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My uncle is on the Cape Coral city council. His name is Alan Boyd and he is the youngest person to ever be on the city council in Cape Coral. Alan is very well-known and well-liked. All of the police officers in Cape Coral like him because of his views of the current mayor of Cape Coral. Alan has three reasons for being a good politician: he's well-liked and fair, authority figures respect him, and he is a good speaker. Uncle Alan is what we call him. He's tall with brown hair and brown eyes and he is thirty eight years old. He has been on the council for about three years now. He seems to really enjoy working for the city. He spent his first term in office being the quiet one, but after he was re-elected he started speaking out against the mayor because the mayor was spending budget moneyon items that the money was not supposed to be used for. The police were on my uncle's side becuase the mayor had cut their budget. Almost everyone in the Cape Coral police department likes Alan. The officers respect him for standing up against the mayor.The city of Cape Coral was supposed to have a skate park constructed but the mayor didn't think that Cape Coral needed a skate park. Everyone that has ever lived in Cape Coral knows that there is never anything exciting going on there, except maybe Mike Greenwell's miniature golf course. The officers think that if a skate park was built it would keep youngsters from getting into trouble and and children won't be skating wherever they feel like becuase they will have an organized place to go and skate. My Uncle Alan is a good speaker.He doesn't studder when he speaks, he knows what to say before he says it, amd he can speak for long periods of time. When my Uncle was in high school, he gave speeches at all of the assembly's and also for his graduation. He also took courses in college for speech. I really admire him for his smooth talking. My uncle ran for mayor before and he lost, but that was before the people knew who he was. I think that if he ran for mayor for the next election, he would win because now people know who he is and that he stands up for what is right. I believe that he will make it in life with a nice occupation as a politician as long as he remains a man for people of all ages.