.


       "Successful meaning we removed the chip Magneto implanted." He looked at her pained expressions sadly. "Hayley has not appeared to have such an ill time with her surgery."


       "No?" Alex said softly but finally sat up. She took a deep breath and concentrated on a single snowball and laughed as it formed in her hand easily. "My telepathy!" She almost shouted and tossed her arms around Hank's neck. "I can call my sisters." She smiled broadly.


       He hugged her back, "I will get some medicine for that headache."


       Alex spied the ring and the engagement and grabbed his hand tightly. "Let's set a date."


       He stopped in his tracks, "now?"


       She nodded with a spriteful look.


       He couldn't hold his professional demeanor any long and kissed her hard. They finally broke apart when they heard Hayley and Ally clapping wildly. Hank pulled the curtain  with a mock stern look, giving him a bit of privacy for them.


       "After the babies are born," Alex smiled. "Ally is due last and that is at the end of January."


        "A Valentine's wedding?" He smiled as she nodded. He sat on the bed and began to inform her on all she had miss out on from Hayley's sad treatment of her lover to the same cajun's slip about their engagement to Rayne's upset behavior with Justice. He only left out that he knew Quicksilver had visited Alex, he hoped she would tell him that herself. If she didn't trust him enough to tell him that, he wasn't sure if she would ever trust him or let him in the circle of trust the Adams seemed to share.





        Rayne suspected that Remy wanted to talk to her, but she wanted to be careful that any heavy discussion didn’t cause his headache to come back.  Still, she was curious as to what he wanted to talk about.  "Everyt’in’ alright Rem?" 


       "Fine, petite," he looked at her wondering what she was getting at and then rolled his eyes.  "Yo' know me too well, chere."


       "Someone needs to," she pushed the kitchen door open to find Afterburn, and Riptide sitting at the table with sodas.


        Both Cajuns looked around the now spotless kitchen with their mouths open, "Remy, did yo’ clean de mess already?"


       He shook his head slowly with a whistle, "Ah don’ t’ink so.  Mais, maybe Ah did and was too exhausted ta remember."


       Rayne sniggered.


      "Miss Adams and Dr. McCoy cleaned it."  Jason smiled.


      Rayne regarded the green haired male and wondered what his special power was.  She had seen him before at Oliver Adams lab and was glad to see that he looked a great deal better.  She opened her mouth to ask him something, but before she could say anything Remy interrupted.


      "Dat was nice of dem," he smiled and did a double take.  "Yo' don' mean Hayley do yo’?"


      Jason chuckled, "No, I think it was Ally cat," he smiled at the duo as he spoke in a heavy Latino accent.


       Rayne looked at the kitchen and it's occupants and sighed inwardly.  Whatever was on Remy's mind would have to wait until they were alone again.


      Remy was already raiding the fridge for his red beans and rice dish, and Rayne made a face.  "You really gon' eat dat mess you cooked?"


      Remy shrugged, "looks all right ta me."  He eyed the concoction carefully and poked his finger in it.


      Rayne laughed at his cautious demeanor, "Yeah dat's right, Ah’d like ta see yo’ eat dat an’ survive."


      Jason and Afterburn laughed, and Remy put his finger topped with red beans in his mouth to save face.  He tried to keep a smile but knew he was making faces when the others chuckled and snickered.


     "Tasty, hanh?"  Rayne scoffed.  “Should Ah call for de docs now?”


       “It’s fine.  Matter a fact, Ah think Ah might have a culinary masterpiece here.”  Remy thrust another finger full in her face, "Have a taste?"  He dared her.


       "S'alright, chere." she held her hands up and smiled.  "Ah don' have a death wish yo’ know."


       "Touché!" the pretty redhead chortled from the table pushing her straw around in her soda.


        Remy’s smile broadened, "Oh, but Ah insist."  He moved closer to her.


       "Poo ya ee!  Kept dat awful stuff away!"


