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Tommy's Movie's Galore:Support GBIII! @


You obviously want to know about the petition, huh? Well, here it goes. Many of you have heard of the Ghostbusters movies. Starting about 4 or 5 years ago, Dan Akroyd started the script for Ghostbusters III. He did two drafts and was even starting to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. However, Sony/Columbia Pictures told him they wouldn't do a 3rd movie because it might not be able to contend with the current movie market. Dan Akroyd was fed up, vacating his office and leaving the lot of Sony/Columbia Pictures Studios. Now, since they don't think GBIII will be able to contend with the movies on the market today, I have made a petition. If we get enough signatures, maybe, JUST MAYBE, we could help in making Ghostbusters III a reality. Sign the petition by clicking here. Also, if anyone knows how where I can find Dan Akroyd's email address, tell me. He might want to know what's going on...

Welcome to Tommy's Movies Galore! Here, we will be highlighting, previewing, and reviewing all sorts of movies! I will have all the different sections up later, but for now, I've got news for all you Friday the 13th fans:It's official! This August, Jason X (Friday the 13th Part 10) will hit the theaters. It takes place in the future on a space ship. It looks to be awesome! I will have spoilers posted later when I have a site for it. Until then, sign the guestbook, send me some Feedback, add some of your favorite quotes from movies, add some links to your sites, pass the site on to some friends, and vote on the poll! Also, join us in our chatroom tonight at 8:00 P.M. by clicking the link to the "Friday The 13th" chatroom if you have AOL. Guess what tonights topic is? :-) Thanks and enjoy!

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Photos are from Camp Blood and Friday the 13th The Website. Both are listed in the LinkTracker (as I like to call it).
