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Dirty Dancing Fan Club

Hello to our newest member Allie Chase! Allie is very enthuisastic about joining the club and will be writing the next Dirty Dancing newsletter. Welcome Allie have fun! :)

Hi and welcome to the Dirty Dancing Official Fan Club, The only Fan Club for true Fans of the #1 movie ever! If you aren't already a member and you would like to be, please send an e-mail to the address at the bottom of this page. The President or one of the "Members of Office" will send you back a test you will need to complete to join the club.

Members of Office:

President/Founder: Jessie (baby) Ketcha (e-mail at bottom)

Vice-President: Kathryn Ward

Special Members:

Susan Lenza

Alan Ketcha

Allie Chase-Connecticut


    Jan Dewitt-PA

    Sarah Gwizdaloski-Connecticut

    John Pedro-NY

    Crystal Berger-NYC

    Chelsea Govozey

Here is some extra information on what stuff goes on in the club:

..the official club requires you to take a test first before you join. you must answer all questions right on the test to be in the club. if you e-mail me requesting to be in the club i will send you a form and the test. fill it out and send it back to me. if you make it i will send you the letter of acceptance. please visit the site then e-mail me if you are interested. there is also a special offer: for those who know much more then the average fan knows. there are office positions still left for those who know much more then the average fan knows and wants to be one of the group leaders( such as secratary). the test for these positions is much harded.these are VERY HARD questions that require you to know things that even the actors themselves probally don't really notice. Members of Office have special duties and help the president organize things, write newsleters and articles, etc. For more info please e-mail me. A newsletter is sent out every week to all fan club members and members of office recieve special letters as well. there are many activitys that are joined with other groups (such as natilie gay's role playing game) and all members names will be posted on the official website(if they wish). the website is not fully finished and the fan club page has yet to be put up, but it is a work in progress so please be patient. e-mail me with any questions. there will be alot of info on the characters, especially PATRICK SWAYZE and JENNIFER GREY, plus another special offer is individual requests: this means that if a member requests info on a certain actor/actress related to the movie they will recieve it.Participation is required. Members should respond to newsletters that require responses. Members can recieve "DD Points" for every time they participate, write articles to be put on the site, contribute news or info, etc. once they reach a certain number of points, if they aren't already a member of office, they will be abducted into the members of office if they wish too. Members of office get special privaliges and advantages. There is also a "Fan of the Month" award, whose name will be posted along with a picture and a paragraph about that person. it will be on the website for all fans to see and admire. for more info e-mail me. please join this club, its guarenteed to be "the time of yourlife"