        “Yo’re gon’ hurt ma feelings, chere.”  He said with mock hurt, but kept his finger held out towards her face.  He grinned at her and his eye’s reflected mischief.


      “Don’t you do it Remy, Ah’m warnin’ yo’.”


        He cocked an eyebrow, "What yo’ gonna do,  bite me?  He laughed and shoved his finger closer to her mouth.  “Here, bite dis!”


      Afterburn, sat up straight and chortled,  “Food fight!”


      Rayne squealed and hopped back.  “Keep dat nasty stuff away from me yo’ mungrel!”


      “So dat’s how yo’ feel about ma cookin’, eh?"  He flicked the red beans off his finger at her.


        Rayne brushed the beans off her shoulder and looked at him incredulously, "Dat did it."  She smiled, grabbed a handful of red beans and gave him a threatening look.



        Riptide gestured for Afterburn to climb under the table as the two Cajuns began to circle one another with food in their hands.


        Riptide chuckled, "Son en apuro su tiempo."


        Afterburn raised an eyebrow, "What? Who’s in trouble?"


        "X will not like this."  Jason laughed watching the beans begin to fly.  “Did you see the mess they made in here before?”


        The kitchen door opened and Beast stopped short of coming inside as some rice flew in front of his face.  His jaw dropped as he watched the two Cajuns throwing and ducking food all over the kitchen that he had just cleaned.  “Gambit!”


      Silence fell over the room, as Beast stood there with his mouth still agape.  The two culprits stood with red beans and rice dripping from their hands trying to look innocent.


         Remy flashed Hank a cocky grin, "Problem, mon ami?" He was trying to sweet talk his way out of trouble.  Rayne guffawed and flicked what was left in her right hand at her brother.


        Gambit raised his arm for a retaliatory strike but Beast bellowed out,  "Gambit, put your arm down and back away slowly!"


        Henry McCoy was not amused.  "Rayne."  He spied her readying herself for another strike.  "Please put your…”  Before he could finish, Rayne threw the red beans at Remy then ran behind Hank for cover.


      Remy cocked his arm back and expertly flicked enough off to hit her face as she peeped out from behind Beast.  Rayne leaped back and hit the counter, knocking the coffee pot over.  She looked at her brother accusingly,  “Look what yo’ did!”


      “Dat was all you chere.”  Remy laughed.  “Better clean up de mess you made now.”


      She stuck her tongue out at him,  “You started it!  You clean it up.”





       Henry retrieved the mop and broom and handed one to each Cajun.  He folded his arms, then he eyed Riptide and Afterburn who were still cowering under the table, "What are you two doing under there?"


       "Staying out of the line of fire," Afterburn pointed at Remy and Rayne covered in red beans and rice.


       "Indeed," He handed both Jason and Afterburn a dishcloth.  "You are going to help them clean."


         "Help?"  Jason pointed at the mess.  "We didn’t do anything!"


         "Guilty by proximity," Beast watched their expressions and knew he was correct.  They hadn’t directly participated, but had egged Remy and Rayne on.  "I am going to stay here and supervise the job to ensure that it is properly executed."  He folded his arms and planted his feet as all four began to clean.  Rayne slapped Remy on the back, and he swatted her butt with the broom making her squeal.  Hank rolled his eyes and tried not to laugh.








            Alex blinked awake slowly trying to remember what had happened. She had almost froze Beast at least she thought that was real. She sighed and felt a hand on hers.


      “Alex?” The soft voice spoke and she turned to see the kind eyes of Henry. Her heart jumped and he came closer.


      “Might I bring you anything?” Beast beamed. She had been the last to wake and he had been worried.


       Alex shook her head but he began to take her pulse and look her over. “No, but thank you.” She said slowly. She noticed his unshed tears and opened her eyes wider. “Is everyone all right, Henry?” She felt as if she was kicked in the stomach. Was her family fine? What had she missed this time?


      He chuckled, “No catastrophy this time,” he sighed. “I was worried of you and your condition.”


