Bad Trip (1994)


Scott's return to short films after almost 3 years is a crazy and frantic horror piece: Friends Aaron
and Griffin go to visit friend Dr. Sarbak, who is a evil scientist. He places his latest creation,
a super strain of LSD, into Aaron and Griffin's drinks. TIMOTHY LEARY, EAT YOUR HEART OUT!
You've never tripped like this, you son of a bitch! Aaron goes bonkers and after
having hallucinations, blows Sarbak's head off. He then developes super speed, while Griffin
becomes a blood-drooling unkillable man. Their battle to the death culminates.
Quite entertaining.

SCOTT's OPINION of "Bad Trip" is pretty positive. "It's violent, gory, short, sweet, and to the point." he says with a smile.
Produced and Directed by Wilbur Scott.
Screenplay by Tim Arthur and Wilbur Scott.