Tom's Two-Minute Time Machine (2010)

Scott's first film of 2010 tells the story of Dr. Tom
Griswold, who has spent the last few years working on his
pride and joy, a TIME MACHINE , which due to limitations
on budget (as well as not wanting to change the past)
will only take the user back in time for 2 minutes.
When Tom is turned down for a grant by scientist Dr. Kent Berbingham,
he leaves his job one night, and is verbally berated by co-worker Wilson.
Shortly after, Wilson is murdered. As he is questioned by his
friend, undercover cop Luther, Tom recounts his story and
soon comes to believe that he may use the time machine
in the future for his revenge.

Behind The Scenes

"I decided to do something markedly different from what I usually do." Says Scott.
"And it worked out pretty well. This film got some pretty good reviews, some of the best in my career, especially for the writing and performances.
The cast all did a great job, including Tim Sabin as the reluctantly-believing cop,
Scott Zimmerman as the sarcastic Berbingham, Melissa Green as Tom's neglected wife,
and Leonard Miller as Tom's rude co-worker Wilson. We shot the film in around 2 weeks,
and I was pretty satisfied with the results."


Dr. Tom Griswold: Wilbur Scott
Joanie Griswold: Melissa H. Green
Wayne Burvee: Wilbur Scott
Luther McArthur: Tim Sabin
Dr. Kent Berbingham: Scott Zimmerman
Wilson Kennedy: Leonard Miller


Directed by Wilbur Scott
Produced by Melissa H. Green
Screenplay by Sara Haberer and Wilbur Scott
Music by Kevin McLeod