       Alex smiled a little, “Why doctor, do you treat all your patients with such TLC?” She teased lightly.


       “Only those I am engaged to,” he was all smiles and then he was back to the professional doctor. “Let’s see if we were successful.”


       Alex sat up slowly but her head pounding and she grabbed at the base of her neck. “Henry?” She looked at him worried.


       “Successful meaning we removed the chip Magneto implanted.” He looked at her pained expressions sadly. “Hayley has not appeared to have such an ill time with her surgery.”


       “No?” Alex said softly but finally sat up. She took a deep breath and concentrated on a single snowball and laughed as it formed in her hand easily. “My telepathy!” She almost shouted and tossed her arms around Hank’s neck. “I can call my sisters.” She smiled broadly.


       He hugged her back, “I will get some medicine for that headache.”


       Alex spied the ring and the engagement and grabbed his hand tightly. “Let’s set a date.”


       He stopped in his tracks, “now?”


       She nodded with a spriteful look.


       He couldn’t hold his professional demeanor any long and kissed her hard. They finally broke apart when they heard Hayley and Ally clapping wildly. Hank pulled the curtain  with a mock stern look, giving him a bit of privacy for them.


       “After the babies are born,” Alex smiled. “Ally is due last and that is at the end of January.”


        “A Valentine’s wedding?” He smiled as she nodded. He sat on the bed and began to inform her on all she had miss out on from Hayley’s sad treatment of her lover to the same cajun’s slip about their engagement to Rayne’s upset behavior with Justice. He only left out that he knew Quicksilver had visited Alex, he hoped she would tell him that herself. If she didn’t trust him enough to tell him that, he wasn’t sure if she would ever trust him or let him in the circle of trust the Adams seemed to share.





         Justice walked strongly down the corridor.  He knew Imp was at breakfast with Rogue, Kitty, Jubilee, and he didn't want to disturb her 'grown up' time.  A million thoughts raced through his mind about, Chloe, Storm, Imp, Hayley. He chuckled; women had a way of keeping a guy's mind busy.

         His heart skipped a little thinking of his morning with Ororo.  He felt badly when she had made a face when he had donned 'precautions'.  He wasn't ready to have two women pregnant but now it seemed Storm wouldn't mind having a baby.  Funny that she only seemed to change her attitude after Chloe.  He wondered if she wanted a baby to stake her claim or if she was a little jealous over Chloe.

        He was so deep in thought that he hardly noticed the two Cajuns that quietly moved next to him.  He watched them out of the corner of his eye.  “Hello.”

       Remy laughed, "For a minute dere Ah didn' t'ink you were gonno say hello."

      Justice nodded, "Sorry, my mind's elsewhere."  He subconsciously grabbed his left shoulder and rotated it around as he clinched his jaw. 

       Remy and Rayne traded a worried look, "yo' still hurtin’?"  Rayne asked him quietly concerned for her friend.  She could smell Storm on him, and traces of their sexual encounter, even over the fancy soaps he had on from his shower.

       "Just stiff," he lied.  He didn't want to be in the medical lab longer than he had two.  He wanted to be with Jordan and Storm.

        "Yo' don' lie to good, chere," Rayne crossed her arms.

        Remy eyed Justice's worn look and had to agree that he seemed to be hiding something. "No," Remy said pulling Justice to a stop.  "He doesn't lie too well."  Remy countered Justice's glare with a challenging look. "If yo’ don't feel well, you ought ta get Beast ta check you out, homme."

        Justice gave a quick shrug then started walking again.  His shadows fell into step with him again.  He looked at them knowing he had company all the way to the meb lab, but it was probably for the best anyway, "I was just on my way to talk to Hayley."  He grinned a little at Remy but to his surprise, Remy stared at him questionably.  Justice cleared his throat, "Hayley, you know, my sister.  The girl you tried to propose to."  He winked along with the taunt.

