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What the heck are you doing here? I thought it was just me alone here...WAIT...WAIT...WAIT...Where are you going? Stay here PLEASE!!

Welcome to the page for the truly mentally unstable. I'll be your tour guide for today, feel free to remove any shred of your dignity.

Prepare yourself...kindly check your ego at the door, along with any other body part you might want to keep. Strap on your sanity and bolt down your codpiece.

This is me, Del. A.K.A the Watermage (in full costume)

Sexy, huh ladies?

Our first stop on this testicle twisting journey is on my place of residence, my habitat, my sanctum sanctorum, my...ok, ok I'm gonna stop now. The beautiful isle of St. Kitts in the Caribbean. For those of you scratching your craniums, wondering, "Where the hell is that?" It's here.

As you can see, it physically resembles an Alabama lie detector...a baseball bat. Check out a pic from the island. That concludes our geography lesson for today, "Places I ain't NEVER heard of." Your homework, boys and girls,"My Other Ride Is Yo Bitch." Discuss.

"The norm is no longer the norm...And that's the norm." - Andrew
Asylum Knight's Motto

More Cholesterol Building Stops

My Girl
Garths Gallery
Elfwood Fantasy Art

Email: watermage