Traitors (1992)


Directed by Wilbur Scott
Produced by Tim Arthur and Wilbur Scott
Screenplay by Wilbur Scott and Tim Arthur

Seven mobsters are rounded up by their "Godfather" Pappy, who informs them that he has discovered that one or more of them are "Traitors" who have betrayed the family, and that they have 24 hours to find out which one of them IS the traitor, or he will kill them all. Soon, mistrust and evil creep in as they start picking off eachother one by one. But, WHO is the traitor? And what will become of the final ones left?

Behind The Scenes:
Scott fondly remembers this film, despite the weak plot and all, as a step up in his career from such earlier films as "Ninja Master" and "The Bob Vila Show".
"Traitors is probably among my ten favorite films of the ones I've made," says Scott. "Both Tim and I had a lot of fun shooting it, and incorporating the music throughout to add a little punch to the confrontation scenes, including the bloody shootouts and chase sequences."
Scott also liked the fact that each of the mobsters were quite quirky: Rupert, the crazed killer who claims that he can take "one of any bullet"; Wellington, the enormous-bellied killer of the group who strangles or poisons his victims; and Anton, the military man of the group who hides a gun inside of a dust broom. A quirky bunch, indeed.