       Rayne's eyes became as big as Bo dollars and she looked to Remy for an explanation.  She watched him open his mouth wordlessly as Justice chuckled.  ‘Was Justice teasing?’  Rayne knew by her brother's actions there was some truth to it.

       Remy opened his mouth again but still nothing came out at first, then, "Ah didn't propose."  He pointed his finger at him and then he turned to Rayne with an appealing look, "Ah didn’t propose."  He met her searching eyes so she would know he was telling her the truth.

       "Den what did you do?"  She asked softly knowing there was more to this.  She felt it in her bones.

       "Whoa," Justice tossed a hand up thinking he’d best clarify things.  He had opened his mouth again and decided to back Remy up, "Actually, he didn't."  Justice smiled.  "Hayley thought he was when he told her about moving into the old house."

       Remy glowered at the memory, "Ah didn' ask her."  He held fast to his position.

      Rayne felt angry, "She turn yo’ down, chere?"  She knew Hayley refused him and it hurt her to see her brother so upset.

      "No, we all gon’ t’ move in to de Adams house," Remy's eyes twinkled wildly.  "You," he pointed to Rayne and then to himself, "Me, an’ Hayley."

      "She agreed den?"  Rayne could hardly believe it but sure enough, Remy nodded.  "Den what’s all dis about proposing?"  She knew she was missing something, and glared at Justice.

      "Hayley only thought he was proposing," Justice walked a little slowly, "She looked like snake had bit herwhen he said it actually."  He frowned on his sister's actions, "Wasn't exactly a nice thing to do."  He caught Rayne's upset eye apologetically.

      "What's da matter wit' her!"  Rayne tossed her hands into the air.  "Why she treat Remy dat way, hanh?"  Her eyes glowed showing how upset she was at how Hayley had treated Remy.  She began to move faster towards the infirmary.

      Remy and Justice headed her off, "She just had surgery, chere."  Remy steadied her by the shoulders.  "Don't go wakin’ her wit' yo'r yellin’."

      Justice lowered his head a bit and cleared his throat, "Actually, she's not asleep," he sighed inwardly as both Cajuns looked him.  'Me and my big mouth.'

      "How d’you know?"  Remy asked rubbing his jaw.

       "She called me with her telepathy when she woke a while ago," Justice watched Remy looked rejected again and Rayne's disapproving look.  "Rayne, we were born telepaths," he cocked his head, "We are in each other's heads like it or not, but don't worry," He wrapped an arm around her shoulders with a wink, "we aren't going where we aren’t invited, ok?"  He kissed her head lightly.

       Remy was reeling, what was happening?  Hayley didn't call him when she woke?  Furthermore, he couldn’t believe how his sister was letting Justice hold her.  And he kissed her head and she didn’t even wince! He could have fallen over when Justice walked off his arm around Rayne and she actually put her head on his chest.  "Why didn't Hayley call me?"  Remy finally asked watching his sister walk off with her newfound friend.  He suddenly felt alone.  He swallowed hard thinking of how Rayne must have felt that way for many years seeing him saunter off with Belle and Emil.

     They both turned around, and when Rayne saw his forlorn look, she rushed into Remy's arms and he folded her into them gratefully.

     "She probably just wanted to see you alone," Justice winked but personally, he was worried over this relationship already.

       Remy stood straighter then, wrapping an arm around Rayne's shoulder, "Prob’ly."  He beamed and he hoped they all believed it because he didn't.

       "Rem," Rayne forced him to look at her, "She’s just embarrassed at what she did."

        He raised his eyes at her then chuckled.  "We’ll soon find out."

       Justice shrugged his shoulders, "fine, disprove my theories and steal my woman.”  He waggled a finger at Gambit.  “I am wise to you wiley Cajuns now."  Justice joked as he waited for them to join him.

      Rayne chuckled lightly at him as she looked into the eyes that were almost identical to Hayley's, "S’odd dat you an' Hayley got de same eyes."

     Justice laughed, "We all do.  It’s a family trait."

     "Oui, but you an' de others are so nice, and she’s so…"

     "Dat’s enough, girl!"  Remy interrupted, not wanting the conversation to go down that trail.

       Rayne rolled her eyes, "Ah only mean it's hard to look at someone, even a friend, if dat friend has de same eyes as someone you don’t get along with."  She watched Justice turn up the corners of his mouth.

      He ruffled her hair lightly, "I love you too."  He winked at Remy who was looking at him with a protective stare; "you've got to share her now, you know.  We’ve got to have some quality time together now that we are friends."

      Remy chuckled thinking Justice was crazy.

      They pushed the doors to the infirmary open and noticed Alex's empty bed first and then looked to Hayley's bed.  They could see the two sister’s sharing the same bed. 

       Remy and Rayne traded a sweet look as Alex looked up from the bed, but Justice almost seemed to expect it as he crossed his arms.

      Justice cleared his throat, "Dear Playboy magazine, I thought it to be an uneventful day, until I found two women alone together in a bed." He remembered finding them all in the same bed when they were younger.

      Rayne raised her eyebrows as Justice kept moving to Alex.

      "Shouldn't you be in your own bed," Justice scolded lightly.

      "She seemed lonely," Alex bit her lip lightly.

       Remy looked at her, "Why didn't she call me?"

       Alex sighed and began to answer him but an electric charge went through her from Hayley and they both began to scream.

        Justice started for her but Rayne kept her hold blocking his grasp, "Yo' gon' get shocked too."
        Justice and Remy felt helpless waiting for it to end but soon enough it did and Alex began to fall from the bed and Justice pulled her to him.  " Are you all right?"  Justice touched Alex's hair lightly as Remy approached Hayley who had her eyes opened.

        Hayley hugged Remy glad to see him and exhaled deeply as he pulled her tightly.  She looked up to him with big eyes, "I missed you."

        Remy kissed her head, "den why didn't you call me?"

        Hayley broke the eye contact, "I felt bad about what we talked about earlier."  She watched his eyes, as he understood.  She felt his gentle hands in her hair brushing it softly, right then it was the best feeling in the world.

        Remy sighed feeling her relax then he spied the bracelet and it was off her arm.  "Dis supposed to be on yo'r arm."  He gave her a scolding look as he picked it up slowly.

       "I wanted telepathy again," Hayley shrugged.

       Justice carried Alex back to her bed and Rayne followed him slowly watching Jean move to Alex's bed.

        Remy smiled at his sister's kindness, "yo' should have called me."  He knew what it felt like to be alone.

       "I would have but I felt like I didn't deserve you," She bit her lip because right then she still didn't.  "I didn't mean to be so rash but it frightened me."  She met his eyes.  "I won't let that happen again, I promise."

        Remy swallowed hard, was she asking him this time?  Now he felt the hardness in his throat and the panic Hayley had felt.  'Were they that much alike?'  Maybe marriage wasn't for them.  "T'ings gone be different away from here."  He smiled but didn’t meet her eyes.

       Hayley's eyes clouded, "Did I hurt you so much?"

       "Don’ worry about it," He pulled her to him and stroked her hair.

          Hayley pulled back, "You're angry, aren't you?"  She watched his eyes tell her the truth and she began to feel the same anger and hurt.  "but you are right." She set her jaw as stubbornly as he had, it might be a long time before these two were wed.

         "For the love of Pete!"  Justice almost screamed.  "Just elope and get it over with."  Dual sounds of Alex and Rayne smacking Justice gave the couple pause in their conversation.  Justice watched the stubborn attitude of the couple as he sat back in a chair propping his feet up with a shake of his head.  He turned his look to Alex, "So, when are you and Hank getting married?"

         Alex blushed, "after the babies are born."

          Rayne smiled at Alex, happy to see her so happy, but she also glanced over at Hayley and Remy.  She was both glad that the two were having trouble in their relationship and sad that her brother was hurting inside.  Not for the last time, she wondered if it was such a good idea for the three of them to live under the same roof.